root/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/ @ 3

リビジョン 2, 7.8 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

2# Attempt to load threadframe module, and only define Heartbeat class
3# if available
7    import pkg_resources
8    pkg_resources.require( "threadframe" )
12    import sys
13    print >> sys.stderr, "No threadframe module, Heartbeat not available"
14    Heartbeat = None
18    import threading
19    import threadframe
20    import time
21    import traceback
22    import os
23    import sys
25    def get_current_thread_object_dict():
26        """
27        Get a dictionary of all 'Thread' objects created via the threading
28        module keyed by thread_id. Note that not all interpreter threads
29        have a thread objects, only the main thread and any created via the
30        'threading' module. Threads created via the low level 'thread' module
31        will not be in the returned dictionary.
33        HACK: This mucks with the internals of the threading module since that
34              module does not expose any way to match 'Thread' objects with
35              intepreter thread identifiers (though it should).
36        """
37        rval = dict()
38        # Acquire the lock and then union the contents of 'active' and 'limbo'
39        # threads into the return value.
40        threading._active_limbo_lock.acquire()
41        rval.update( threading._active )
42        rval.update( threading._limbo )
43        threading._active_limbo_lock.release()
44        return rval
46    class Heartbeat( threading.Thread ):
47        """
48        Thread that periodically dumps the state of all threads to a file using
49        the `threadframe` extension
50        """
51        def __init__( self, name="Heartbeat Thread", period=20, fname="heartbeat.log" ):
52            threading.Thread.__init__( self, name=name )
53            self.should_stop = False
54            self.period = period
55            self.fname = fname
56            self.file = None
57            self.fname_nonsleeping = fname + ".nonsleeping"
58            self.file_nonsleeping = None
59            self.nonsleeping_heartbeats = { }
60            # Save process id
61   = os.getpid()
62            # Event to wait on when sleeping, allows us to interrupt for shutdown
63            self.wait_event = threading.Event()
64        def run( self ):
65            self.file = open( self.fname, "a" )
66            print >> self.file, "Heartbeat for pid %d thread started at %s" % (, time.asctime() )
67            print >> self.file
68            self.file_nonsleeping = open ( self.fname_nonsleeping, "a" )
69            print >> self.file_nonsleeping, "Non-Sleeping-threads for pid %d thread started at %s" % (, time.asctime() )
70            print >> self.file_nonsleeping
71            try:
72                while not self.should_stop:
73                    # Print separator with timestamp
74                    print >> self.file, "Traceback dump for all threads at %s:" % time.asctime()
75                    print >> self.file
76                    # Print the thread states
77                    threads = get_current_thread_object_dict()
78                    for thread_id, frame in threadframe.dict().iteritems():
79                        if thread_id in threads:
80                            object = repr( threads[thread_id] )
81                        else:
82                            object = "<No Thread object>"
83                        print >> self.file, "Thread %s, %s:" % ( thread_id, object )
84                        print >> self.file
85                        traceback.print_stack( frame, file=self.file )
86                        print >> self.file
87                    print >> self.file, "End dump"
88                    print >> self.file
89                    self.file.flush()
90                    self.print_nonsleeping(threads)
91                    # Sleep for a bit
92                    self.wait_event.wait( self.period )
93            finally:
94                print >> self.file, "Heartbeat for pid %d thread stopped at %s" % (, time.asctime() )
95                print >> self.file
96                # Cleanup
97                self.file.close()
98                self.file_nonsleeping.close()
100        def shutdown( self ):
101            self.should_stop = True
102            self.wait_event.set()
103            self.join()
105        def thread_is_sleeping ( self, last_stack_frame ):
106            """
107            Returns True if the given stack-frame represents a known
108            sleeper function (at least in python 2.5)
109            """
110            _filename = last_stack_frame[0]
111            _line     = last_stack_frame[1]
112            _funcname = last_stack_frame[2]
113            _text     = last_stack_frame[3]
114            ### Ugly hack to tell if a thread is supposedly sleeping or not
115            ### These are the most common sleeping functions I've found.
116            ### Is there a better way? (python interpreter internals?)
117            ### Tested only with python 2.5
118            if _funcname=="wait" and _text=="waiter.acquire()":
119                return True
120            if _funcname=="wait" and _text=="_sleep(delay)":
121                return True
122            if _funcname=="accept" and _text[-14:]=="_sock.accept()":
123                return True
124            #Ugly hack: always skip the heartbeat thread
125            #TODO: get the current thread-id in python
126            #      skip heartbeat thread by thread-id, not by filename
127            if _filename.find("/lib/galaxy/util/")!=-1:
128                return True
129            ## By default, assume the thread is not sleeping
130            return False
132        def get_interesting_stack_frame ( self, stack_frames ):
133            """
134            Scans a given backtrace stack frames, returns a single
135            quadraple of [filename, line, function-name, text] of
136            the single, deepest, most interesting frame.
137            Interesting being:
138              inside the galaxy source code ("/lib/galaxy"),
139              prefreably not an egg.
140            """
141            for _filename, _line, _funcname, _text in reversed(stack_frames):
142                idx = _filename.find("/lib/galaxy/")
143                if idx!=-1:
144                    relative_filename = _filename[idx:]
145                    return ( relative_filename, _line, _funcname, _text )
146            # no "/lib/galaxy" code found, return the innermost frame
147            return stack_frames[-1]
149        def print_nonsleeping( self, threads_object_dict ):
150            print >> self.file_nonsleeping, "Non-Sleeping threads at %s:" % time.asctime()
151            print >> self.file_nonsleeping
152            all_threads_are_sleeping = True
153            threads = get_current_thread_object_dict()
154            for thread_id, frame in threadframe.dict().iteritems():
155                if thread_id in threads:
156                    object = repr( threads[thread_id] )
157                else:
158                    object = "<No Thread object>"
159                tb = traceback.extract_stack(frame)
160                if self.thread_is_sleeping(tb[-1]):
161                    if thread_id in self.nonsleeping_heartbeats:
162                        del self.nonsleeping_heartbeats[thread_id]
163                    continue
165                # Count non-sleeping thread heartbeats
166                if thread_id in self.nonsleeping_heartbeats:
167                    self.nonsleeping_heartbeats[thread_id] += 1
168                else:
169                    self.nonsleeping_heartbeats[thread_id]=1
171                good_frame = self.get_interesting_stack_frame(tb)
172                print >> self.file_nonsleeping, "Thread %s\t%s\tnon-sleeping for %d heartbeat(s)\n  File %s:%d\n    Function \"%s\"\n      %s" % \
173                        ( thread_id, object, self.nonsleeping_heartbeats[thread_id], good_frame[0], good_frame[1], good_frame[2], good_frame[3] )
174                all_threads_are_sleeping = False
176            if all_threads_are_sleeping:
177                print >> self.file_nonsleeping, "All threads are sleeping."
178            print >> self.file_nonsleeping
179            self.file_nonsleeping.flush()
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。