1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | #Dan Blankenberg
3 |
4 | #Harvest Bacteria
5 | #Connects to NCBI's Microbial Genome Projects website and scrapes it for information.
6 | #Downloads and converts annotations for each Genome
7 |
8 | import sys, os, time
9 | from urllib2 import urlopen
10 | from urllib import urlretrieve
11 | from ftplib import FTP
12 | from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
13 | from util import get_bed_from_genbank, get_bed_from_glimmer3, get_bed_from_GeneMarkHMM, get_bed_from_GeneMark
14 |
15 | assert sys.version_info[:2] >= ( 2, 4 )
16 |
17 | #this defines the types of ftp files we are interested in, and how to process/convert them to a form for our use
18 | desired_ftp_files = {'GeneMark':{'ext':'GeneMark-2.5f','parser':'process_GeneMark'},
19 | 'GeneMarkHMM':{'ext':'GeneMarkHMM-2.6m','parser':'process_GeneMarkHMM'},
20 | 'Glimmer3':{'ext':'Glimmer3','parser':'process_Glimmer3'},
21 | 'fna':{'ext':'fna','parser':'process_FASTA'},
22 | 'gbk':{'ext':'gbk','parser':'process_Genbank'} }
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 | #number, name, chroms, kingdom, group, genbank, refseq, info_url, ftp_url
27 | def iter_genome_projects( url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/lproks.cgi?view=1", info_url_base = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=genomeprj&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Overview&list_uids=" ):
28 | for row in BeautifulSoup( urlopen( url ) ).findAll( name = 'tr', bgcolor = ["#EEFFDD", "#E8E8DD"] ):
29 | row = str( row ).replace( "\n", "" ).replace( "\r", "" )
30 |
31 | fields = row.split( "</td>" )
32 |
33 | org_num = fields[0].split( "list_uids=" )[-1].split( "\"" )[0]
34 |
35 | name = fields[1].split( "\">" )[-1].split( "<" )[0]
36 |
37 | kingdom = "archaea"
38 | if "<td class=\"bacteria\" align=\"center\">B" in fields[2]:
39 | kingdom = "bacteria"
40 |
41 | group = fields[3].split( ">" )[-1]
42 |
43 | info_url = "%s%s" % ( info_url_base, org_num )
44 |
45 | org_genbank = fields[7].split( "\">" )[-1].split( "<" )[0].split( "." )[0]
46 | org_refseq = fields[8].split( "\">" )[-1].split( "<" )[0].split( "." )[0]
47 |
48 | #seems some things donot have an ftp url, try and except it here:
49 | try:
50 | ftp_url = fields[22].split( "href=\"" )[1].split( "\"" )[0]
51 | except:
52 | print "FAILED TO AQUIRE FTP ADDRESS:", org_num, info_url
53 | ftp_url = None
54 |
55 | chroms = get_chroms_by_project_id( org_num )
56 |
57 | yield org_num, name, chroms, kingdom, group, org_genbank, org_refseq, info_url, ftp_url
58 |
59 | def get_chroms_by_project_id( org_num, base_url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=genomeprj&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Overview&list_uids=" ):
60 | html_count = 0
61 | html = None
62 | while html_count < 500 and html == None:
63 | html_count += 1
64 | url = "%s%s" % ( base_url, org_num )
65 | try:
66 | html = urlopen( url )
67 | except:
68 | print "GENOME PROJECT FAILED:", html_count, "org:", org_num, url
69 | html = None
70 | time.sleep( 1 ) #Throttle Connection
71 | if html is None:
72 | "GENOME PROJECT COMPLETELY FAILED TO LOAD", "org:", org_num,"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=genomeprj&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Overview&list_uids="+org_num
73 | return None
74 |
75 | chroms = []
76 | for chr_row in BeautifulSoup( html ).findAll( "tr", { "class" : "vvv" } ):
77 | chr_row = str( chr_row ).replace( "\n","" ).replace( "\r", "" )
78 | fields2 = chr_row.split( "</td>" )
79 | refseq = fields2[1].split( "</a>" )[0].split( ">" )[-1]
80 | #genbank = fields2[2].split( "</a>" )[0].split( ">" )[-1]
81 | chroms.append( refseq )
82 |
83 | return chroms
84 |
85 | def get_ftp_contents( ftp_url ):
86 | ftp_count = 0
87 | ftp_contents = None
88 | while ftp_count < 500 and ftp_contents == None:
89 | ftp_count += 1
90 | try:
91 | ftp = FTP( ftp_url.split("/")[2] )
92 | ftp.login()
93 | ftp.cwd( ftp_url.split( ftp_url.split( "/" )[2] )[-1] )
94 | ftp_contents = ftp.nlst()
95 | ftp.close()
96 | except:
97 | ftp_contents = None
98 | time.sleep( 1 ) #Throttle Connection
99 | return ftp_contents
100 |
101 | def scrape_ftp( ftp_contents, org_dir, org_num, refseq, ftp_url ):
102 | for file_type, items in desired_ftp_files.items():
103 | ext = items['ext']
104 | ftp_filename = "%s.%s" % ( refseq, ext )
105 | target_filename = os.path.join( org_dir, "%s.%s" % ( refseq, ext ) )
106 | if ftp_filename in ftp_contents:
107 | url_count = 0
108 | url = "%s/%s" % ( ftp_url, ftp_filename )
109 | results = None
110 | while url_count < 500 and results is None:
111 | url_count += 1
112 | try:
113 | results = urlretrieve( url, target_filename )
114 | except:
115 | results = None
116 | time.sleep(1) #Throttle Connection
117 | if results is None:
119 | return
120 |
121 | #do special processing for each file type:
122 | if items['parser'] is not None:
123 | parser_results = globals()[items['parser']]( target_filename, org_num, refseq )
124 | else:
125 | print "FTP filetype:", file_type, "not found for", org_num, refseq
126 | #FTP Files have been Loaded
127 |
128 |
129 | def process_FASTA( filename, org_num, refseq ):
130 | fasta = []
131 | fasta = [line.strip() for line in open( filename, 'rb' ).readlines()]
132 | fasta_header = fasta.pop( 0 )[1:]
133 | fasta_header_split = fasta_header.split( "|" )
134 | chr_name = fasta_header_split.pop( -1 ).strip()
135 | accesions = {fasta_header_split[0]:fasta_header_split[1], fasta_header_split[2]:fasta_header_split[3]}
136 | fasta = "".join( fasta )
137 |
138 | #Create Chrom Info File:
139 | chrom_info_file = open( os.path.join( os.path.split( filename )[0], "%s.info" % refseq ), 'wb+' )
140 | chrom_info_file.write( "chromosome=%s\nname=%s\nlength=%s\norganism=%s\n" % ( refseq, chr_name, len( fasta ), org_num ) )
141 | try:
142 | chrom_info_file.write( "gi=%s\n" % accesions['gi'] )
143 | except:
144 | chrom_info_file.write( "gi=None\n" )
145 | try:
146 | chrom_info_file.write( "gb=%s\n" % accesions['gb'] )
147 | except:
148 | chrom_info_file.write( "gb=None\n" )
149 | try:
150 | chrom_info_file.write( "refseq=%s\n" % refseq )
151 | except:
152 | chrom_info_file.write( "refseq=None\n" )
153 | chrom_info_file.close()
154 |
155 | def process_Genbank( filename, org_num, refseq ):
156 | #extracts 'CDS', 'tRNA', 'rRNA' features from genbank file
157 | features = get_bed_from_genbank( filename, refseq, ['CDS', 'tRNA', 'rRNA'] )
158 | for feature in features.keys():
159 | feature_file = open( os.path.join( os.path.split( filename )[0], "%s.%s.bed" % ( refseq, feature ) ), 'wb+' )
160 | feature_file.write( '\n'.join( features[feature] ) )
161 | feature_file.close()
162 | print "Genbank extraction finished for chrom:", refseq, "file:", filename
163 |
164 | def process_Glimmer3( filename, org_num, refseq ):
165 | try:
166 | glimmer3_bed = get_bed_from_glimmer3( filename, refseq )
167 | except Exception, e:
168 | print "Converting Glimmer3 to bed FAILED! For chrom:", refseq, "file:", filename, e
169 | glimmer3_bed = []
170 | glimmer3_bed_file = open( os.path.join( os.path.split( filename )[0], "%s.Glimmer3.bed" % refseq ), 'wb+' )
171 | glimmer3_bed_file.write( '\n'.join( glimmer3_bed ) )
172 | glimmer3_bed_file.close()
173 |
174 | def process_GeneMarkHMM( filename, org_num, refseq ):
175 | try:
176 | geneMarkHMM_bed = get_bed_from_GeneMarkHMM( filename, refseq )
177 | except Exception, e:
178 | print "Converting GeneMarkHMM to bed FAILED! For chrom:", refseq, "file:", filename, e
179 | geneMarkHMM_bed = []
180 | geneMarkHMM_bed_bed_file = open( os.path.join( os.path.split( filename )[0], "%s.GeneMarkHMM.bed" % refseq ), 'wb+' )
181 | geneMarkHMM_bed_bed_file.write( '\n'.join( geneMarkHMM_bed ) )
182 | geneMarkHMM_bed_bed_file.close()
183 |
184 | def process_GeneMark( filename, org_num, refseq ):
185 | try:
186 | geneMark_bed = get_bed_from_GeneMark( filename, refseq )
187 | except Exception, e:
188 | print "Converting GeneMark to bed FAILED! For chrom:", refseq, "file:", filename, e
189 | geneMark_bed = []
190 | geneMark_bed_bed_file = open( os.path.join( os.path.split( filename )[0], "%s.GeneMark.bed" % refseq ), 'wb+' )
191 | geneMark_bed_bed_file.write( '\n'.join( geneMark_bed ) )
192 | geneMark_bed_bed_file.close()
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 | def __main__():
197 | start_time = time.time()
198 | base_dir = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "bacteria" )
199 | try:
200 | base_dir = sys.argv[1]
201 | except:
202 | print "using default base_dir:", base_dir
203 |
204 | try:
205 | os.mkdir( base_dir )
206 | print "path '%s' has been created" % base_dir
207 | except:
208 | print "path '%s' seems to already exist" % base_dir
209 |
210 | for org_num, name, chroms, kingdom, group, org_genbank, org_refseq, info_url, ftp_url in iter_genome_projects():
211 | if chroms is None:
212 | continue #No chrom information, we can't really do anything with this organism
213 | #Create org directory, if exists, assume it is done and complete --> skip it
214 | try:
215 | org_dir = os.path.join( base_dir, org_num )
216 | os.mkdir( org_dir )
217 | except:
218 | print "Organism %s already exists on disk, skipping" % org_num
219 | continue
220 |
221 | #get ftp contents
222 | ftp_contents = get_ftp_contents( ftp_url )
223 | if ftp_contents is None:
224 | "FTP COMPLETELY FAILED TO LOAD", "org:", org_num, "ftp:", ftp_url
225 | else:
226 | for refseq in chroms:
227 | ftp_result = scrape_ftp( ftp_contents, org_dir, org_num, refseq, ftp_url )
228 | #FTP Files have been Loaded
229 | print "Org:", org_num, "chrom:", refseq, "[", time.time() - start_time, "seconds elapsed. ]"
230 |
231 | #Create org info file
232 | info_file = open( os.path.join( org_dir, "%s.info" % org_num ), 'wb+' )
233 | info_file.write("genome project id=%s\n" % org_num )
234 | info_file.write("name=%s\n" % name )
235 | info_file.write("kingdom=%s\n" % kingdom )
236 | info_file.write("group=%s\n" % group )
237 | info_file.write("chromosomes=%s\n" % ",".join( chroms ) )
238 | info_file.write("info url=%s\n" % info_url )
239 | info_file.write("ftp url=%s\n" % ftp_url )
240 | info_file.close()
241 |
242 | print "Finished Harvesting", "[", time.time() - start_time, "seconds elapsed. ]"
243 | print "[", ( time.time() - start_time )/60, "minutes. ]"
244 | print "[", ( time.time() - start_time )/60/60, "hours. ]"
245 |
246 | if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()