root/galaxy-central/tools/emboss_5/emboss_pepinfo.xml @ 3

リビジョン 2, 1.3 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

1<tool id="EMBOSS: pepinfo69" name="pepinfo" version="5.0.0">
2  <!-- puts file info in output files -->
3  <description>Plots simple amino acid properties in parallel</description>
4  <requirements><requirement type="package" version="5.0.0">emboss</requirement></requirements>
5  <command interpreter="perl"> pepinfo -sequence $input1 -outfile $out_file1 -goutfile $out_file2 -graph png -hwindow $hwindow $plot_type -auto</command>
6  <inputs>
7    <param format="data" name="input1" type="data">
8      <label>Sequence</label>
9    </param>
10    <param name="hwindow" size="4" type="text" value="9">
11      <label>Window size for hydropathy averaging</label>
12    </param>
13    <param name="plot_type" type="select">
14      <label>Choose a plot type</label>
15      <option value="-generalplot yes -hydropathyplot no">Histogram of general properties</option>
16      <option value="-generalplot no -hydropathyplot yes">Graphs of hydropathy</option>
17    </param>
18  </inputs>
19  <outputs>
20    <data format="pepinfo" name="out_file1" />
21    <data format="png" name="out_file2" />
22  </outputs>
23  <help>
24    You can view the original documentation here_.
26    .. _here:
27  </help>
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。