
リビジョン 3, 3.6 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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2Support for parsing phylogenetic tree's in newick format.
4TODO: Tree/Edge should be a generic data structure, not newick specific.
7from bx_extras.pyparsing import *
9__all__ = [ "Tree", "Edge", "NewickParser", "newick_parser" ]
11def indent( s ):
12    return "\n".join( "    " + line for line in s.split( "\n" ) )
14def print_( p, s ):
15    print p, type(s), s
16    return s
18class Tree( object ):
19    def __init__( self, label, edges=None ):
20        self.label = label
21        self.edges = edges
22    def pretty( self ):
23        if self.edges:
24            return "Tree( '%s',\n%s\n)" % ( self.label, indent( "\n".join( repr( edge ) for edge in self.edges ) ) )
25        else:
26            return "Tree( '%s' )" % self.label
27    def __cmp__( self, other ):
28        if isinstance( other, Tree ):
29            return cmp( self.__dict__, other.__dict__ )
30        else:
31            return 1
32    def __repr__( self ):
33        return "Tree( %s, %s )" % ( repr( self.label ), repr( self.edges ) )
35class Edge( object ):
36    def __init__( self, length, tip ):
37        self.length = length
38        self.tip = tip
39    def pretty( self ):
40        return "Edge( %s, \n%s\n)" % ( repr( self.length ), indent( repr( self.tip ) ) )
41    def __cmp__( self, other ):
42        if isinstance( other, Edge ):
43            return cmp( self.__dict__, other.__dict__ )
44        else:
45            return 1
46    def __repr__( self ):
47        return "Edge( %s, %s )" % ( repr( self.length ), repr( self.tip ) )
49def create_parser():
50    """
51    Create a 'pyparsing' parser for newick format trees roughly based on the
52    grammer here:
55    Problems:
56        - Is a single leaf a valid tree?
57        - Branch length on root? Doesn't make sense to me, and forces the root
58          to be an edge.
59    """
60    # Basic tokens
61    real = Combine( Word( "+-" + nums, nums ) +
62                    Optional( "." + Optional( Word( nums ) ) ) +
63                    Optional( CaselessLiteral( "E" ) + Word( "+-" + nums, nums ) ) )
64    lpar = Suppress( "(" )
65    rpar = Suppress( ")" )
66    colon = Suppress( ":" )
67    semi = Suppress( ";" )
68    quot = Suppress( "'" )
69    # Labels are either unquoted or single quoted, if unquoted underscores will be replaced with spaces
70    quoted_label = QuotedString( "'", None, "''" ).setParseAction( lambda s, l, t: t[0] )
71    simple_label = Word( alphas + nums + "_." ).setParseAction( lambda s, l, t: t[0].replace( "_", " " ) )
72    label = quoted_label | simple_label
73    # Branch length is a real number (note though that exponents are not in the spec!)
74    branch_length = real.setParseAction( lambda s, l, t: float( t[0] ) )
75    # Need to forward declare this due to circularity
76    node_list = Forward()
77    # A node might have an list of edges (for a subtree), a label, and/or a branch length
78    node = ( Optional( node_list, None ) + Optional( label, "" ) + Optional( colon + branch_length, None ) ) \
79        .setParseAction( lambda s, l, t: Edge( t[2], Tree( t[1] or None, t[0] ) ) )
80    node_list << ( lpar + delimitedList( node ) + rpar ) \
81        .setParseAction( lambda s, l, t: [ t.asList() ] )
82    # The root cannot have a branch length
83    tree = ( node_list + Optional( label, "" ) + semi )\
84        .setParseAction( lambda s, l, t: Tree( t[1] or None, t[0] ) )
85    # Return the outermost element
86    return tree
88class NewickParser( object ):
89    """
90    Class wrapping a parser for building Trees from newick format strings
91    """
92    def __init__( self ):
93        self.parser = create_parser()
94    def parse_string( self, s ):
95        return self.parser.parseString( s )[0]
97newick_parser = NewickParser()
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