root/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/tools/deps/ @ 3

リビジョン 2, 2.4 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

2Dependency management for tools.
5import os.path
7import logging
8log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
10class DependencyManager( object ):
11    """
12    A DependencyManager attempts to resolve named and versioned dependencies
13    by searching for them under a list of directories. Directories should be
14    of the form:
16        $BASE/name/version/...
18    and should each contain a file '' which can be sourced to make the
19    dependency available in the current shell environment.
20    """
22    def __init__( self, base_paths=[] ):
23        """
24        Create a new dependency manager looking for packages under the
25        paths listed in `base_paths`.
26        """
27        self.base_paths = []
28        for base_path in base_paths:
29            if not os.path.exists( base_path ):
30                log.warn( "Path '%s' does not exist, ignoring", base_path )
31            if not os.path.isdir( base_path ):
32                log.warn( "Path '%s' is not directory, ignoring", base_path )
33            self.base_paths.append( os.path.abspath( base_path ) )
35    def find_dep( self, name, version=None ):
36        """
37        Attempt to find a dependency named `name` at version `version`. If
38        version is None, return the "default" version as determined using a
39        symbolic link (if found). Returns a triple of:
40            env_script, base_path, real_version
41        """
42        if version is None:
43            return self._find_dep_default( name )
44        else:
45            return self._find_dep_versioned( name, version )
47    def _find_dep_versioned( self, name, version ):
48        for base_path in self.base_paths:
49            path = os.path.join( base_path, name, version )
50            script = os.path.join( path, '' )
51            if os.path.exists( script ):
52                return script, path, version
53        else:
54            return None, None
56    def _find_dep_default( self, name ):
57        version = None
58        for base_path in self.base_paths:
59            path = os.path.join( base_path, name, 'default' )
60            if os.path.islink( path ):
61                real_path = os.path.realpath( path )
62                real_version = os.path.basename( real_path )
63                script = os.path.join( real_path, '' )
64                if os.path.exists( script ):
65                    return script, real_path, real_version
66        else:
67            return None, None
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。