
リビジョン 3, 5.7 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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4From a set of regions and two sets of intervals inside those regions
5compute (for each region seperately) the overlap between the two sets
6of intervals and the overlap in `nsamples` random coverings of the
7regions with intervals having the same lengths. Prints the z-score relative
8to the mean and sample stdev of the random coverings.
10Currently intervals must be in bed 3+ format.
12TODO: There are a few versions of this floating around, including a
13      better/faster one using gap lists instead of bitsets. Need to track
14      that down and merge as neccesary.
16usage: %prog bounding_region_file intervals1 intervals2 nsamples
19from __future__ import division
21import sys, random
22import bisect
23from bx_extras import stats
24from Numeric import *
25from bx.bitset import *
26from bx.intervals.random import *
28maxtries = 10
30class MaxtriesException( Exception ):
31    pass
33def bit_clone( bits ):
34    """
35    Clone a bitset
36    """
37    new = BitSet( bits.size )
38    new.ior( bits )
39    return new
41def throw_random( lengths, mask ):
42    """
43    Try multiple times to run 'throw_random'
44    """
45    saved = None
46    for i in range( maxtries ):
47        try:
48            return throw_random_bits( lengths, mask )
49        except MaxtriesException, e:
50            saved = e
51            continue
52    raise e
54def as_bits( region_start, region_length, intervals ):
55    """
56    Convert a set of intervals overlapping a region of a chromosome into
57    a bitset for just that region with the bits covered by the intervals
58    set.
59    """
60    bits = BitSet( region_length )
61    for chr, start, stop in intervals:
62        bits.set_range( start - region_start, stop - start )
63    return bits
65def interval_lengths( bits ):
66    """
67    Get the length distribution of all contiguous runs of set bits from
68    """
69    end = 0
70    while 1:
71        start = bits.next_set( end )
72        if start == bits.size: break
73        end = bits.next_clear( start )
74        yield end - start
76def count_overlap( bits1, bits2 ):
77    """
78    Count the number of bits that overlap between two sets
79    """
80    b = BitSet( bits1.size )
81    b |= bits1
82    b &= bits2
83    return b.count_range( 0, b.size )
85def overlapping_in_bed( fname, r_chr, r_start, r_stop ):
86    """
87    Get from a bed all intervals that overlap the region defined by
88    r_chr, r_start, r_stop.
89    """
90    rval = []
91    for line in open( fname ):
92        if line.startswith( "#" ) or line.startswith( "track" ):
93            continue
94        fields = line.split()
95        chr, start, stop = fields[0], int( fields[1] ), int( fields[2] )
96        if chr == r_chr and start < r_stop and stop >= r_start:
97            rval.append( ( chr, max( start, r_start ), min( stop, r_stop ) ) )
98    return rval       
100def main():
101    region_fname = sys.argv[1]
102    mask_fname = sys.argv[2]       
103    nsamples = int( sys.argv[3] )
104    intervals1_fname = sys.argv[4]       
105    intervals2_fnames = sys.argv[5:]       
106    nfeatures = len( intervals2_fnames )
107    total_actual = zeros( nfeatures )
108    # total_lengths1 = 0
109    total_lengths2 = zeros( nfeatures )
110    total_samples = zeros( ( nsamples, nfeatures ) )
111    for line in open( region_fname ):
112        # Load lengths for all intervals overlapping region
113        fields = line.split()
114        print >>sys.stderr, "Processing region:", fields[3]
115        r_chr, r_start, r_stop = fields[0], int( fields[1] ), int( fields[2] )
116        r_length = r_stop - r_start
117        # Load the mask
118        mask = overlapping_in_bed( mask_fname, r_chr, r_start, r_stop )
119        bits_mask = as_bits( r_start, r_length, mask )
120        bits_not_masked = bit_clone( bits_mask ); bits_not_masked.invert()
121        # Load the first set
122        intervals1 = overlapping_in_bed( intervals1_fname, r_chr, r_start, r_stop )
123        bits1 = as_bits( r_start, r_length, intervals1 )
124        # Intersect it with the mask
125        bits1.iand( bits_not_masked )
126        # Sanity checks
127        assert count_overlap( bits1, bits_mask ) == 0
128        # For each data set
129        for featnum, intervals2_fname in enumerate( intervals2_fnames ):
130            print >>sys.stderr, intervals2_fname
131            intervals2 = overlapping_in_bed( intervals2_fname, r_chr, r_start, r_stop )
132            bits2 = as_bits( r_start, r_length, intervals2 )
133            bits2.iand( bits_not_masked )
134            assert count_overlap( bits2, bits_mask ) == 0
135            # Observed values
136            actual_overlap = count_overlap( bits1, bits2 )
137            total_actual[featnum] += actual_overlap
138            # Sample
139            lengths2 = list( interval_lengths( bits2 ) )
140            total_lengths2[ featnum ] += sum( lengths2 )
141            for i in range( nsamples ):
142                # Build randomly covered bitmask for second set
143                random2 = throw_random( lengths2, bits_mask )
144                # Find intersection
145                random2 &= bits1
146                # Print amount intersecting
147                total_samples[ i, featnum ] += random2.count_range( 0, random2.size )
148                print >>sys.stderr, total_samples[ i, featnum ]
149    fraction_overlap = total_samples / total_lengths2
150    print "\t".join( intervals2_fnames )
151    print "\t".join( map( str, total_actual/total_lengths2 ) )
152    for row in fraction_overlap:
153        print "\t".join( map( str, row ) )
154    #print "total covered by first: %d, second: %d, overlap: %d" % ( total_lengths1, total_lengths2, total_actual )
155    print "observed overlap: %d, sample mean: %d, sample stdev: %d" % ( total_actual, stats.amean( total_samples ), stats.asamplestdev( total_samples ) )
156    print "z-score:", ( total_actual - stats.amean( total_samples ) ) / stats.asamplestdev( total_samples )
157    print "percentile:", sum( total_actual > total_samples ) / nsamples
159if __name__ == "__main__":
160    main()
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。