
リビジョン 3, 3.2 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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1#!/usr/bin/env python
3Subtract one set of genomic intervals from another (base-by-base or whole
4intervals). The returned GenomicIntervals will be in the order
5of the first set of intervals passed in, with the corresponding
9import traceback
10import fileinput
11from warnings import warn
13from import *
14from bx.intervals.operations import *
16def subtract(readers, mincols=1, upstream_pad=0, downstream_pad=0, pieces=True, lens={}, comments=True):
17    # The incoming lens dictionary is a dictionary of chromosome lengths which are used to initialize the bitsets.
18    # Read all but first into bitsets and union to one (if confused, read DeMorgan's...)
19    primary = readers[0]
20    union = readers[1:]
21    # Handle any ValueError, IndexError and OverflowError exceptions that may be thrown when
22    # the bitsets are being created by skipping the problem lines
23    union[0] = BitsetSafeReaderWrapper( union[0], lens=lens )
24    bitsets = union[0].binned_bitsets( upstream_pad=upstream_pad, downstream_pad=downstream_pad, lens=lens )
25    union = union[1:]
26    for andset in union:
27        bitset2 = andset.binned_bitsets(upstream_pad = upstream_pad, downstream_pad = downstream_pad, lens = lens)
28        for chrom in bitset2:
29            if chrom not in bitsets:
30                bitsets[chrom] = bitset2[chrom]
31            else:
32                bitsets[chrom].ior(bitset2[chrom])
34    # Read remaining intervals and subtract
35    for interval in primary:
36        if type( interval ) is Header:
37            yield interval
38        if type( interval ) is Comment and comments:
39            yield interval
40        elif type( interval ) == GenomicInterval:
41            chrom = interval.chrom
42            if chrom not in bitsets:
43                yield interval
44            else:
45                start = int(interval.start)
46                end = int(interval.end)
47                if start > end: warn( "Interval start after end!" )
48                out_intervals = []
49                # Find the intervals that meet the criteria (for the three sensible
50                # permutations of reverse and pieces)
51                try:
52                    if bitsets[ chrom ].count_range( start, end-start ) >= mincols:               
53                        if pieces:
54                            out_intervals = bits_clear_in_range( bitsets[chrom], start, end )
55                    else:
56                        out_intervals = [ ( start, end ) ]
57                    # Write the intervals
58                    for start, end in out_intervals:
59                        new_interval = interval.copy()
60                        new_interval.start = start
61                        new_interval.end = end
62                        yield new_interval
63                except IndexError, e:
64                    try:
65                        # This will work only if primary is a NiceReaderWrapper
66                        primary.skipped += 1
67                        # no reason to stuff an entire bad file into memmory
68                        if primary.skipped < 10:
69                            primary.skipped_lines.append( ( primary.linenum, primary.current_line, str( e ) ) )
70                    except:
71                        pass
72                    continue
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。