
リビジョン 3, 6.6 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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1.. This data file has been placed in the public domain.
2.. Derived from the Unicode character mappings available from
3   <>.
4   Processed by, part of Docutils:
5   <>.
7.. |gnap|     unicode:: U+02A8A .. GREATER-THAN AND NOT APPROXIMATE
8.. |gnE|      unicode:: U+02269 .. GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO
9.. |gne|      unicode:: U+02A88 .. GREATER-THAN AND SINGLE-LINE NOT EQUAL TO
10.. |gnsim|    unicode:: U+022E7 .. GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO
11.. |gvnE|     unicode:: U+02269 U+0FE00 .. GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO - with vertical stroke
12.. |lnap|     unicode:: U+02A89 .. LESS-THAN AND NOT APPROXIMATE
13.. |lnE|      unicode:: U+02268 .. LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO
14.. |lne|      unicode:: U+02A87 .. LESS-THAN AND SINGLE-LINE NOT EQUAL TO
15.. |lnsim|    unicode:: U+022E6 .. LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO
16.. |lvnE|     unicode:: U+02268 U+0FE00 .. LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO - with vertical stroke
17.. |nap|      unicode:: U+02249 .. NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO
18.. |napE|     unicode:: U+02A70 U+00338 .. APPROXIMATELY EQUAL OR EQUAL TO with slash
19.. |napid|    unicode:: U+0224B U+00338 .. TRIPLE TILDE with slash
20.. |ncong|    unicode:: U+02247 .. NEITHER APPROXIMATELY NOR ACTUALLY EQUAL TO
21.. |ncongdot| unicode:: U+02A6D U+00338 .. CONGRUENT WITH DOT ABOVE with slash
22.. |nequiv|   unicode:: U+02262 .. NOT IDENTICAL TO
23.. |ngE|      unicode:: U+02267 U+00338 .. GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO with slash
24.. |nge|      unicode:: U+02271 .. NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO
25.. |nges|     unicode:: U+02A7E U+00338 .. GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO with slash
26.. |nGg|      unicode:: U+022D9 U+00338 .. VERY MUCH GREATER-THAN with slash
27.. |ngsim|    unicode:: U+02275 .. NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUIVALENT TO
28.. |nGt|      unicode:: U+0226B U+020D2 .. MUCH GREATER THAN with vertical line
29.. |ngt|      unicode:: U+0226F .. NOT GREATER-THAN
30.. |nGtv|     unicode:: U+0226B U+00338 .. MUCH GREATER THAN with slash
31.. |nlE|      unicode:: U+02266 U+00338 .. LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO with slash
32.. |nle|      unicode:: U+02270 .. NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO
33.. |nles|     unicode:: U+02A7D U+00338 .. LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO with slash
34.. |nLl|      unicode:: U+022D8 U+00338 .. VERY MUCH LESS-THAN with slash
35.. |nlsim|    unicode:: U+02274 .. NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUIVALENT TO
36.. |nLt|      unicode:: U+0226A U+020D2 .. MUCH LESS THAN with vertical line
37.. |nlt|      unicode:: U+0226E .. NOT LESS-THAN
38.. |nltri|    unicode:: U+022EA .. NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF
39.. |nltrie|   unicode:: U+022EC .. NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO
40.. |nLtv|     unicode:: U+0226A U+00338 .. MUCH LESS THAN with slash
41.. |nmid|     unicode:: U+02224 .. DOES NOT DIVIDE
42.. |npar|     unicode:: U+02226 .. NOT PARALLEL TO
43.. |npr|      unicode:: U+02280 .. DOES NOT PRECEDE
44.. |nprcue|   unicode:: U+022E0 .. DOES NOT PRECEDE OR EQUAL
45.. |npre|     unicode:: U+02AAF U+00338 .. PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN with slash
46.. |nrtri|    unicode:: U+022EB .. DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP
47.. |nrtrie|   unicode:: U+022ED .. DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL
48.. |nsc|      unicode:: U+02281 .. DOES NOT SUCCEED
49.. |nsccue|   unicode:: U+022E1 .. DOES NOT SUCCEED OR EQUAL
50.. |nsce|     unicode:: U+02AB0 U+00338 .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN with slash
51.. |nsim|     unicode:: U+02241 .. NOT TILDE
52.. |nsime|    unicode:: U+02244 .. NOT ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO
53.. |nsmid|    unicode:: U+02224 .. DOES NOT DIVIDE
54.. |nspar|    unicode:: U+02226 .. NOT PARALLEL TO
55.. |nsqsube|  unicode:: U+022E2 .. NOT SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO
56.. |nsqsupe|  unicode:: U+022E3 .. NOT SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO
57.. |nsub|     unicode:: U+02284 .. NOT A SUBSET OF
58.. |nsubE|    unicode:: U+02AC5 U+00338 .. SUBSET OF ABOVE EQUALS SIGN with slash
59.. |nsube|    unicode:: U+02288 .. NEITHER A SUBSET OF NOR EQUAL TO
60.. |nsup|     unicode:: U+02285 .. NOT A SUPERSET OF
61.. |nsupE|    unicode:: U+02AC6 U+00338 .. SUPERSET OF ABOVE EQUALS SIGN with slash
62.. |nsupe|    unicode:: U+02289 .. NEITHER A SUPERSET OF NOR EQUAL TO
63.. |ntgl|     unicode:: U+02279 .. NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR LESS-THAN
64.. |ntlg|     unicode:: U+02278 .. NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR GREATER-THAN
65.. |nvap|     unicode:: U+0224D U+020D2 .. EQUIVALENT TO with vertical line
67.. |nVdash|   unicode:: U+022AE .. DOES NOT FORCE
68.. |nvDash|   unicode:: U+022AD .. NOT TRUE
69.. |nvdash|   unicode:: U+022AC .. DOES NOT PROVE
70.. |nvge|     unicode:: U+02265 U+020D2 .. GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO with vertical line
71.. |nvgt|     unicode:: U+0003E U+020D2 .. GREATER-THAN SIGN with vertical line
72.. |nvle|     unicode:: U+02264 U+020D2 .. LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO with vertical line
73.. |nvlt|     unicode:: U+0003C U+020D2 .. LESS-THAN SIGN with vertical line
74.. |nvltrie|  unicode:: U+022B4 U+020D2 .. NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO with vertical line
75.. |nvrtrie|  unicode:: U+022B5 U+020D2 .. CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL TO with vertical line
76.. |nvsim|    unicode:: U+0223C U+020D2 .. TILDE OPERATOR with vertical line
77.. |parsim|   unicode:: U+02AF3 .. PARALLEL WITH TILDE OPERATOR
78.. |prnap|    unicode:: U+02AB9 .. PRECEDES ABOVE NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO
79.. |prnE|     unicode:: U+02AB5 .. PRECEDES ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO
80.. |prnsim|   unicode:: U+022E8 .. PRECEDES BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO
82.. |scnap|    unicode:: U+02ABA .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO
83.. |scnE|     unicode:: U+02AB6 .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO
84.. |scnsim|   unicode:: U+022E9 .. SUCCEEDS BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO
85.. |simne|    unicode:: U+02246 .. APPROXIMATELY BUT NOT ACTUALLY EQUAL TO
86.. |solbar|   unicode:: U+0233F .. APL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL SLASH BAR
87.. |subnE|    unicode:: U+02ACB .. SUBSET OF ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO
88.. |subne|    unicode:: U+0228A .. SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO
89.. |supnE|    unicode:: U+02ACC .. SUPERSET OF ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO
90.. |supne|    unicode:: U+0228B .. SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO
91.. |vnsub|    unicode:: U+02282 U+020D2 .. SUBSET OF with vertical line
92.. |vnsup|    unicode:: U+02283 U+020D2 .. SUPERSET OF with vertical line
93.. |vsubnE|   unicode:: U+02ACB U+0FE00 .. SUBSET OF ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO - variant with stroke through bottom members
94.. |vsubne|   unicode:: U+0228A U+0FE00 .. SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO - variant with stroke through bottom members
95.. |vsupnE|   unicode:: U+02ACC U+0FE00 .. SUPERSET OF ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO - variant with stroke through bottom members
96.. |vsupne|   unicode:: U+0228B U+0FE00 .. SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO - variant with stroke through bottom members
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。