
リビジョン 3, 2.6 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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1import pkg_resources
2from StringIO import StringIO
3from string import Template
4from numpy import *
6PAD = 2
8# Colors from rgb.txt,
10    'A': "0.00 1.00 0.00", # green
11    'C': "0.00 0.00 1.00", # blue
12    'G': "1.00 0.65 0.00", # orange red
13    'T': "1.00 0.00 0.00"  # red
16# Template is adapted from Jim Kent's lib/dnaMotif.pss to support aritrary
17# alphabets.
20def freqs_to_heights( matrix ):
21    """
22    Calculate logo height using the method of:
24    Schneider TD, Stephens RM. "Sequence logos: a new way to display consensus
25    sequences." Nucleic Acids Res. 1990 Oct 25;18(20):6097-100.
26    """
27    # Columns are sequence positions, rows are symbol counts/frequencies
28    f = matrix.values.transpose()
29    n, m = f.shape
30    # Ensure normalized
31    f = f / sum( f, axis=0 )
32    # Shannon entropy (the where replaces 0 with 1 so that '0 log 0 == 0')
33    H = - sum( f * log2( where( f, f, 1 ) ), axis=0 )
34    # Height
35    return transpose( f * ( log2( n ) - H ) )
37def eps_logo( matrix, base_width, height, colors=DNA_DEFAULT_COLORS ):
38    """
39    Return an EPS document containing a sequence logo for matrix where each
40    bases is shown as a column of `base_width` points and the total logo
41    height is `height` points. If `colors` is provided it is a mapping from
42    characters to rgb color strings.
43    """
44    alphabet = matrix.sorted_alphabet
45    rval = StringIO()
46    # Read header ans substitute in width / height
47    header = Template( pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, "" ) )
48    rval.write( header.substitute( bounding_box_width = ceil( base_width * matrix.width ) + PAD,
49                                   bounding_box_height = ceil( height ) + PAD ) )
50    # Determine heights
51    heights = freqs_to_heights( matrix )
52    height_scale = height / log2( len( alphabet ) )
53    # Draw each "row" of the matrix
54    for i, row in enumerate( heights ):
55        x = ( i * base_width )
56        y = 0
57        for j, base_height in enumerate( row ):
58            char = alphabet[j]
59            page_height = height_scale * base_height
60            # print matrix.alphabet[j], base_height, height_scale, page_height
61            if page_height > 1:
62                # Draw letter
63                rval.write(  "%s setrgbcolor\n" % colors.get( char, '0 0 0' ) )
64                rval.write( "%3.2f " % x )
65                rval.write( "%3.2f " % y )
66                rval.write( "%3.2f " % ( x + base_width ) )
67                rval.write( "%3.2f " % ( y + page_height ) )
68                rval.write( "(%s) textInBox\n" % char )
69            y += page_height
70    rval.write( "showpage" )
71    return rval.getvalue()
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。