1 | """
2 | rgenetics datatypes
3 | Use at your peril
4 | Ross Lazarus
5 | for the rgenetics and galaxy projects
6 |
7 | genome graphs datatypes derived from Interval datatypes
8 | genome graphs datasets have a header row with appropriate columnames
9 | The first column is always the marker - eg columname = rs, first row= rs12345 if the rows are snps
10 | subsequent row values are all numeric ! Will fail if any non numeric (eg '+' or 'NA') values
11 | ross lazarus for rgenetics
12 | august 20 2007
13 | """
14 |
15 | import logging, os, sys, time, tempfile, shutil, string, glob
16 | import data
17 | from galaxy import util
18 | from cgi import escape
19 | import urllib, binascii
20 | from galaxy.web import url_for
21 | from galaxy.datatypes import metadata
22 | from galaxy.datatypes.metadata import MetadataElement
23 | from galaxy.datatypes.data import Text
24 | from galaxy.datatypes.tabular import Tabular
25 | from galaxy.datatypes.images import Html
26 | from galaxy.datatypes.interval import Interval
27 | from galaxy.util.hash_util import *
28 |
29 | gal_Log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
30 | verbose = False
31 |
32 | class GenomeGraphs( Tabular ):
33 | """
34 | Tab delimited data containing a marker id and any number of numeric values
35 | """
36 |
37 | MetadataElement( name="markerCol", default=1, desc="Marker ID column", param=metadata.ColumnParameter )
38 | MetadataElement( name="columns", default=3, desc="Number of columns", readonly=True )
39 | MetadataElement( name="column_types", default=[], desc="Column types", readonly=True, visible=False )
40 | file_ext = 'gg'
41 |
42 | def __init__(self, **kwd):
43 | """
44 | Initialize gg datatype, by adding UCSC display apps
45 | """
46 | Tabular.__init__(self, **kwd)
47 | self.add_display_app ( 'ucsc', 'Genome Graph', 'as_ucsc_display_file', 'ucsc_links' )
48 |
49 |
50 | def set_meta(self,dataset,**kwd):
51 | Tabular.set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd)
52 | dataset.metadata.markerCol = 1
53 | header = file(dataset.file_name,'r').readlines()[0].strip().split('\t')
54 | dataset.metadata.columns = len(header)
55 | t = ['numeric' for x in header]
56 | t[0] = 'string'
57 | dataset.metadata.column_types = t
58 | return True
59 |
60 | def as_ucsc_display_file( self, dataset, **kwd ):
61 | """
62 | Returns file
63 | """
64 | return file(dataset.file_name,'r')
65 |
66 | def ucsc_links( self, dataset, type, app, base_url ):
67 | """
68 | from the ever-helpful angie hinrichs angie@soe.ucsc.edu
69 | a genome graphs call looks like this
70 | http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGenome?clade=mammal&org=Human&db=hg18&hgGenome_dataSetName=dname
71 | &hgGenome_dataSetDescription=test&hgGenome_formatType=best%20guess&hgGenome_markerType=best%20guess
72 | &hgGenome_columnLabels=best%20guess&hgGenome_maxVal=&hgGenome_labelVals=
73 | &hgGenome_maxGapToFill=25000000&hgGenome_uploadFile=http://galaxy.esphealth.org/datasets/333/display/index
74 | &hgGenome_doSubmitUpload=submit
75 | Galaxy gives this for an interval file
76 | http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg18&position=chr1:1-1000&hgt.customText=
77 | http%3A%2F%2Fgalaxy.esphealth.org%2Fdisplay_as%3Fid%3D339%26display_app%3Ducsc
78 | """
79 | ret_val = []
80 | ggtail = 'hgGenome_doSubmitUpload=submit'
81 | if not dataset.dbkey:
82 | dataset.dbkey = 'hg18' # punt!
83 | if dataset.has_data():
84 | for site_name, site_url in util.get_ucsc_by_build(dataset.dbkey):
85 | if site_name in app.config.ucsc_display_sites:
86 | site_url = site_url.replace('/hgTracks?','/hgGenome?') # for genome graphs
87 | internal_url = "%s" % url_for( controller='dataset',
88 | dataset_id=dataset.id, action='display_at', filename='ucsc_' + site_name )
89 | display_url = "%s%s/display_as?id=%i&display_app=%s&authz_method=display_at" % (base_url, url_for( controller='root' ), dataset.id, type)
90 | display_url = urllib.quote_plus( display_url )
91 | # was display_url = urllib.quote_plus( "%s/display_as?id=%i&display_app=%s" % (base_url, dataset.id, type) )
92 | #redirect_url = urllib.quote_plus( "%sdb=%s&position=%s:%s-%s&hgt.customText=%%s" % (site_url, dataset.dbkey, chrom, start, stop) )
93 | sl = ["%sdb=%s" % (site_url,dataset.dbkey ),]
94 | #sl.append("&hgt.customText=%s")
95 | sl.append("&hgGenome_dataSetName=%s&hgGenome_dataSetDescription=%s" % (dataset.name, 'GalaxyGG_data'))
96 | sl.append("&hgGenome_formatType=best guess&hgGenome_markerType=best guess")
97 | sl.append("&hgGenome_columnLabels=first row&hgGenome_maxVal=&hgGenome_labelVals=")
98 | sl.append("&hgGenome_doSubmitUpload=submit")
99 | sl.append("&hgGenome_maxGapToFill=25000000&hgGenome_uploadFile=%s" % display_url)
100 | s = ''.join(sl)
101 | s = urllib.quote_plus(s)
102 | redirect_url = s
103 | log.debug('## rg gg ucsc rdurl=%s; s = %s' % (redirect_url,s))
104 | link = '%s?redirect_url=%s&display_url=%s' % ( internal_url, redirect_url, display_url )
105 | ret_val.append( (site_name, link) )
106 | return ret_val
107 |
108 | def make_html_table( self, dataset, skipchars=[] ):
109 | """
110 | Create HTML table, used for displaying peek
111 | """
112 | npeek = 5
113 | out = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">']
114 | f = open(dataset.file_name,'r')
115 | d = f.readlines()[:5]
116 | if len(d) == 0:
117 | out = "Cannot find anything to parse in %s" % dataset.name
118 | return out
119 | hasheader = 0
120 | try:
121 | test = ['%f' % x for x in d[0][1:]] # first is name - see if starts all numerics
122 | except:
123 | hasheader = 1
124 | try:
125 | # Generate column header
126 | out.append( '<tr>' )
127 | if hasheader:
128 | for i, name in enumerate(d[0].split() ):
129 | out.append( '<th>%s.%s</th>' % ( str( i+1 ), name ) )
130 | d.pop(0)
131 | out.append('</tr>')
132 | for row in d:
133 | out.append('<tr>')
134 | out.append(''.join(['<td>%s</td>' % x for x in row.split()]))
135 | out.append('</tr>')
136 | out.append( '</table>' )
137 | out = "".join( out )
138 | except Exception, exc:
139 | out = "Can't create peek %s" % exc
140 | return out
141 |
142 | def validate( self, dataset ):
143 | """
144 | Validate a gg file - all numeric after header row
145 | """
146 | errors = list()
147 | infile = open(dataset.file_name, "r")
148 | header= infile.next() # header
149 | for i,row in enumerate(infile):
150 | ll = row.strip().split('\t')[1:] # first is alpha feature identifier
151 | badvals = []
152 | for j,x in enumerate(ll):
153 | try:
154 | x = float(x)
155 | except:
156 | badval.append('col%d:%s' % (j+1,x))
157 | if len(badvals) > 0:
158 | errors.append('row %d, %s' % (' '.join(badvals)))
159 | return errors
160 |
161 | def sniff( self, filename ):
162 | """
163 | Determines whether the file is in gg format
164 | """
165 | f = open(filename,'r')
166 | headers = f.readline().split()
167 | rows = [f.readline().split()[1:] for x in range(3)] # small sample
168 | #headers = get_headers( filename, '\t' )
169 | for row in rows:
170 | try:
171 | nums = [float(x) for x in row] # first col has been removed
172 | except:
173 | return false
174 | return true
175 |
176 | def get_mime(self):
177 | """Returns the mime type of the datatype"""
178 | return 'application/vnd.ms-excel'
179 |
180 |
181 | class rgTabList(Tabular):
182 | """
183 | for sampleid and for featureid lists of exclusions or inclusions in the clean tool
184 | featureid subsets on statistical criteria -> specialized display such as gg
185 | """
186 | file_ext = "rgTList"
187 |
188 |
189 | def __init__(self, **kwd):
190 | """
191 | Initialize featurelistt datatype
192 | """
193 | Tabular.__init__( self, **kwd )
194 | self.column_names = []
195 |
196 | def make_html_table( self, dataset, skipchars=[] ):
197 | """
198 | Create HTML table, used for displaying peek
199 | """
200 | out = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">']
201 | comments = []
202 | try:
203 | # Generate column header
204 | out.append( '<tr>' )
205 | for i, name in enumerate( self.column_names ):
206 | out.append( '<th>%s.%s</th>' % ( str( i+1 ), name ) )
207 | if dataset.metadata.columns - len( self.column_names ) > 0:
208 | for i in range( len( self.column_names ), dataset.metadata.columns ):
209 | out.append( '<th>%s</th>' % str( i+1 ) )
210 | out.append( '</tr>' )
211 | out.append( self.make_html_peek_rows( dataset, skipchars=skipchars ) )
212 | out.append( '</table>' )
213 | out = "".join( out )
214 | except Exception, exc:
215 | out = "Can't create peek %s" % exc
216 | return out
217 |
218 | def get_mime(self):
219 | """Returns the mime type of the datatype"""
220 | return 'text/html'
221 |
222 |
223 | class rgSampleList(rgTabList):
224 | """
225 | for sampleid exclusions or inclusions in the clean tool
226 | output from QC eg excess het, gender error, ibd pair member,eigen outlier,excess mendel errors,...
227 | since they can be uploaded, should be flexible
228 | but they are persistent at least
229 | same infrastructure for expression?
230 | """
231 | file_ext = "rgSList"
232 |
233 | def __init__(self, **kwd):
234 | """
235 | Initialize samplelist datatype
236 | """
237 | rgTabList.__init__( self, **kwd )
238 | self.column_names[0] = 'FID'
239 | self.column_names[1] = 'IID'
240 | # this is what Plink wants as at 2009
241 |
242 | def sniff(self,filename):
243 | infile = open(dataset.file_name, "r")
244 | header= infile.next() # header
245 | if header[0] == 'FID' and header[1] == 'IID':
246 | return True
247 | else:
248 | return False
249 |
250 | class rgFeatureList( rgTabList ):
251 | """
252 | for featureid lists of exclusions or inclusions in the clean tool
253 | output from QC eg low maf, high missingness, bad hwe in controls, excess mendel errors,...
254 | featureid subsets on statistical criteria -> specialized display such as gg
255 | same infrastructure for expression?
256 | """
257 | file_ext = "rgFList"
258 |
259 | def __init__(self, **kwd):
260 | """Initialize featurelist datatype"""
261 | rgTabList.__init__( self, **kwd )
262 | for i,s in enumerate(['#FeatureId', 'Chr', 'Genpos', 'Mappos']):
263 | self.column_names[i] = s
264 |
265 |
266 | class Rgenetics(Html):
267 | """
268 | base class to use for rgenetics datatypes
269 | derived from html - composite datatype elements
270 | stored in extra files path
271 | """
272 |
273 | MetadataElement( name="base_name", desc="base name for all transformed versions of this genetic dataset", default='RgeneticsData',
274 | readonly=True, set_in_upload=True)
275 |
276 | composite_type = 'auto_primary_file'
277 | allow_datatype_change = False
278 | file_ext = 'rgenetics'
279 |
280 | def generate_primary_file( self, dataset = None ):
281 | rval = ['<html><head><title>Rgenetics Galaxy Composite Dataset </title></head><p/>']
282 | rval.append('<div>This composite dataset is composed of the following files:<p/><ul>')
283 | for composite_name, composite_file in self.get_composite_files( dataset = dataset ).iteritems():
284 | fn = composite_name
285 | opt_text = ''
286 | if composite_file.optional:
287 | opt_text = ' (optional)'
288 | if composite_file.get('description'):
289 | rval.append( '<li><a href="%s" type="application/binary">%s (%s)</a>%s</li>' % ( fn, fn, composite_file.get('description'), opt_text ) )
290 | else:
291 | rval.append( '<li><a href="%s" type="application/binary">%s</a>%s</li>' % ( fn, fn, opt_text ) )
292 | rval.append( '</ul></div></html>' )
293 | return "\n".join( rval )
294 |
295 | def regenerate_primary_file(self,dataset):
296 | """
297 | cannot do this until we are setting metadata
298 | """
299 | bn = dataset.metadata.base_name
300 | efp = dataset.extra_files_path
301 | flist = os.listdir(efp)
302 | rval = ['<html><head><title>Files for Composite Dataset %s</title></head><body><p/>Composite %s contains:<p/><ul>' % (dataset.name,dataset.name)]
303 | for i,fname in enumerate(flist):
304 | sfname = os.path.split(fname)[-1]
305 | f,e = os.path.splitext(fname)
306 | rval.append( '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % ( sfname, sfname) )
307 | rval.append( '</ul></body></html>' )
308 | f = file(dataset.file_name,'w')
309 | f.write("\n".join( rval ))
310 | f.write('\n')
311 | f.close()
312 |
313 | def get_mime(self):
314 | """Returns the mime type of the datatype"""
315 | return 'text/html'
316 |
317 |
318 | def set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd ):
319 |
320 | """
321 | for lped/pbed eg
322 |
323 | """
324 | Html.set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd )
325 | if kwd.get('overwrite') == False:
326 | if verbose:
327 | gal_Log.debug('@@@ rgenetics set_meta called with overwrite = False')
328 | return True
329 | try:
330 | efp = dataset.extra_files_path
331 | except:
332 | if verbose:
333 | gal_Log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed %s - dataset %s has no efp ?' % (sys.exc_info()[0], dataset.name))
334 | return False
335 | try:
336 | flist = os.listdir(efp)
337 | except:
338 | if verbose: gal_Log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed %s - dataset %s has no efp ?' % (sys.exc_info()[0],dataset.name))
339 | return False
340 | if len(flist) == 0:
341 | if verbose:
342 | gal_Log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed - %s efp %s is empty?' % (dataset.name,efp))
343 | return False
344 | self.regenerate_primary_file(dataset)
345 | if not dataset.info:
346 | dataset.info = 'Galaxy genotype datatype object'
347 | if not dataset.blurb:
348 | dataset.blurb = 'Composite file - Rgenetics Galaxy toolkit'
349 | return True
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 | class SNPMatrix(Rgenetics):
354 | """
355 | BioC SNPMatrix Rgenetics data collections
356 | """
357 | file_ext="snpmatrix"
358 |
359 | def set_peek( self, dataset, **kwd ):
360 | if not dataset.dataset.purged:
361 | dataset.peek = "Binary RGenetics file"
362 | dataset.blurb = data.nice_size( dataset.get_size() )
363 | else:
364 | dataset.peek = 'file does not exist'
365 | dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
366 |
367 | def sniff(self,filename):
368 | """ need to check the file header hex code
369 | """
370 | infile = open(dataset.file_name, "b")
371 | head = infile.read(16)
372 | head = [hex(x) for x in head]
373 | if head <> '':
374 | return False
375 | else:
376 | return True
377 |
378 |
379 | class Lped(Rgenetics):
380 | """
381 | linkage pedigree (ped,map) Rgenetics data collections
382 | """
383 | file_ext="lped"
384 |
385 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
386 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
387 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.ped', description = 'Pedigree File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
388 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.map', description = 'Map File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
389 |
390 |
391 | class Pphe(Rgenetics):
392 | """
393 | Plink phenotype file - header must have FID\tIID... Rgenetics data collections
394 | """
395 | file_ext="pphe"
396 |
397 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
398 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
399 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.pphe', description = 'Plink Phenotype File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 | class Fphe(Rgenetics):
405 | """
406 | fbat pedigree file - mad format with ! as first char on header row
407 | Rgenetics data collections
408 | """
409 | file_ext="fphe"
410 |
411 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
412 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
413 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.fphe', description = 'FBAT Phenotype File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name' )
414 |
415 | class Phe(Rgenetics):
416 | """
417 | Phenotype file
418 | """
419 | file_ext="phe"
420 |
421 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
422 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
423 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.phe', description = 'Phenotype File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name',
424 | is_binary = False )
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 | class Fped(Rgenetics):
429 | """
430 | FBAT pedigree format - single file, map is header row of rs numbers. Strange.
431 | Rgenetics data collections
432 | """
433 | file_ext="fped"
434 |
435 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
436 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
437 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.fped', description = 'FBAT format pedfile', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name',
438 | is_binary = False )
439 |
440 |
441 | class Pbed(Rgenetics):
442 | """
443 | Plink Binary compressed 2bit/geno Rgenetics data collections
444 | """
445 | file_ext="pbed"
446 |
447 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
448 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
449 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.bim', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
450 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.bed', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
451 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.fam', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
452 |
453 | class ldIndep(Rgenetics):
454 | """
455 | LD (a good measure of redundancy of information) depleted Plink Binary compressed 2bit/geno
456 | This is really a plink binary, but some tools work better with less redundancy so are constrained to
457 | these files
458 | """
459 | file_ext="ldreduced"
460 |
461 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
462 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
463 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.bim', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
464 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.bed', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
465 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.fam', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
466 |
467 |
468 | class Eigenstratgeno(Rgenetics):
469 | """
470 | Eigenstrat format - may be able to get rid of this
471 | if we move to shellfish
472 | Rgenetics data collections
473 | """
474 | file_ext="eigenstratgeno"
475 |
476 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
477 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
478 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.eigenstratgeno', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
479 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.ind', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
480 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.map', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = False )
481 |
482 |
483 |
484 | class Eigenstratpca(Rgenetics):
485 | """
486 | Eigenstrat PCA file for case control adjustment
487 | Rgenetics data collections
488 | """
489 | file_ext="eigenstratpca"
490 |
491 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
492 | Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
493 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.eigenstratpca', description = 'Eigenstrat PCA file', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name' )
494 |
495 |
496 | class Snptest(Rgenetics):
497 | """
498 | BioC snptest Rgenetics data collections
499 | """
500 | file_ext="snptest"
501 |
502 |
503 | class Pheno(Tabular):
504 | """
505 | base class for pheno files
506 | """
507 | file_ext = 'pheno'
508 |
509 |
510 | class RexpBase( Html ):
511 | """
512 | base class for BioC data structures in Galaxy
513 | must be constructed with the pheno data in place since that
514 | goes into the metadata for each instance
515 | """
516 | MetadataElement( name="columns", default=0, desc="Number of columns", visible=True )
517 | MetadataElement( name="column_names", default=[], desc="Column names", visible=True )
518 | MetadataElement(name="pheCols",default=[],desc="Select list for potentially interesting variables",visible=True)
519 | MetadataElement( name="base_name",
520 | desc="base name for all transformed versions of this expression dataset", default='rexpression', set_in_upload=True)
521 | MetadataElement( name="pheno_path", desc="Path to phenotype data for this experiment", default="rexpression.pheno", visible=True)
522 | file_ext = 'rexpbase'
523 | html_table = None
524 | is_binary = True
525 | composite_type = 'auto_primary_file'
526 | allow_datatype_change = False
527 |
528 |
529 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
530 | Html.__init__(self,**kwd)
531 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.pheno', description = 'Phenodata tab text file',
532 | substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary=False)
533 |
534 | def generate_primary_file( self, dataset = None ):
535 | """
536 | This is called only at upload to write the html file
537 | cannot rename the datasets here - they come with the default unfortunately
538 | """
539 | return '<html><head></head><body>AutoGenerated Primary File for Composite Dataset</body></html>'
540 |
541 | def get_mime(self):
542 | """Returns the mime type of the datatype"""
543 | return 'text/html'
544 |
545 | def get_phecols(self, phenolist=[], maxConc=20):
546 | """
547 | sept 2009: cannot use whitespace to split - make a more complex structure here
548 | and adjust the methods that rely on this structure
549 | return interesting phenotype column names for an rexpression eset or affybatch
550 | to use in array subsetting and so on. Returns a data structure for a
551 | dynamic Galaxy select parameter.
552 | A column with only 1 value doesn't change, so is not interesting for
553 | analysis. A column with a different value in every row is equivalent to a unique
554 | identifier so is also not interesting for anova or limma analysis - both these
555 | are removed after the concordance (count of unique terms) is constructed for each
556 | column. Then a complication - each remaining pair of columns is tested for
557 | redundancy - if two columns are always paired, then only one is needed :)
558 | """
559 | for nrows,row in enumerate(phenolist): # construct concordance
560 | if len(row.strip()) == 0:
561 | break
562 | row = row.strip().split('\t')
563 | if nrows == 0: # set up from header
564 | head = row
565 | totcols = len(row)
566 | concordance = [{} for x in head] # list of dicts
567 | else:
568 | for col,code in enumerate(row): # keep column order correct
569 | if col >= totcols:
570 | gal_Log.warning('### get_phecols error in pheno file - row %d col %d (%s) longer than header %s' % (nrows, col, row, head))
571 | else:
572 | concordance[col].setdefault(code,0) # first one is zero
573 | concordance[col][code] += 1
574 | useCols = []
575 | useConc = [] # columns of interest to keep
576 | nrows = len(phenolist)
577 | nrows -= 1 # drop head from count
578 | for c,conc in enumerate(concordance): # c is column number
579 | if (len(conc) > 1) and (len(conc) < min(nrows,maxConc)): # not all same and not all different!!
580 | useConc.append(conc) # keep concordance
581 | useCols.append(c) # keep column
582 | nuse = len(useCols)
583 | # now to check for pairs of concordant columns - drop one of these.
584 | delme = []
585 | p = phenolist[1:] # drop header
586 | plist = [x.strip().split('\t') for x in p] # list of lists
587 | phe = [[x[i] for i in useCols] for x in plist if len(x) >= totcols] # strip unused data
588 | for i in range(0,(nuse-1)): # for each interesting column
589 | for j in range(i+1,nuse):
590 | kdict = {}
591 | for row in phe: # row is a list of lists
592 | k = '%s%s' % (row[i],row[j]) # composite key
593 | kdict[k] = k
594 | if (len(kdict.keys()) == len(concordance[useCols[j]])): # i and j are always matched
595 | delme.append(j)
596 | delme = list(set(delme)) # remove dupes
597 | listCol = []
598 | delme.sort()
599 | delme.reverse() # must delete from far end!
600 | for i in delme:
601 | del useConc[i] # get rid of concordance
602 | del useCols[i] # and usecols entry
603 | for i,conc in enumerate(useConc): # these are all unique columns for the design matrix
604 | ccounts = [(conc.get(code,0),code) for code in conc.keys()] # decorate
605 | ccounts.sort()
606 | cc = [(x[1],x[0]) for x in ccounts] # list of code count tuples
607 | codeDetails = (head[useCols[i]],cc) # ('foo',[('a',3),('b',11),..])
608 | listCol.append(codeDetails)
609 | if len(listCol) > 0:
610 | res = listCol
611 | # metadata.pheCols becomes [('bar;22,zot;113','foo'), ...]
612 | else:
613 | res = [('no usable phenotype columns found',[('?',0),]),]
614 | return res
615 |
616 |
617 |
618 | def get_pheno(self,dataset):
619 | """
620 | expects a .pheno file in the extra_files_dir - ugh
621 | note that R is wierd and adds the row.name in
622 | the header so the columns are all wrong - unless you tell it not to.
623 | A file can be written as
624 | write.table(file='foo.pheno',pData(foo),sep='\t',quote=F,row.names=F)
625 | """
626 | p = file(dataset.metadata.pheno_path,'r').readlines()
627 | if len(p) > 0: # should only need to fix an R pheno file once
628 | head = p[0].strip().split('\t')
629 | line1 = p[1].strip().split('\t')
630 | if len(head) < len(line1):
631 | head.insert(0,'ChipFileName') # fix R write.table b0rken-ness
632 | p[0] = '\t'.join(head)
633 | else:
634 | p = []
635 | return '\n'.join(p)
636 |
637 | def set_peek( self, dataset, **kwd ):
638 | """
639 | expects a .pheno file in the extra_files_dir - ugh
640 | note that R is wierd and does not include the row.name in
641 | the header. why?"""
642 | if not dataset.dataset.purged:
643 | pp = os.path.join(dataset.extra_files_path,'%s.pheno' % dataset.metadata.base_name)
644 | try:
645 | p = file(pp,'r').readlines()
646 | except:
647 | p = ['##failed to find %s' % pp,]
648 | dataset.peek = ''.join(p[:5])
649 | dataset.blurb = 'Galaxy Rexpression composite file'
650 | else:
651 | dataset.peek = 'file does not exist\n'
652 | dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
653 |
654 | def get_peek( self, dataset ):
655 | """
656 | expects a .pheno file in the extra_files_dir - ugh
657 | """
658 | pp = os.path.join(dataset.extra_files_path,'%s.pheno' % dataset.metadata.base_name)
659 | try:
660 | p = file(pp,'r').readlines()
661 | except:
662 | p = ['##failed to find %s' % pp]
663 | return ''.join(p[:5])
664 |
665 | def get_file_peek(self,filename):
666 | """
667 | can't really peek at a filename - need the extra_files_path and such?
668 | """
669 | h = '## rexpression get_file_peek: no file found'
670 | try:
671 | h = file(filename,'r').readlines()
672 | except:
673 | pass
674 | return ''.join(h[:5])
675 |
676 | def regenerate_primary_file(self,dataset):
677 | """
678 | cannot do this until we are setting metadata
679 | """
680 | bn = dataset.metadata.base_name
681 | flist = os.listdir(dataset.extra_files_path)
682 | rval = ['<html><head><title>Files for Composite Dataset %s</title></head><p/>Comprises the following files:<p/><ul>' % (bn)]
683 | for i,fname in enumerate(flist):
684 | sfname = os.path.split(fname)[-1]
685 | rval.append( '<li><a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( sfname, sfname ) )
686 | rval.append( '</ul></html>' )
687 | f = file(dataset.file_name,'w')
688 | f.write("\n".join( rval ))
689 | f.write('\n')
690 | f.close()
691 |
692 | def init_meta( self, dataset, copy_from=None ):
693 | if copy_from:
694 | dataset.metadata = copy_from.metadata
695 |
696 | def set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd ):
697 |
698 | """
699 | NOTE we apply the tabular machinary to the phenodata extracted
700 | from a BioC eSet or affybatch.
701 |
702 | """
703 | Html.set_meta(self, dataset, **kwd)
704 | try:
705 | flist = os.listdir(dataset.extra_files_path)
706 | except:
707 | if verbose:
708 | gal_Log.debug('@@@rexpression set_meta failed - no dataset?')
709 | return False
710 | bn = dataset.metadata.base_name
711 | if not bn:
712 | for f in flist:
713 | n = os.path.splitext(f)[0]
714 | bn = n
715 | dataset.metadata.base_name = bn
716 | if not bn:
717 | bn = '?'
718 | dataset.metadata.base_name = bn
719 | pn = '%s.pheno' % (bn)
720 | pp = os.path.join(dataset.extra_files_path,pn)
721 | dataset.metadata.pheno_path=pp
722 | try:
723 | pf = file(pp,'r').readlines() # read the basename.phenodata in the extra_files_path
724 | except:
725 | pf = None
726 | if pf:
727 | h = pf[0].strip()
728 | h = h.split('\t') # hope is header
729 | h = [escape(x) for x in h]
730 | dataset.metadata.column_names = h
731 | dataset.metadata.columns = len(h)
732 | dataset.peek = ''.join(pf[:5])
733 | else:
734 | dataset.metadata.column_names = []
735 | dataset.metadata.columns = 0
736 | dataset.peek = 'No pheno file found'
737 | if pf and len(pf) > 1:
738 | dataset.metadata.pheCols = self.get_phecols(phenolist=pf)
739 | else:
740 | dataset.metadata.pheCols = [('','No useable phenotypes found',False),]
741 | #self.regenerate_primary_file(dataset)
742 | if not dataset.info:
743 | dataset.info = 'Galaxy Expression datatype object'
744 | if not dataset.blurb:
745 | dataset.blurb = 'R loadable BioC expression object for the Rexpression Galaxy toolkit'
746 | return True
747 |
748 | def make_html_table( self, pp='nothing supplied from peek\n'):
749 | """
750 | Create HTML table, used for displaying peek
751 | """
752 | out = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">',]
753 | p = pp.split('\n')
754 | try:
755 | # Generate column header
756 | for i,row in enumerate(p):
757 | lrow = row.strip().split('\t')
758 | if i == 0:
759 | orow = ['<th>%s</th>' % escape(x) for x in lrow]
760 | orow.insert(0,'<tr>')
761 | orow.append('</tr>')
762 | else:
763 | orow = ['<td>%s</td>' % escape(x) for x in lrow]
764 | orow.insert(0,'<tr>')
765 | orow.append('</tr>')
766 | out.append(''.join(orow))
767 | out.append( '</table>' )
768 | out = "\n".join( out )
769 | except Exception, exc:
770 | out = "Can't create html table %s" % str( exc )
771 | return out
772 |
773 | def display_peek( self, dataset ):
774 | """
775 | Returns formatted html of peek
776 | """
777 | out=self.make_html_table(dataset.peek)
778 | return out
779 |
780 | def get_mime(self):
781 | """
782 | Returns the mime type of the datatype
783 | """
784 | return 'text/html'
785 |
786 |
787 | class Affybatch( RexpBase ):
788 | """
789 | derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy
790 | """
791 |
792 | file_ext = "affybatch"
793 |
794 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
795 | RexpBase.__init__(self, **kwd)
796 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.affybatch', description = 'AffyBatch R object saved to file',
797 | substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary=True )
798 |
799 | class Eset( RexpBase ):
800 | """
801 | derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy
802 | """
803 | file_ext = "eset"
804 |
805 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
806 | RexpBase.__init__(self, **kwd)
807 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.eset', description = 'ESet R object saved to file',
808 | substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
809 |
810 |
811 | class MAlist( RexpBase ):
812 | """
813 | derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy
814 | """
815 | file_ext = "malist"
816 |
817 | def __init__( self, **kwd ):
818 | RexpBase.__init__(self, **kwd)
819 | self.add_composite_file( '%s.malist', description = 'MAlist R object saved to file',
820 | substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
821 |
822 |
823 | if __name__ == '__main__':
824 | import doctest, sys
825 | doctest.testmod(sys.modules[__name__])
826 |