1 | """
2 | Provides functions for creating simple properties.
3 |
4 | If, inside a class definition, you write:
5 |
6 | attribute(foo=1, bar=2)
7 |
8 | simple properties named 'foo' and 'bar' are created for this class.
9 | Also, private instance variables '__foo' and '__bar' will be added
10 | to instances of this class.
11 |
12 | USEAGE:
13 |
14 | # assumes attribute.py is on path
15 | from attribute import *
16 |
17 | class MyClass(object):
18 | readable(foo=1, bar=2) # or, attribute('r', foo=1, bar=2)
19 | writable(fro=3, boz=4) # or, attribute('w', fro=3, boz=4)
20 | attribute(baz=5)
21 |
22 | This is equivalent to the following:
23 |
24 | class MyClass(object):
25 | def __init__(self):
26 | self.__foo = 1
27 | self.__bar = 2
28 | self.__fro = 3
29 | self.__boz = 4
30 | self.__baz = 5
31 |
32 | def get_foo(self):
33 | return self.__foo
34 | def get_bar(self):
35 | return self.__bar
36 | def set_fro(self, value):
37 | self.__fro = value
38 | def set_boz(self, value):
39 | self.__boz = value
40 | def get_baz(self):
41 | return self.__baz
42 | def set_baz(self, value):
43 | self.__baz = value
44 | def del_baz(self):
45 | del self.__baz
46 |
47 | foo = property(fget=get_foo, doc="foo")
48 | bar = property(fget=get_bar, doc="bar")
49 | fro = property(fset=set_fro, doc="fro")
50 | boz = property(fset=set_boz, doc="boz")
51 | baz = property(fget=get_baz, fset=set_baz, fdel=del_baz, doc="baz")
52 | """
53 |
54 | __all__ = ['attribute', 'readable', 'writable']
55 | __version__ = '3.0'
56 | __author__ = 'Sean Ross'
57 | __credits__ = ['Guido van Rossum', 'Garth Kidd']
58 | __created__ = '10/21/02'
59 |
60 | import sys
61 |
62 | def mangle(classname, attrname):
63 | """mangles name according to python name-mangling
64 | conventions for private variables"""
65 | return "_%s__%s" % (classname, attrname)
66 |
67 | def class_space(classlevel=3):
68 | "returns the calling class' name and dictionary"
69 | frame = sys._getframe(classlevel)
70 | classname = frame.f_code.co_name
71 | classdict = frame.f_locals
72 | return classname, classdict
73 |
74 | # convenience function
75 | def readable(**kwds):
76 | "returns one read-only property for each (key,value) pair in kwds"
77 | return _attribute(permission='r', **kwds)
78 |
79 | # convenience function
80 | def writable(**kwds):
81 | "returns one write-only property for each (key,value) pair in kwds"
82 | return _attribute(permission='w', **kwds)
83 |
84 | # needed because of the way class_space is resolved in _attribute
85 | def attribute(permission='rwd', **kwds):
86 | """returns one property for each (key,value) pair in kwds;
87 | each property provides the specified level of access(permission):
88 | 'r': readable, 'w':writable, 'd':deletable
89 | """
90 | return _attribute(permission, **kwds)
91 |
92 | # based on code by Guido van Rossum, comp.lang.python 2001-07-31
93 | def _attribute(permission='rwd', **kwds):
94 | """returns one property for each (key,value) pair in kwds;
95 | each property provides the specified level of access(permission):
96 | 'r': readable, 'w':writable, 'd':deletable
97 | """
98 | classname, classdict = class_space()
99 | def _property(attrname, default):
100 | propname, attrname = attrname, mangle(classname, attrname)
101 | fget, fset, fdel, doc = None, None, None, propname
102 | if 'r' in permission:
103 | def fget(self):
104 | value = default
105 | try: value = getattr(self, attrname)
106 | except AttributeError: setattr(self, attrname, default)
107 | return value
108 | if 'w' in permission:
109 | def fset(self, value):
110 | setattr(self, attrname, value)
111 | if 'd' in permission:
112 | def fdel(self):
113 | try: delattr(self, attrname)
114 | except AttributeError: pass
115 | # calling fget can restore this attribute, so remove property
116 | delattr(self.__class__, propname)
117 | return property(fget=fget, fset=fset, fdel=fdel, doc=doc)
118 |
119 | for attrname, default in kwds.items():
120 | classdict[attrname] = _property(attrname, default)
121 |