1 | #Dan Blankenberg
2 | #Filters a MAF file according to the provided code file, which is generated in maf_filter.xml <configfiles>
3 | #Also allows filtering by number of columns in a block, and limiting output species
4 | import sys, os, shutil
5 | from galaxy import eggs
6 | import pkg_resources; pkg_resources.require( "bx-python" )
7 | import bx.align.maf
8 | from galaxy.tools.util import maf_utilities
9 |
10 | def main():
11 | #Read command line arguments
12 | try:
13 | script_file = sys.argv.pop( 1 )
14 | maf_file = sys.argv.pop( 1 )
15 | out_file = sys.argv.pop( 1 )
16 | additional_files_path = sys.argv.pop( 1 )
17 | species = maf_utilities.parse_species_option( sys.argv.pop( 1 ) )
18 | min_size = int( sys.argv.pop( 1 ) )
19 | max_size = int( sys.argv.pop( 1 ) )
20 | if max_size < 1: max_size = sys.maxint
21 | min_species_per_block = int( sys.argv.pop( 1 ) )
22 | exclude_incomplete_blocks = int( sys.argv.pop( 1 ) )
23 | if species:
24 | num_species = len( species )
25 | else:
26 | num_species = len( sys.argv.pop( 1 ).split( ',') )
27 | except:
28 | print >>sys.stderr, "One or more arguments is missing.\nUsage: maf_filter.py maf_filter_file input_maf output_maf path_to_save_debug species_to_keep"
29 | sys.exit()
30 |
31 | #Open input and output MAF files
32 | try:
33 | maf_reader = bx.align.maf.Reader( open( maf_file,'r' ) )
34 | maf_writer = bx.align.maf.Writer( open( out_file,'w' ) )
35 | except:
36 | print >>sys.stderr, "Your MAF file appears to be malformed."
37 | sys.exit()
38 |
39 | #Save script file for debuging/verification info later
40 | os.mkdir( additional_files_path )
41 | shutil.copy( script_file, os.path.join( additional_files_path, 'debug.txt' ) )
42 |
43 | #Loop through blocks, running filter on each
44 | #'maf_block' and 'ret_val' are used/shared in the provided code file
45 | #'ret_val' should be set to True if the block is to be kept
46 | i = 0
47 | blocks_kept = 0
48 | for i, maf_block in enumerate( maf_reader ):
49 | if min_size <= maf_block.text_size <= max_size:
50 | local = {'maf_block':maf_block, 'ret_val':False}
51 | execfile( script_file, {}, local )
52 | if local['ret_val']:
53 | #Species limiting must be done after filters as filters could be run on non-requested output species
54 | if species:
55 | maf_block = maf_block.limit_to_species( species )
56 | if len( maf_block.components ) >= min_species_per_block and ( not exclude_incomplete_blocks or len( maf_block.components ) >= num_species ):
57 | maf_writer.write( maf_block )
58 | blocks_kept += 1
59 | maf_writer.close()
60 | maf_reader.close()
61 | if i == 0: print "Your file contains no valid maf_blocks."
62 | else: print 'Kept %s of %s blocks (%.2f%%).' % ( blocks_kept, i + 1, float( blocks_kept ) / float( i + 1 ) * 100.0 )
63 |
64 | if __name__ == "__main__":
65 | main()