
リビジョン 2, 12.2 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

1from base.twilltestcase import *
2from base.test_db_util import *
4class TestDataSecurity( TwillTestCase ):
5    def test_000_initiate_users( self ):
6        """Ensuring all required user accounts exist"""
7        self.logout()
8        self.login( email='', username='regular-user1' )
9        global regular_user1
10        regular_user1 = get_user( '' )
11        assert regular_user1 is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email "" from the database'
12        global regular_user1_private_role
13        regular_user1_private_role = get_private_role( regular_user1 )
14        self.logout()
15        self.login( email='', username='regular-user2' )
16        global regular_user2
17        regular_user2 = get_user( '' )
18        assert regular_user2 is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email "" from the database'
19        global regular_user2_private_role
20        regular_user2_private_role = get_private_role( regular_user2 )
21        self.logout()
22        self.login( email='', username='regular-user3' )
23        global regular_user3
24        regular_user3 = get_user( '' )
25        assert regular_user3 is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email "" from the database'
26        global regular_user3_private_role
27        regular_user3_private_role = get_private_role( regular_user3 )
28        self.logout()
29        self.login( email='', username='admin-user' )
30        global admin_user
31        admin_user = get_user( '' )
32        assert admin_user is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email "" from the database'
33        global admin_user_private_role
34        admin_user_private_role = get_private_role( admin_user )
35    def test_005_default_permissions( self ):
36        """Testing initial settings for DefaultUserPermissions and DefaultHistoryPermissions"""
37        # Logged in as admin_user
38        # Make sure DefaultUserPermissions are correct
39        dups = get_default_user_permissions_by_user( admin_user )
40        if len( dups ) > 1:
41            raise AssertionError( '%d DefaultUserPermissions associated with user %s ( should be 1 )' \
42                                  % ( len( admin_user.default_permissions ), ) )
43        dup = dups[0]
44        if not dup.action == galaxy.model.Dataset.permitted_actions.DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS.action:
45            raise AssertionError( 'The DefaultUserPermission.action for user "%s" is "%s", but it should be "%s"' \
46                                  % (, dup.action, galaxy.model.Dataset.permitted_actions.DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS.action ) )
47        # Make sure DefaultHistoryPermissions are correct
48        latest_history = get_latest_history_for_user( admin_user )
49        dhps = get_default_history_permissions_by_history( latest_history )
50        if len( dhps ) > 1:
51            raise AssertionError( '%d DefaultHistoryPermissions were created for history id %d when it was created ( should have been 1 )' \
52                                  % ( len( latest_history.default_permissions ), ) )
53        dhp = dhps[0]
54        if not dhp.action == galaxy.model.Dataset.permitted_actions.DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS.action:
55            raise AssertionError( 'The DefaultHistoryPermission.action for history id %d is "%s", but it should be "%s"' \
56                                  % (, dhp.action, galaxy.model.Dataset.permitted_actions.DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS.action ) )
57        self.manage_roles_and_groups_for_user( ),
58                                               strings_displayed=[ ] )
59        # Try deleting the admin_user's private role
60        self.manage_roles_and_groups_for_user( ),
61                                               out_role_ids=str( ),
62                                               strings_displayed = [ "You cannot eliminate a user's private role association." ] )
63    def test_010_private_role_creation_and_default_history_permissions( self ):
64        """Testing private role creation and changing DefaultHistoryPermissions for new histories"""
65        # Logged in as admin_user
66        self.logout()
67        # Some of the history related tests here are similar to some tests in the
68        # script, so we could potentially eliminate 1 or 2 of them.
69        self.login( email='' )
70        global regular_user1
71        regular_user1 = get_user( '' )
72        assert regular_user1 is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email "" from the database'
73        # Add a dataset to the history
74        self.upload_file( '1.bed' )
75        latest_dataset = get_latest_dataset()
76        # Make sure DatasetPermissions are correct - default is 'manage permissions'
77        dps = get_dataset_permissions_by_dataset( latest_dataset )
78        if len( dps ) > 1:
79            raise AssertionError( '%d DatasetPermissions were created for dataset id %d when it was created ( should have been 1 )' \
80                                  % ( len( dps ), ) )
81        dp = dps[0]
82        if not dp.action == galaxy.model.Dataset.permitted_actions.DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS.action:
83            raise AssertionError( 'The DatasetPermissions.action for dataset id %d is "%s", but it should be "manage permissions"' \
84                                  % (, dp.action ) )
85        # Change DefaultHistoryPermissions for regular_user1
86        permissions_in = []
87        actions_in = []
88        for key, value in galaxy.model.Dataset.permitted_actions.items():
89            # Setting the 'access' permission with the private role makes this dataset private
90            permissions_in.append( key )
91            actions_in.append( value.action )
92        # Sort actions for later comparison
93        actions_in.sort()
94        self.user_set_default_permissions( permissions_in=permissions_in, role_id=str( ) )
95        # Make sure the default permissions are changed for new histories
96        self.new_history()
97        # logged in as regular_user1
98        latest_history = get_latest_history_for_user( regular_user1 )
99        if len( latest_history.default_permissions ) != len( actions_in ):
100            raise AssertionError( '%d DefaultHistoryPermissions were created for history id %d, should have been %d' % \
101                                  ( len( latest_history.default_permissions ),, len( actions_in ) ) )
102        dhps = []
103        for dhp in latest_history.default_permissions:
104            dhps.append( dhp.action )
105        # Sort permissions for later comparison
106        dhps.sort()
107        for key, value in galaxy.model.Dataset.permitted_actions.items():
108            if value.action not in dhps:
109                raise AssertionError( '%s not in history id %d default_permissions after they were changed' % ( value.action, ) )
110        # Add a dataset to the history
111        self.upload_file( '1.bed' )
112        latest_dataset = get_latest_dataset()
113        # Make sure DatasetPermissions are correct
114        if len( latest_dataset.actions ) != len( latest_history.default_permissions ):
115            raise AssertionError( '%d DatasetPermissions were created for dataset id %d when it was created ( should have been %d )' % \
116                                  ( len( latest_dataset.actions ),, len( latest_history.default_permissions ) ) )
117        dps = []
118        for dp in latest_dataset.actions:
119            dps.append( dp.action )
120        # Sort actions for later comparison
121        dps.sort()
122        # Compare DatasetPermissions with permissions_in - should be the same
123        if dps != actions_in:
124            raise AssertionError( 'DatasetPermissions "%s" for dataset id %d differ from changed default permissions "%s"' \
125                % ( str( dps ),, str( actions_in ) ) )
126        # Compare DefaultHistoryPermissions and DatasetPermissions - should be the same
127        if dps != dhps:
128                raise AssertionError( 'DatasetPermissions "%s" for dataset id %d differ from DefaultHistoryPermissions "%s" for history id %d' \
129                                      % ( str( dps ),, str( dhps ), ) )
130    def test_015_change_default_permissions_for_current_history( self ):
131        """Testing changing DefaultHistoryPermissions for the current history"""
132        # logged in a regular_user1
133        self.logout()
134        self.login( )
135        latest_history = get_latest_history_for_user( regular_user2 )
136        self.upload_file( '1.bed' )
137        latest_dataset = get_latest_dataset()
138        permissions_in = [ 'DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS' ]
139        # Make sure these are in sorted order for later comparison
140        actions_in = [ 'manage permissions' ]
141        permissions_out = [ 'DATASET_ACCESS' ]
142        actions_out = [ 'access' ]
143        # Change DefaultHistoryPermissions for the current history
144        self.history_set_default_permissions( permissions_out=permissions_out, permissions_in=permissions_in, role_id=str( ) )
145        if len( latest_history.default_permissions ) != len( actions_in ):
146            raise AssertionError( '%d DefaultHistoryPermissions were created for history id %d, should have been %d' \
147                                  % ( len( latest_history.default_permissions ),, len( permissions_in ) ) )
148        # Make sure DefaultHistoryPermissions were correctly changed for the current history
149        dhps = []
150        for dhp in latest_history.default_permissions:
151            dhps.append( dhp.action )
152        # Sort permissions for later comparison
153        dhps.sort()
154        # Compare DefaultHistoryPermissions and actions_in - should be the same
155        if dhps != actions_in:
156            raise AssertionError( 'DefaultHistoryPermissions "%s" for history id %d differ from actions "%s" passed for changing' \
157                                      % ( str( dhps ),, str( actions_in ) ) )
158        # Make sure DatasetPermissionss are correct
159        if len( latest_dataset.actions ) != len( latest_history.default_permissions ):
160            raise AssertionError( '%d DatasetPermissionss were created for dataset id %d when it was created ( should have been %d )' \
161                                  % ( len( latest_dataset.actions ),, len( latest_history.default_permissions ) ) )
162        dps = []
163        for dp in latest_dataset.actions:
164            dps.append( dp.action )
165        # Sort actions for comparison
166        dps.sort()
167        # Compare DatasetPermissionss and DefaultHistoryPermissions - should be the same
168        if dps != dhps:
169            raise AssertionError( 'DatasetPermissionss "%s" for dataset id %d differ from DefaultHistoryPermissions "%s"' \
170                                      % ( str( dps ),, str( dhps ) ) )
171    def test_999_reset_data_for_later_test_runs( self ):
172        """Reseting data to enable later test runs to pass"""
173        # Logged in as regular_user2
174        self.logout()
175        self.login( )
176        ##################
177        # Make sure all users are associated only with their private roles
178        ##################
179        for user in [ admin_user, regular_user1, regular_user2, regular_user3 ]:
180            refresh( user )
181            if len( user.roles) != 1:
182                raise AssertionError( '%d UserRoleAssociations are associated with %s ( should be 1 )' % ( len( user.roles ), ) )
183        #####################
184        # Reset DefaultHistoryPermissions for regular_user1
185        #####################
186        self.logout()
187        self.login( )
188        # Change DefaultHistoryPermissions for regular_user1 back to the default
189        permissions_in = [ 'DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS' ]
190        permissions_out = [ 'DATASET_ACCESS' ]
191        self.user_set_default_permissions( permissions_in=permissions_in,
192                                           permissions_out=permissions_out,
193                                           role_id=str( ) )
194        self.logout()
195        self.login( )
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。