1 |
2 | def load_microbial_data( GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR, sep='\t' ):
3 | # FIXME: this function is duplicated in the DynamicOptions class. It is used here only to
4 | # set data.name in exec_after_process().
5 | microbe_info= {}
6 | orgs = {}
7 |
8 | filename = "%s/microbial_data.loc" % GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR
9 | for i, line in enumerate( open( filename ) ):
10 | line = line.rstrip( '\r\n' )
11 | if line and not line.startswith( '#' ):
12 | fields = line.split( sep )
13 | #read each line, if not enough fields, go to next line
14 | try:
15 | info_type = fields.pop(0)
16 | if info_type.upper() == "ORG":
17 | #ORG 12521 Clostridium perfringens SM101 bacteria Firmicutes CP000312,CP000313,CP000314,CP000315 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=genomeprj&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Overview&list_uids=12521
18 | org_num = fields.pop(0)
19 | name = fields.pop(0)
20 | kingdom = fields.pop(0)
21 | group = fields.pop(0)
22 | chromosomes = fields.pop(0)
23 | info_url = fields.pop(0)
24 | link_site = fields.pop(0)
25 | if org_num not in orgs:
26 | orgs[ org_num ] = {}
27 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'chrs' ] = {}
28 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'name' ] = name
29 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'kingdom' ] = kingdom
30 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'group' ] = group
31 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'chromosomes' ] = chromosomes
32 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'info_url' ] = info_url
33 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'link_site' ] = link_site
34 | elif info_type.upper() == "CHR":
35 | #CHR 12521 CP000315 Clostridium perfringens phage phiSM101, complete genome 38092 110684521 CP000315.1
36 | org_num = fields.pop(0)
37 | chr_acc = fields.pop(0)
38 | name = fields.pop(0)
39 | length = fields.pop(0)
40 | gi = fields.pop(0)
41 | gb = fields.pop(0)
42 | info_url = fields.pop(0)
43 | chr = {}
44 | chr[ 'name' ] = name
45 | chr[ 'length' ] = length
46 | chr[ 'gi' ] = gi
47 | chr[ 'gb' ] = gb
48 | chr[ 'info_url' ] = info_url
49 | if org_num not in orgs:
50 | orgs[ org_num ] = {}
51 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'chrs' ] = {}
52 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'chrs' ][ chr_acc ] = chr
53 | elif info_type.upper() == "DATA":
54 | #DATA 12521_12521_CDS 12521 CP000315 CDS bed /home/djb396/alignments/playground/bacteria/12521/CP000315.CDS.bed
55 | uid = fields.pop(0)
56 | org_num = fields.pop(0)
57 | chr_acc = fields.pop(0)
58 | feature = fields.pop(0)
59 | filetype = fields.pop(0)
60 | path = fields.pop(0)
61 | data = {}
62 | data[ 'filetype' ] = filetype
63 | data[ 'path' ] = path
64 | data[ 'feature' ] = feature
65 |
66 | if org_num not in orgs:
67 | orgs[ org_num ] = {}
68 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'chrs' ] = {}
69 | if 'data' not in orgs[ org_num ][ 'chrs' ][ chr_acc ]:
70 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'chrs' ][ chr_acc ][ 'data' ] = {}
71 | orgs[ org_num ][ 'chrs' ][ chr_acc ][ 'data' ][ uid ] = data
72 | else: continue
73 | except: continue
74 | for org_num in orgs:
75 | org = orgs[ org_num ]
76 | if org[ 'kingdom' ] not in microbe_info:
77 | microbe_info[ org[ 'kingdom' ] ] = {}
78 | if org_num not in microbe_info[ org[ 'kingdom' ] ]:
79 | microbe_info[ org[ 'kingdom' ] ][org_num] = org
80 | return microbe_info
81 |
82 | #post processing, set build for data and add additional data to history
83 | from galaxy import datatypes, config, jobs, tools
84 | from shutil import copyfile
85 |
86 | def exec_after_process(app, inp_data, out_data, param_dict, tool, stdout, stderr):
87 | base_dataset = out_data.items()[0][1]
88 | history = base_dataset.history
89 | if history == None:
90 | print "unknown history!"
91 | return
92 | kingdom = param_dict.get( 'kingdom', None )
93 | #group = param_dict.get( 'group', None )
94 | org = param_dict.get( 'org', None )
95 |
96 | #if not (kingdom or group or org):
97 | if not (kingdom or org):
98 | print "Parameters are not available."
99 | #workflow passes galaxy.tools.parameters.basic.UnvalidatedValue instead of values |
100 | if isinstance( kingdom, tools.parameters.basic.UnvalidatedValue ): |
101 | kingdom = kingdom.value
102 | if isinstance( org, tools.parameters.basic.UnvalidatedValue ): |
103 | org = org.value |
104 | |
105 | GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR = app.config.tool_data_path
106 | microbe_info = load_microbial_data( GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR, sep='\t' )
107 | new_stdout = ""
108 | split_stdout = stdout.split("\n")
109 | basic_name = ""
110 | for line in split_stdout:
111 | fields = line.split("\t")
112 | if fields[0] == "#File1":
113 | description = fields[1]
114 | chr = fields[2]
115 | dbkey = fields[3]
116 | file_type = fields[4]
117 | name, data = out_data.items()[0]
118 | data.set_size()
119 | basic_name = data.name
120 | data.name = data.name + " (" + microbe_info[kingdom][org]['chrs'][chr]['data'][description]['feature'] +" for " + microbe_info[kingdom][org]['name'] + ":" + chr + ")"
121 | data.dbkey = dbkey
122 | data.info = data.name
123 | data = app.datatypes_registry.change_datatype( data, file_type )
124 | data.init_meta()
125 | data.set_peek()
126 | app.model.context.add( data )
127 | app.model.context.flush()
128 | elif fields[0] == "#NewFile":
129 | description = fields[1]
130 | chr = fields[2]
131 | dbkey = fields[3]
132 | filepath = fields[4]
133 | file_type = fields[5]
134 | newdata = app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation( create_dataset = True, sa_session = app.model.context ) #This import should become a library
135 | newdata.set_size()
136 | newdata.extension = file_type
137 | newdata.name = basic_name + " (" + microbe_info[kingdom][org]['chrs'][chr]['data'][description]['feature'] +" for "+microbe_info[kingdom][org]['name']+":"+chr + ")"
138 | app.model.context.add( newdata )
139 | app.model.context.flush()
140 | app.security_agent.copy_dataset_permissions( base_dataset.dataset, newdata.dataset )
141 | history.add_dataset( newdata )
142 | app.model.context.add( history )
143 | app.model.context.flush()
144 | try:
145 | copyfile(filepath,newdata.file_name)
146 | newdata.info = newdata.name
147 | newdata.state = jobs.JOB_OK
148 | except:
149 | newdata.info = "The requested file is missing from the system."
150 | newdata.state = jobs.JOB_ERROR
151 | newdata.dbkey = dbkey
152 | newdata.init_meta()
153 | newdata.set_peek()
154 | app.model.context.flush()