
リビジョン 3, 11.5 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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4'Tile' the blocks of a maf file over each of a set of intervals. The
5highest scoring block that covers any part of a region will be used, and
6pieces not covered by any block filled with "-" or optionally "*".
8This version uses synteny annotation if found on the alignment blocks, and
9will attempt to fill gaps with special characters depending on the type of
10gap, similar to the projected alignment display of the UCSC genome browser:
11'*' for new, '=' for inverse/inset, '#' for contig, 'X' for missing.
13- The list of species to tile is specified by the first argument (either a
14  newick tree or just a comma separated list).
16- The `seq_db` is a lookup table mapping species and chromosome names
17  to nib file for filling in the reference species sequence. In this file
18  column 1 contains the species, column 2 the chromomsome or contig, and
19  column 4 the directory containing the sequences in nib format.
21- The remaining arguments are a list of maf files which must have
22  corresponding ".index" files.
24TODO: The seq_db format is specific to something old and obsure at PSU,
25      need to standardize.
27usage: %prog list,of,species,to,keep seq_db_file indexed_maf_files ...
28    -m, --missingData: Inserts wildcards for missing block rows instead of '-'
29    -s, --strand:      Use strand information for intervals, reveres complement if '-'
32import psyco_full
34from cookbook import doc_optparse
36import operator
38import bx.align.maf as maf
39import bx.align as align
40from bx import misc
41import bx.seq.nib
42import os
43import string
44import sys
46tree_tx = string.maketrans( "(),", "   " )
48def main():
50    options, args = doc_optparse.parse( __doc__ )
51    try:
52        sources = args[0].translate( tree_tx ).split()
53        seq_db = load_seq_db( args[1] )
54        index = maf.MultiIndexed( args[2:] )
56        out = maf.Writer( sys.stdout )
57        missing_data = bool(options.missingData)
58        use_strand = bool(options.strand)
59    except:
60        doc_optparse.exception()
62    for line in sys.stdin:
63        fields = line.split()
64        ref_src, start, end = fields[0:3]
65        if use_strand and len( fields ) > 5:
66            strand = fields[5]
67        else:
68            strand = '+'
69        do_interval( sources, index, out, ref_src, int( start ), int( end ), seq_db, missing_data, strand )
71    out.close()
73def load_seq_db( fname ):
74    db = {}
75    for line in open( fname ):
76        fields = line.split(',')
77        src = fields[1] + "." + fields[2]
78        seq = fields[4]
79        db[src]=seq.strip()
80    return db
82def get_fill_char( maf_status ):
83    """
84    Return the character that should be used to fill between blocks
85    having a given status
86    """
87    ## assert maf_status not in ( maf.MAF_CONTIG_NESTED_STATUS, maf.MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS,
88    ##                            maf.MAF_MAYBE_NEW_NESTED_STATUS ), \
89    ##     "Nested rows do not make sense in a single coverage MAF (or do they?)"
90    if maf_status in ( maf.MAF_NEW_STATUS, maf.MAF_MAYBE_NEW_STATUS,
91                       maf.MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS, maf.MAF_MAYBE_NEW_NESTED_STATUS ):
92        return "*"
93    elif maf_status in ( maf.MAF_INVERSE_STATUS, maf.MAF_INSERT_STATUS ):
94        return "="
95    elif maf_status in ( maf.MAF_CONTIG_STATUS, maf.MAF_CONTIG_NESTED_STATUS ):
96        return "#"
97    elif maf_status == maf.MAF_MISSING_STATUS:
98        return "X"
99    else:
100        raise "Unknwon maf status"
102def guess_fill_char( left_comp, right_comp ):
103    """
104    For the case where there is no annotated synteny we will try to guess it
105    """
106    # No left component, obiously new
107    return "*"
108    # First check that the blocks have the same src (not just species) and
109    # orientation
110    if ( left_comp.src == right_comp.src and left_comp.strand != right_comp.strand ):
111        # Are they completely contiguous? Easy to call that a gap
112        if left_comp.end == right_comp.start:
113            return "-"
114        # TODO: should be able to make some guesses about short insertions
115        # here
116    # All other cases we have no clue about
117    return "*"
119def remove_all_gap_columns( texts ):
120    """
121    Remove any columns containing only gaps from alignment texts
122    """
123    seqs = [ list( t ) for t in texts ]
124    i = 0
125    text_size = len( texts[0] )
126    while i < text_size:
127        all_gap = True
128        for seq in seqs:
129            if seq[i] not in ( '-', '#', '*', '=', 'X', '@' ):
130                all_gap = False
131        if all_gap:
132            for seq in seqs:
133                del seq[i]
134            text_size -= 1
135        else:
136            i += 1
137    return [ ''.join( s ) for s in seqs ]
139def do_interval( sources, index, out, ref_src, start, end, seq_db, missing_data, strand ):
140    """
141    Join together alignment blocks to create a semi human projected local
142    alignment (small reference sequence deletions are kept as supported by
143    the local alignment).
144    """
145    ref_src_size = None
146    # Make sure the reference component is also the first in the source list
147    assert sources[0].split('.')[0] == ref_src.split('.')[0], "%s != %s" \
148        % ( sources[0].split('.')[0], ref_src.split('.')[0] )
149    # Determine the overall length of the interval
150    base_len = end - start
151    # Counter for the last reference species base we have processed
152    last_stop = start
153    # Rows in maf blocks come in in arbitrary order, we'll convert things
154    # to the destred order of the tiled block
155    source_to_index = dict( ( name, i ) for ( i, name ) in enumerate( sources ) )
156    # This gets all the maf blocks overlapping our interval of interest
157    # NOTE: Unlike maf_tile we're expecting
158    # things to be single coverage in the reference species, so we won't
159    # sort by score and lay down.
160    blocks = index.get( ref_src, start, end )
161    # The last component seen for each species onto which we are tiling
162    last_components = [ None ] * len( sources )
163    last_status = [ None ] * len( sources )
164    cols_needing_fill = [ 0 ] * len( sources )
165    # The list of strings in which we build up the tiled alignment
166    tiled_rows = [ "" for i in range( len( sources ) ) ]
167    # Enumerate the (ordered) list of blocks
168    for i, block in enumerate( blocks ):
169        # Check for overlap in reference species
170        ref = block.get_component_by_src_start( ref_src )
171        if ref.start < last_stop:
172            if ref.end < last_stop:
173                continue
174            block = block.slice_by_component( ref, last_stop, min( end, ref.end ) )
175            ref = block.get_component_by_src_start( ref_src )
176        block = block.slice_by_component( ref, max( start, ref.start ), min( end, ref.end ) )
177        ref = block.get_component_by_src_start( ref_src )
178        # print block
179        assert last_components[0] is None or ref.start >= last_components[0].end, \
180            "MAF must be sorted and single coverage in reference species!"
181        assert ref.strand == "+", \
182            "MAF must have all reference species blocks on the plus strand"
183        # Store the size of the reference sequence for building fake block   
184        if ref_src_size is None:
185            ref_src_size = ref.src_size
186        # Handle the reference component seperately, it has no synteny status
187        # but we will try to fill in missing sequence
188        if ref.start > last_stop:
189            # Need to fill in some reference sequence
190            chunk_len = ref.start - last_stop
191            text = bx.seq.nib.NibFile( open( seq_db[ ref_src ] ) ).get( last_stop, chunk_len )
192            tiled_rows[0] += text
193            for source in sources[1:]:
194                cols_needing_fill[ source_to_index[ source ] ] += chunk_len
195        # Do reference component
196        chunk_len = len( ref.text )
197        tiled_rows[0] += ref.text
198        # Do each other component
199        for source in sources[1:]:
200            source_index = source_to_index[ source ]
201            comp = block.get_component_by_src_start( source )
202            if comp:
203                if comp.synteny_left is None:
204                    left_status, left_length = None, -1
205                else:
206                    left_status, left_length = comp.synteny_left
207                if comp.synteny_right is None:
208                    right_status, right_length = None, -1
209                else:
210                    right_status, right_length = comp.synteny_right
211                # We have a component, do we need to do some filling?
212                cols_to_fill = cols_needing_fill[ source_index ]
213                if cols_to_fill > 0:
214                    # Adjacent components should have matching status
215                    ## assert last_status[ source_index ] is None or last_status[ source_index ] == left_status, \
216                    ##     "left status (%s) does not match right status (%s) of last component for %s" \
217                    ##         % ( left_status, last_status[ source_index ], source )
218                    if left_status is None:
219                        fill_char = guess_fill_char( last_components[source_index], comp )
220                    else:
221                        fill_char = get_fill_char( left_status )
222                    tiled_rows[ source_index ] += ( fill_char * cols_to_fill )
223                    cols_needing_fill[ source_index ] = 0
224                # Okay, filled up to current position, now append the text
225                tiled_rows[ source_index ] += comp.text
226                assert len( tiled_rows[ source_index ] ) == len( tiled_rows[ 0 ] ), \
227                    "length of tiled row should match reference row"
228                last_components[ source_index ] = comp
229                last_status[ source_index ] = right_status
230            else:
231                # No component, we'll have to fill this region when we know
232                # the status
233                cols_needing_fill[ source_index ] += chunk_len
234        last_stop = ref.end
235    # No more components, clean up the ends
236    if last_stop < end:
237        # Need to fill in some reference sequence
238        chunk_len = end - last_stop
239        tiled_rows[0] += bx.seq.nib.NibFile( open( seq_db[ ref_src ] ) ).get( last_stop, chunk_len )
240        for source in sources[1:]:
241            cols_needing_fill[ source_to_index[ source ] ] += chunk_len
242    # Any final filling that needs to be done?
243    for source in sources[1:]:
244        source_index = source_to_index[ source ]
245        fill_needed = cols_needing_fill[ source_index ]
246        if fill_needed > 0:
247            if last_components[ source_index ] is None:
248                # print >>sys.stderr, "Never saw any components for %s, filling with @" % source
249                fill_char = '@'
250            else:
251                if last_status[ source_index ] is None:
252                    fill_char = '*'
253                else:
254                    fill_char = get_fill_char( last_status[ source_index ] )
255            tiled_rows[ source_index ] += fill_char * fill_needed
256        assert len( tiled_rows[ source_index ] ) == len( tiled_rows[ 0 ] ), \
257            "length of tiled row should match reference row"
258    # Okay, now make up the fake alignment from the tiled rows.
259    tiled_rows = remove_all_gap_columns( tiled_rows )
260    a = align.Alignment()
261    for i, name in enumerate( sources ):
262        text = "".join( tiled_rows[i] )
263        size = len( text ) - text.count( "-" )
264        if i == 0:
265            if ref_src_size is None: ref_src_size = bx.seq.nib.NibFile( open( seq_db[ ref_src ] ) ).length
266            c = align.Component( ref_src, start, end-start, "+", ref_src_size, text )
267        else:
268            c = align.Component( name + ".fake", 0, size, "?", size, text )
269        a.add_component( c )
270    if strand == '-':
271        a = a.reverse_complement()
272    out.write( a )
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。