root/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ @ 3

リビジョン 2, 13.2 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

2Upload class
5from galaxy.web.base.controller import *
6from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch
7from import DefaultToolState
8from import UnvalidatedValue
9from import upload_common
11import logging
12log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
14class AddFrameData:
15    def __init__( self ):
16        self.wiki_url = None
17        self.debug = None
18        self.from_noframe = None
20class ToolRunner( BaseController ):
22    #Hack to get biomart to work, ideally, we could pass tool_id to biomart and receive it back
23    @web.expose
24    def biomart(self, trans, tool_id='biomart', **kwd):
25        """Catches the tool id and redirects as needed"""
26        return self.index(trans, tool_id=tool_id, **kwd)
28    #test to get hapmap to work, ideally, we could pass tool_id to hapmap biomart and receive it back
29    @web.expose
30    def hapmapmart(self, trans, tool_id='hapmapmart', **kwd):
31        """Catches the tool id and redirects as needed"""
32        return self.index(trans, tool_id=tool_id, **kwd)
34    @web.expose
35    def default(self, trans, tool_id=None, **kwd):
36        """Catches the tool id and redirects as needed"""
37        return self.index(trans, tool_id=tool_id, **kwd)
39    @web.expose
40    def index(self, trans, tool_id=None, from_noframe=None, **kwd):
41        # No tool id passed, redirect to main page
42        if tool_id is None:
43            return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( "/static/welcome.html" ) )
44        # Load the tool
45        toolbox = self.get_toolbox()
46        #Backwards compatibility for datasource tools that have default tool_id configured, but which are now using only GALAXY_URL
47        if isinstance( tool_id, list ):
48            tool_ids = tool_id
49        else:
50            tool_ids = [ tool_id ]
51        for tool_id in tool_ids:
52            tool = toolbox.tools_by_id.get( tool_id, None )
53            if tool:
54                break
55        # No tool matching the tool id, display an error (shouldn't happen)
56        if not tool:
57            tool_id = ','.join( tool_ids )
58            log.error( "index called with tool id '%s' but no such tool exists", tool_id )
59            trans.log_event( "Tool id '%s' does not exist" % tool_id )
60            return "Tool '%s' does not exist, kwd=%s " % (tool_id, kwd)
61        params = util.Params( kwd, sanitize = False ) #Sanitize parameters when substituting into command line via input wrappers
62        #do param translation here, used by datasource tools
63        if tool.input_translator:
64            tool.input_translator.translate( params )
65        # We may be visiting Galaxy for the first time ( e.g., sending data from UCSC ),
66        # so make sure to create a new history if we've never had one before.
67        history = trans.get_history( create=True )
68        template, vars = tool.handle_input( trans, params.__dict__ )
69        if len(params) > 0:
70            trans.log_event( "Tool params: %s" % (str(params)), tool_id=tool_id )
71        add_frame = AddFrameData()
72        add_frame.debug = trans.debug
73        if from_noframe is not None:
74            add_frame.wiki_url =
75            add_frame.from_noframe = True
76        return trans.fill_template( template, history=history, toolbox=toolbox, tool=tool, util=util, add_frame=add_frame, **vars )
78    @web.expose
79    def rerun( self, trans, id=None, from_noframe=None, **kwd ):
80        """
81        Given a HistoryDatasetAssociation id, find the job and that created
82        the dataset, extract the parameters, and display the appropriate tool
83        form with parameters already filled in.
84        """
85        if not id:
86            error( "'id' parameter is required" );
87        try:
88            id = int( id )
89        except:
90            error( "Invalid value for 'id' parameter" )
91        # Get the dataset object
92        data = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id )
93        # Get the associated job, if any. If this hda was copied from another,
94        # we need to find the job that created the origial hda
95        job_hda = data
96        while job_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association:#should this check library datasets as well?
97            job_hda = job_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association
98        if not job_hda.creating_job_associations:
99            error( "Could not find the job for this dataset" )
100        # Get the job object
101        job = None
102        for assoc in job_hda.creating_job_associations:
103            job = assoc.job
104            break   
105        if not job:
106            raise Exception("Failed to get job information for dataset hid %d" % data.hid)
107        # Get the tool object
108        tool_id = job.tool_id
109        try:
110            # Load the tool
111            toolbox = self.get_toolbox()
112            tool = toolbox.tools_by_id.get( tool_id, None )
113            assert tool is not None, 'Requested tool has not been loaded.'
114        except:
115            #this is expected, so not an exception
116            error( "This dataset was created by an obsolete tool (%s). Can't re-run." % tool_id )
117        # Can't rerun upload, external data sources, et cetera. Workflow
118        # compatible will proxy this for now
119        if not tool.is_workflow_compatible:
120            error( "The '%s' tool does not currently support rerunning." % )
121        # Get the job's parameters
122        try:
123            params_objects = job.get_param_values( )
124        except:
125            raise Exception( "Failed to get paramemeters for dataset id %d " % )
126        # Unpack unvalidated values to strings, they'll be validated when the
127        # form is submitted (this happens when re-running a job that was
128        # initially run by a workflow)
129        validated_params = {}
130        for name, value in params_objects.items():
131            if isinstance( value, UnvalidatedValue ):
132                validated_params [ str(name) ] = str(value)
133            else:
134                validated_params [ str(name) ] = value
135        params_objects = validated_params
136        # Need to remap dataset parameters. Job parameters point to original
137        # dataset used; parameter should be the analygous dataset in the
138        # current history.
139        history = trans.get_history()
140        hda_source_dict = {} # Mapping from HDA in history to source HDAs.
141        for hda in history.datasets:
142            source_hda = hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association
143            while source_hda:#should this check library datasets as well?
144                hda_source_dict[ source_hda ] = hda
145                source_hda = source_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association
146        for name, value in validated_params.items():
147            if isinstance( value, ):
148                if value not in history.datasets:
149                    validated_params[ name ] = hda_source_dict[ value ]
150        # Create a fake tool_state for the tool, with the parameters values
151        state = tool.new_state( trans )
152        state.inputs = params_objects
153        tool_state_string = util.object_to_string(state.encode(tool,
154        # Setup context for template
155        vars = dict( tool_state=state, errors = {} )
156        # Is the "add frame" stuff neccesary here?
157        add_frame = AddFrameData()
158        add_frame.debug = trans.debug
159        if from_noframe is not None:
160            add_frame.wiki_url =
161            add_frame.from_noframe = True
162        return trans.fill_template( "tool_form.mako", history=history, toolbox=toolbox, tool=tool, util=util, add_frame=add_frame, **vars )
163    @web.expose
164    def redirect( self, trans, redirect_url=None, **kwd ):
165        if not redirect_url:
166            return trans.show_error_message( "Required URL for redirection missing" )
167        trans.log_event( "Redirecting to: %s" % redirect_url )
168        return trans.fill_template( 'root/redirect.mako', redirect_url=redirect_url )
169    @web.json
170    def upload_async_create( self, trans, tool_id=None, **kwd ):
171        """
172        Precreate datasets for asynchronous uploading.
173        """
174        cntrller = kwd.get( 'cntrller', '' )
175        roles = kwd.get( 'roles', False )
176        if roles:
177            # The user associated the DATASET_ACCESS permission on the uploaded datasets with 1 or more roles.
178            # We need to ensure that the roles are legitimately derived from the roles associated with the LIBRARY_ACCESS
179            # permission if the library is not public ( this should always be the case since any ill-legitimate roles
180            # were filtered out of the roles displayed on the upload form.  In addition, we need to ensure that the user
181            # did not associated roles that would make the dataset in-accessible by everyone.
182            library_id = kwd.get( 'library_id', '' ) )
183            vars = dict( DATASET_ACCESS_in=roles )
184            permissions, in_roles, error, msg = trans, library_id, cntrller, library=True, **vars )
185            if error:
186                return [ 'error', msg ]
187        def create_dataset( name ):
188            ud = Bunch( name=name, file_type=None, dbkey=None )
189            if nonfile_params.get( 'folder_id', False ):
190                replace_id = nonfile_params.get( 'replace_id', None )
191                if replace_id not in [ None, 'None' ]:
192                    replace_dataset = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( replace_id ) )
193                else:
194                    replace_dataset = None
195                # FIXME: instead of passing params here ( chiech have been process by util.Params(), the original kwd
196                # should be passed so that complex objects that may have been included in the initial request remain.
197                library_bunch = upload_common.handle_library_params( trans, nonfile_params, nonfile_params.folder_id, replace_dataset )
198            else:
199                library_bunch = None
200            return upload_common.new_upload( trans, cntrller, ud, library_bunch=library_bunch, )
201        tool = self.get_toolbox().tools_by_id.get( tool_id, None )
202        if not tool:
203            return False # bad tool_id
204        nonfile_params = util.Params( kwd, sanitize=False )
205        if kwd.get( 'tool_state', None ) not in ( None, 'None' ):
206            encoded_state = util.string_to_object( kwd["tool_state"] )
207            tool_state = DefaultToolState()
208            tool_state.decode( encoded_state, tool, )
209        else:
210            tool_state = tool.new_state( trans )
211        errors = tool.update_state( trans, tool.inputs, tool_state.inputs, kwd, update_only = True )
212        datasets = []
213        dataset_upload_inputs = []
214        for input_name, input in tool.inputs.iteritems():
215            if input.type == "upload_dataset":
216                dataset_upload_inputs.append( input )
217        assert dataset_upload_inputs, Exception( "No dataset upload groups were found." )
218        for dataset_upload_input in dataset_upload_inputs:
219            d_type = dataset_upload_input.get_datatype( trans, kwd )
221            if d_type.composite_type is not None:
222                datasets.append( create_dataset( dataset_upload_input.get_composite_dataset_name( kwd ) ) )
223            else:
224                params = Bunch( ** tool_state.inputs[][0] )
225                if params.file_data not in [ None, "" ]:
226                    name = params.file_data
227                    if name.count('/'):
228                        name = name.rsplit('/',1)[1]
229                    if name.count('\\'):
230                        name = name.rsplit('\\',1)[1]
231                    datasets.append( create_dataset( name ) )
232                if params.url_paste not in [ None, "" ]:
233                    url_paste = params.url_paste.replace( '\r', '' ).split( '\n' )
234                    url = False
235                    for line in url_paste:
236                        line = line.rstrip( '\r\n' ).strip()
237                        if not line:
238                            continue
239                        elif line.lower().startswith( 'http://' ) or line.lower().startswith( 'ftp://' ):
240                            url = True
241                            datasets.append( create_dataset( line ) )
242                        else:
243                            if url:
244                                continue # non-url when we've already processed some urls
245                            else:
246                                # pasted data
247                                datasets.append( create_dataset( 'Pasted Entry' ) )
248                                break
249        return [ for d in datasets ]
251    @web.expose
252    def upload_async_message( self, trans, **kwd ):
253        # might be more appropriate in a different controller
254        msg = """<p>Your upload has been queued.  History entries that are still uploading will be blue, and turn green upon completion.</p>
255        <p><b>Please do not use your browser\'s "stop" or "reload" buttons until the upload is complete, or it may be interrupted.</b></p>
256        <p>You may safely continue to use Galaxy while the upload is in progress.  Using "stop" and "reload" on pages other than Galaxy is also safe.</p>
257        """
258        return trans.show_message( msg, refresh_frames='history' )
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。