root/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/ @ 3

リビジョン 2, 20.6 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

2Constructs for grouping tool parameters
5from basic import ToolParameter
6from galaxy.util.expressions import ExpressionContext
8import logging
9log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
11import StringIO, os, urllib
12from galaxy.datatypes import sniff
13from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch
14from galaxy.util.odict import odict
15from galaxy.util import json
17class Group( object ):
18    def __init__( self ):
19 = None
20    def value_to_basic( self, value, app ):
21        """
22        Convert value to a (possibly nested) representation using only basic
23        types (dict, list, tuple, str, unicode, int, long, float, bool, None)
24        """
25        return value
26    def value_from_basic( self, value, app, ignore_errors=False ):
27        """
28        Convert a basic representation as produced by `value_to_basic` back
29        into the preferred value form.
30        """
31        return value
32    def get_initial_value( self, trans, context ):
33        """
34        Return the initial state/value for this group
35        """
36        raise TypeError( "Not implemented" )
38class Repeat( Group ):
39    type = "repeat"
40    def __init__( self ):
41        Group.__init__( self )
42        self.title = None
43        self.inputs = None
44        self.default = 0
45        self.min = None
46        self.max = None
47    @property
48    def title_plural( self ):
49        if self.title.endswith( "s" ):
50            return self.title
51        else:
52            return self.title + "s"
53    def label( self ):
54        return "Repeat (%s)" % self.title
55    def value_to_basic( self, value, app ):
56        rval = []
57        for d in value:
58            rval_dict = {}
59            # Propogate __index__
60            if '__index__' in d:
61                rval_dict['__index__'] = d['__index__']
62            for input in self.inputs.itervalues():
63                rval_dict[ ] = input.value_to_basic( d[], app )
64            rval.append( rval_dict )
65        return rval
66    def value_from_basic( self, value, app, ignore_errors=False ):
67        rval = []
68        for i, d in enumerate( value ):
69            rval_dict = {}
70            # If the special __index__ key is not set, create it (for backward
71            # compatibility)
72            rval_dict['__index__'] = d.get( '__index__', i )
73            # Restore child inputs
74            for input in self.inputs.itervalues():
75                if ignore_errors and not in d:
76                    # If we do not have a value, and are ignoring errors, we simply
77                    # do nothing. There will be no value for the parameter in the
78                    # conditional's values dictionary.     
79                    pass
80                else:
81                    rval_dict[ ] = input.value_from_basic( d[], app, ignore_errors )
82            rval.append( rval_dict )
83        return rval
84    def visit_inputs( self, prefix, value, callback ):
85        for i, d in enumerate( value ):
86            for input in self.inputs.itervalues():
87                new_prefix = prefix + "%s_%d|" % (, i )
88                if isinstance( input, ToolParameter ):
89                    callback( new_prefix, input, d[], parent = d )
90                else:
91                    input.visit_inputs( new_prefix, d[], callback )
92    def get_initial_value( self, trans, context ):
93        rval = []
94        for i in range( self.default ):
95            rval_dict = { '__index__': i}
96            for input in self.inputs.itervalues():
97                rval_dict[ ] = input.get_initial_value( trans, context )
98            rval.append( rval_dict )
99        return rval
101class UploadDataset( Group ):
102    type = "upload_dataset"
103    def __init__( self ):
104        Group.__init__( self )
105        self.title = None
106        self.inputs = None
107        self.file_type_name = 'file_type'
108        self.default_file_type = 'txt'
109        self.file_type_to_ext = { 'auto':self.default_file_type }
110        self.metadata_ref = 'files_metadata'
111    def get_composite_dataset_name( self, context ):
112        #FIXME: HACK
113        #Special case of using 'base_name' metadata for use as Dataset name needs to be done in a General Fashion, as defined within a particular Datatype.
115        #We get two different types of contexts here, one straight from submitted parameters, the other after being parsed into tool inputs
116        dataset_name = context.get('files_metadata|base_name', None )
117        if dataset_name is None:
118            dataset_name = context.get('files_metadata', {} ).get( 'base_name', None )
119        if dataset_name is None:
120            dataset_name = 'Uploaded Composite Dataset (%s)' % self.get_file_type( context )
121        return dataset_name
122    def get_file_base_name( self, context ):
123        fd = context.get('files_metadata|base_name','Galaxy_Composite_file')
124        return fd
125    def get_file_type( self, context ):
126        return context.get( self.file_type_name, self.default_file_type )
127    def get_datatype_ext( self, trans, context ):
128        ext = self.get_file_type( context )
129        if ext in self.file_type_to_ext:
130            ext = self.file_type_to_ext[ext] #when using autodetect, we will use composite info from 'text', i.e. only the main file
131        return ext
132    def get_datatype( self, trans, context ):
133        ext = self.get_datatype_ext( trans, context )
134        return ext )
135    @property
136    def title_plural( self ):
137        if self.title.endswith( "s" ):
138            return self.title
139        else:
140            return self.title + "s"
141    def group_title( self, context ):
142        return "%s (%s)" % ( self.title, context.get( self.file_type_name, self.default_file_type ) )
143    def title_by_index( self, trans, index, context ):
144        d_type = self.get_datatype( trans, context )
145        for i, ( composite_name, composite_file ) in enumerate( d_type.writable_files.iteritems() ):
146            if i == index:
147                rval = composite_name
148                if composite_file.description:
149                    rval = "%s (%s)" % ( rval, composite_file.description )
150                if composite_file.optional:
151                    rval = "%s [optional]" % rval
152                return rval
153        return None
154    def value_to_basic( self, value, app ):
155        rval = []
156        for d in value:
157            rval_dict = {}
158            # Propogate __index__
159            if '__index__' in d:
160                rval_dict['__index__'] = d['__index__']
161            for input in self.inputs.itervalues():
162                rval_dict[ ] = input.value_to_basic( d[], app )
163            rval.append( rval_dict )
164        return rval
165    def value_from_basic( self, value, app, ignore_errors=False ):
166        rval = []
167        for i, d in enumerate( value ):
168            rval_dict = {}
169            # If the special __index__ key is not set, create it (for backward
170            # compatibility)
171            rval_dict['__index__'] = d.get( '__index__', i )
172            # Restore child inputs
173            for input in self.inputs.itervalues():
174                if ignore_errors and not in d: #this wasn't tested
175                    rval_dict[ ] = input.get_initial_value( None, d )
176                else:
177                    rval_dict[ ] = input.value_from_basic( d[], app, ignore_errors )
178            rval.append( rval_dict )
179        return rval
180    def visit_inputs( self, prefix, value, callback ):
181        for i, d in enumerate( value ):
182            for input in self.inputs.itervalues():
183                new_prefix = prefix + "%s_%d|" % (, i )
184                if isinstance( input, ToolParameter ):
185                    callback( new_prefix, input, d[], parent = d )
186                else:
187                    input.visit_inputs( new_prefix, d[], callback )
188    def get_initial_value( self, trans, context ):
189        d_type = self.get_datatype( trans, context )
190        rval = []
191        for i, ( composite_name, composite_file ) in enumerate( d_type.writable_files.iteritems() ):
192            rval_dict = {}
193            rval_dict['__index__'] = i # create __index__
194            for input in self.inputs.itervalues():
195                rval_dict[ ] = input.get_initial_value( trans, context ) #input.value_to_basic( d[], app )
196            rval.append( rval_dict )
197        return rval
198    def get_uploaded_datasets( self, trans, context, override_name = None, override_info = None ):
199        def get_data_file_filename( data_file, override_name = None, override_info = None ):
200            dataset_name = override_name
201            dataset_info = override_info
202            def get_file_name( file_name ):
203                file_name = file_name.split( '\\' )[-1]
204                file_name = file_name.split( '/' )[-1]
205                return file_name
206            try:
207                # Use the existing file
208                if not dataset_name and 'filename' in data_file:
209                    dataset_name = get_file_name( data_file['filename'] )
210                if not dataset_info:
211                    dataset_info = 'uploaded file'
212                return Bunch( type='file', path=data_file['local_filename'], name=get_file_name( data_file['filename'] ) )
213                #return 'file', data_file['local_filename'], get_file_name( data_file.filename ), dataset_name, dataset_info
214            except:
215                # The uploaded file should've been persisted by the upload tool action
216                return Bunch( type=None, path=None, name=None )
217                #return None, None, None, None, None
218        def get_url_paste_urls_or_filename( group_incoming, override_name = None, override_info = None ):
219            filenames = []
220            url_paste_file = group_incoming.get( 'url_paste', None )
221            if url_paste_file is not None:
222                url_paste = open( url_paste_file, 'r' ).read( 1024 )
223                if url_paste.lstrip().lower().startswith( 'http://' ) or url_paste.lstrip().lower().startswith( 'ftp://' ):
224                    url_paste = url_paste.replace( '\r', '' ).split( '\n' )
225                    for line in url_paste:
226                        line = line.strip()
227                        if line:
228                            if not line.lower().startswith( 'http://' ) and not line.lower().startswith( 'ftp://' ):
229                                continue # non-url line, ignore
230                            precreated_name = line
231                            dataset_name = override_name
232                            if not dataset_name:
233                                dataset_name = line
234                            dataset_info = override_info
235                            if not dataset_info:
236                                dataset_info = 'uploaded url'
237                            yield Bunch( type='url', path=line, name=precreated_name )
238                            #yield ( 'url', line, precreated_name, dataset_name, dataset_info )
239                else:
240                    dataset_name = dataset_info = precreated_name = 'Pasted Entry' #we need to differentiate between various url pastes here
241                    if override_name:
242                        dataset_name = override_name
243                    if override_info:
244                        dataset_info = override_info
245                    yield Bunch( type='file', path=url_paste_file, name=precreated_name )
246                    #yield ( 'file', url_paste_file, precreated_name, dataset_name, dataset_info )
247        def get_one_filename( context ):
248            data_file = context['file_data']
249            url_paste = context['url_paste']
250            name = context.get( 'NAME', None )
251            info = context.get( 'INFO', None )
252            warnings = []
253            space_to_tab = False
254            if context.get( 'space_to_tab', None ) not in [ "None", None, False ]:
255                space_to_tab = True
256            file_bunch = get_data_file_filename( data_file, override_name = name, override_info = info )
257            if file_bunch.path and url_paste:
258                if url_paste.strip():
259                    warnings.append( "All file contents specified in the paste box were ignored." )
260            else: #we need to use url_paste
261                for file_bunch in get_url_paste_urls_or_filename( context, override_name = name, override_info = info ):
262                    if file_bunch.path:
263                        break
264            file_bunch.space_to_tab = space_to_tab
265            return file_bunch, warnings
266        def get_filenames( context ):
267            rval = []
268            data_file = context['file_data']
269            url_paste = context['url_paste']
270            name = context.get( 'NAME', None )
271            info = context.get( 'INFO', None )
272            space_to_tab = False
273            if context.get( 'space_to_tab', None ) not in [ "None", None, False ]:
274                space_to_tab = True
275            warnings = []
276            file_bunch = get_data_file_filename( data_file, override_name = name, override_info = info )
277            if file_bunch.path:
278                file_bunch.space_to_tab = space_to_tab
279                rval.append( file_bunch )
280            for file_bunch in get_url_paste_urls_or_filename( context, override_name = name, override_info = info ):
281                if file_bunch.path:
282                    file_bunch.space_to_tab = space_to_tab
283                    rval.append( file_bunch )
284            return rval
285        file_type = self.get_file_type( context )
286        d_type = self.get_datatype( trans, context )
287        dbkey = context.get( 'dbkey', None )
288        writable_files = d_type.writable_files
289        writable_files_offset = 0
290        groups_incoming = [ None for filename in writable_files ]
291        for group_incoming in context.get(, [] ):
292            i = int( group_incoming['__index__'] )
293            groups_incoming[ i ] = group_incoming
294        if d_type.composite_type is not None:
295            #handle uploading of composite datatypes
296            #Only one Dataset can be created
297            dataset = Bunch()
298            dataset.type = 'composite'
299            dataset.file_type = file_type
300            dataset.dbkey = dbkey
301            dataset.datatype = d_type
302            dataset.warnings = []
303            dataset.metadata = {}
304            dataset.composite_files = {}
305            #load metadata
306            files_metadata = context.get( self.metadata_ref, {} )
307            for meta_name, meta_spec in d_type.metadata_spec.iteritems():
308                if meta_spec.set_in_upload:
309                    if meta_name in files_metadata:
310                        dataset.metadata[ meta_name ] = files_metadata[ meta_name ]
311            dataset.precreated_name = = self.get_composite_dataset_name( context )
312            if dataset.datatype.composite_type == 'auto_primary_file':
313                #replace sniff here with just creating an empty file
314                temp_name, is_multi_byte = sniff.stream_to_file( StringIO.StringIO( d_type.generate_primary_file( dataset ) ), prefix='upload_auto_primary_file' )
315                dataset.primary_file = temp_name
316                dataset.space_to_tab = False
317            else:
318                file_bunch, warnings = get_one_filename( groups_incoming[ 0 ] )
319                writable_files_offset = 1
320                dataset.primary_file = file_bunch.path
321                dataset.space_to_tab = file_bunch.space_to_tab
322                dataset.warnings.extend( warnings )
323            if dataset.primary_file is None:#remove this before finish, this should create an empty dataset
324                raise Exception( 'No primary dataset file was available for composite upload' )
325            keys = [ for value in writable_files.values() ]
326            for i, group_incoming in enumerate( groups_incoming[ writable_files_offset : ] ):
327                key = keys[ i + writable_files_offset ]
328                if group_incoming is None and not writable_files[ writable_files.keys()[ keys.index( key ) ] ].optional:
329                    dataset.warnings.append( "A required composite file (%s) was not specified." % ( key ) )
330                    dataset.composite_files[ key ] = None
331                else:
332                    file_bunch, warnings = get_one_filename( group_incoming )
333                    dataset.warnings.extend( warnings )
334                    if file_bunch.path:
335                        dataset.composite_files[ key ] = file_bunch.__dict__
336                    else:
337                        dataset.composite_files[ key ] = None
338                        if not writable_files[ writable_files.keys()[ keys.index( key ) ] ].optional:
339                            dataset.warnings.append( "A required composite file (%s) was not specified." % ( key ) )
340            return [ dataset ]
341        else:
342            datasets = get_filenames( context[ ][0] )
343            rval = []
344            for dataset in datasets:
345                dataset.file_type = file_type
346                dataset.datatype = d_type
347                dataset.ext = self.get_datatype_ext( trans, context )
348                dataset.dbkey = dbkey
349                rval.append( dataset )
350            return rval
352class Conditional( Group ):
353    type = "conditional"
354    def __init__( self ):
355        Group.__init__( self )
356        self.test_param = None
357        self.cases = []
358        self.value_ref = None
359        self.value_ref_in_group = True #When our test_param is not part of the conditional Group, this is False
360    @property
361    def label( self ):
362        return "Conditional (%s)" %
363    def get_current_case( self, value, trans ):
364        # Convert value to user representation
365        str_value = self.test_param.filter_value( value, trans )
366        # Find the matching case
367        for index, case in enumerate( self.cases ):
368            if str_value == case.value:
369                return index
370        raise Exception( "No case matched value:",, str_value )
371    def value_to_basic( self, value, app ):
372        rval = dict()
373        current_case = rval['__current_case__'] = value['__current_case__']
374        rval[ ] = self.test_param.value_to_basic( value[ ], app )
375        for input in self.cases[current_case].inputs.itervalues():
376            rval[ ] = input.value_to_basic( value[ ], app )
377        return rval
378    def value_from_basic( self, value, app, ignore_errors=False ):
379        rval = dict()
380        current_case = rval['__current_case__'] = value['__current_case__']
381        # Test param
382        if ignore_errors and not in value:
383            # If ignoring errors, do nothing. However this is potentially very
384            # problematic since if we are missing the value of test param,
385            # the entire conditional is wrong.
386            pass
387        else:
388            rval[ ] = self.test_param.value_from_basic( value[ ], app, ignore_errors )
389        # Inputs associated with current case
390        for input in self.cases[current_case].inputs.itervalues():
391            if ignore_errors and not in value:
392                # If we do not have a value, and are ignoring errors, we simply
393                # do nothing. There will be no value for the parameter in the
394                # conditional's values dictionary.                 
395                pass
396            else:
397                rval[ ] = input.value_from_basic( value[ ], app, ignore_errors )
398        return rval
399    def visit_inputs( self, prefix, value, callback ):
400        current_case = value['__current_case__']
401        new_prefix = prefix + "%s|" % ( )
402        for input in self.cases[current_case].inputs.itervalues():
403            if isinstance( input, ToolParameter ):
404                callback( prefix, input, value[], parent = value )
405            else:
406                input.visit_inputs( prefix, value[], callback )
407    def get_initial_value( self, trans, context ):
408        # State for a conditional is a plain dictionary.
409        rval = {}
410        # Get the default value for the 'test element' and use it
411        # to determine the current case
412        test_value = self.test_param.get_initial_value( trans, context )
413        current_case = self.get_current_case( test_value, trans )
414        # Store the current case in a special value
415        rval['__current_case__'] = current_case
416        # Store the value of the test element
417        rval[ ] = test_value
418        # Fill in state for selected case
419        child_context = ExpressionContext( rval, context )
420        for child_input in self.cases[current_case].inputs.itervalues():
421            rval[ ] = child_input.get_initial_value( trans, child_context )
422        return rval
424class ConditionalWhen( object ):
425    def __init__( self ):
426        self.value = None
427        self.inputs = None
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。