1 | import sys, os
2 | import serial
3 | import array
4 | import time
5 | import optparse
6 | import ConfigParser, logging
7 | from scanner_interface import ScannerInterface
8 |
9 | logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
10 | log = logging.getLogger( 'Scanner' )
11 |
12 | # command prefix: SYN M CR
13 | cmd = [22, 77, 13]
14 | response = { 6: 'ACK', 5: 'ENQ', 21: 'NAK' }
15 | image_scanner_report = 'RPTSCN.'
16 | get_prefix1 = 'PREBK2?.'
17 | get_prefix2 = ':4820:PREBK2?.'
18 | set_prefix = 'PREBK2995859.'
19 | clear_prefix = 'PRECA2.'
20 |
21 | def get_prefix_cmd(name):
22 | return ':' + name + ':' + 'PREBK2?.'
23 |
24 | def set_prefix_cmd(name, prefix):
25 | prefix_str = ''
26 | for c in prefix:
27 | prefix_str = prefix_str + hex(ord(c))[2:]
28 | return ':' + name + ':' + 'PREBK299' + prefix_str + '!'
29 |
30 | def read_config_file(config_file):
31 | config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
32 | config.read(config_file)
33 | count = 1
34 | scanners_list = []
35 | while True:
36 | section = 'scanner%i' % count
37 | if config.has_section(section):
38 | scanner = dict(name=config.get(section, 'name'),
39 | prefix=config.get(section, 'prefix'),
40 | state=config.get(section, 'state'))
41 | scanners_list.append(scanner)
42 | count = count + 1
43 | else:
44 | return scanners_list
45 |
46 | def main():
47 | usage = "python %s -p PORT -c CONFIG_FILE [ OPTION ]" % sys.argv[0]
48 | parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
49 | parser.add_option('-p', '--port', help='Name of the port where the scanner is connected',
50 | dest='port', action='store')
51 | parser.add_option('-c', '--config-file', help='config file with all the AMQP config parameters',
52 | dest='config_file', action='store')
53 | parser.add_option('-r', '--report', help='scanner report',
54 | dest='report', action='store_true', default=False)
55 | parser.add_option('-i', '--install', help='install the scanners',
56 | dest='install', action='store_true', default=False)
57 | (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
58 | # validate
59 | if not opts.port:
60 | parser.print_help()
61 | sys.exit(0)
62 | if ( opts.report or opts.install ) and not opts.config_file:
63 | parser.print_help()
64 | sys.exit(0)
65 |
66 | # create the scanner interface
67 | si = ScannerInterface(opts.port)
68 | if opts.install:
69 | scanners_list = read_config_file(opts.config_file)
70 | for scanner in scanners_list:
71 | msg = set_prefix_cmd(scanner['name'], scanner['prefix'])
72 | si.send(msg)
73 | response = si.recv()
74 | if not response:
75 | log.error("Scanner %s could not be installed." % scanner['name'])
76 | elif opts.report:
77 | si.send(image_scanner_report)
78 | rep = si.recv()
79 | log.info(rep)
80 | scanners_list = read_config_file(opts.config_file)
81 | for scanner in scanners_list:
82 | msg = get_prefix_cmd(scanner['name'])
83 | si.send(msg)
84 | response = si.recv()
85 | if response:
86 | log.info('PREFIX for scanner %s: %s' % (scanner['name'], chr(int(response[8:12][:2], 16))+chr(int(response[8:12][2:], 16)) ))
87 | si.close()
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 | if __name__ == "__main__":
92 | main()