root/galaxy-central/tools/regVariation/ @ 2

リビジョン 2, 9.0 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

1#!/usr/bin/env python
2#Guruprasad Ananda
4Filter based on nucleotide quality (PHRED score).
6usage: %prog input out_file primary_species mask_species score mask_char mask_region mask_region_length
10from __future__ import division
11from galaxy import eggs
12import pkg_resources
13pkg_resources.require( "bx-python" )
14pkg_resources.require( "lrucache" )
16    pkg_resources.require("numpy")
18    pass
20import psyco_full
21import sys
22import os, os.path
23from UserDict import DictMixin
24from bx.binned_array import BinnedArray, FileBinnedArray
25from bx.bitset import *
26from bx.bitset_builders import *
27from fpconst import isNaN
28from bx.cookbook import doc_optparse
29from import *
30import bx.align.maf
32class FileBinnedArrayDir( DictMixin ):
33    """
34    Adapter that makes a directory of FileBinnedArray files look like
35    a regular dict of BinnedArray objects.
36    """
37    def __init__( self, dir ):
38        self.dir = dir
39        self.cache = dict()
40    def __getitem__( self, key ):
41        value = None
42        if key in self.cache:
43            value = self.cache[key]
44        else:
45            fname = os.path.join( self.dir, "" % key )
46            if os.path.exists( fname ):
47                value = FileBinnedArray( open( fname ) )
48                self.cache[key] = value
49        if value is None:
50            raise KeyError( "File does not exist: " + fname )
51        return value
53def stop_err(msg):
54    sys.stderr.write(msg)
55    sys.exit()
57def load_scores_ba_dir( dir ):
58    """
59    Return a dict-like object (keyed by chromosome) that returns
60    FileBinnedArray objects created from "" files in `dir`
61    """
62    return FileBinnedArrayDir( dir )
64def bitwise_and ( string1, string2, maskch ):
65    result=[]
66    for i,ch in enumerate(string1):
67        try:
68            ch = int(ch)
69        except:
70            pass
71        if string2[i] == '-':
72            ch = 1
73        if ch and string2[i]:
74            result.append(string2[i])
75        else:
76            result.append(maskch)
77    return ''.join(result)
79def main():   
80    # Parsing Command Line here
81    options, args = doc_optparse.parse( __doc__ )
83    try:
84        #chr_col_1, start_col_1, end_col_1, strand_col_1 = parse_cols_arg( options.cols )
85        inp_file, out_file, pri_species, mask_species, qual_cutoff, mask_chr, mask_region, mask_length, loc_file = args
86        qual_cutoff = int(qual_cutoff)
87        mask_chr = int(mask_chr)
88        mask_region = int(mask_region)
89        if mask_region != 3:
90            mask_length = int(mask_length)
91        else:
92            mask_length_r = int(mask_length.split(',')[0])
93            mask_length_l = int(mask_length.split(',')[1])
94    except:
95        stop_err( "Data issue, click the pencil icon in the history item to correct the metadata attributes of the input dataset." )
97    if pri_species == 'None':
98        stop_err( "No primary species selected, try again by selecting at least one primary species." )
99    if mask_species == 'None':
100        stop_err( "No mask species selected, try again by selecting at least one species to mask." )
102    mask_chr_count = 0
103    mask_chr_dict = {0:'#', 1:'$', 2:'^', 3:'*', 4:'?', 5:'N'}
104    mask_reg_dict = {0:'Current pos', 1:'Current+Downstream', 2:'Current+Upstream', 3:'Current+Both sides'}
106    #ensure dbkey is present in the twobit loc file
107    filepath = None
108    try:
109        pspecies_all = pri_species.split(',')
110        pspecies_all2 = pri_species.split(',')
111        pspecies = []
112        filepaths = []
113        for line in open(loc_file):
114            if pspecies_all2 == []:   
115                break
116            if line[0:1] == "#":
117                continue
118            fields = line.split('\t')
119            try:
120                build = fields[0]
121                for i,dbkey in enumerate(pspecies_all2):
122                    if dbkey == build:
123                        pspecies.append(build)
124                        filepaths.append(fields[1])
125                        del pspecies_all2[i]       
126                    else:
127                        continue
128            except:
129                pass
130    except Exception, exc:
131        stop_err( 'Initialization errorL %s' % str( exc ) )
133    if len(pspecies) == 0:
134        stop_err( "Quality scores are not available for the following genome builds: %s" % ( pspecies_all2 ) )
135    if len(pspecies) < len(pspecies_all):
136        print "Quality scores are not available for the following genome builds: %s" %(pspecies_all2)
138    scores_by_chrom = []
139    #Get scores for all the primary species
140    for file in filepaths:
141        scores_by_chrom.append(load_scores_ba_dir( file.strip() ))
143    try:
144        maf_reader = bx.align.maf.Reader( open(inp_file, 'r') )
145        maf_writer = bx.align.maf.Writer( open(out_file,'w') )
146    except Exception, e:
147        stop_err( "Your MAF file appears to be malformed: %s" % str( e ) )
149    maf_count = 0
150    for block in maf_reader:
151        status_strings = []
152        for seq in range (len(block.components)):
153            src = block.components[seq].src
154            dbkey = src.split('.')[0]
155            chr = src.split('.')[1]
156            if not (dbkey in pspecies):
157                continue
158            else:    #enter if the species is a primary species
159                index = pspecies.index(dbkey)
160                sequence = block.components[seq].text
161                s_start = block.components[seq].start
162                size = len(sequence)    #this includes the gaps too
163                status_str = '1'*size
164                status_list = list(status_str)
165                if status_strings == []:
166                    status_strings.append(status_str)
167                ind = 0
168                s_end = block.components[seq].end
169                #Get scores for the entire sequence
170                try:
171                    scores = scores_by_chrom[index][chr][s_start:s_end]
172                except:
173                    continue
174                pos = 0
175                while pos < (s_end-s_start):   
176                    if sequence[ind] == '-':    #No score for GAPS
177                        ind += 1
178                        continue
179                    score = scores[pos]
180                    if score < qual_cutoff:
181                        score = 0
183                    if not(score):
184                        if mask_region == 0:    #Mask Corresponding position only
185                            status_list[ind] = '0'
186                            ind += 1
187                            pos += 1
188                        elif mask_region == 1:    #Mask Corresponding position + downstream neighbors
189                            for n in range(mask_length+1):
190                                try:
191                                    status_list[ind+n] = '0'
192                                except:
193                                    pass
194                            ind = ind + mask_length + 1
195                            pos = pos + mask_length + 1
196                        elif mask_region == 2:    #Mask Corresponding position + upstream neighbors
197                            for n in range(mask_length+1):
198                                try:
199                                    status_list[ind-n] = '0'
200                                except:
201                                    pass
202                            ind += 1
203                            pos += 1
204                        elif mask_region == 3:    #Mask Corresponding position + neighbors on both sides
205                            for n in range(-mask_length_l,mask_length_r+1):
206                                try:
207                                    status_list[ind+n] = '0'
208                                except:
209                                    pass
210                            ind = ind + mask_length_r + 1
211                            pos = pos + mask_length_r + 1
212                    else:
213                        pos += 1
214                        ind += 1
216                status_strings.append(''.join(status_list))
218        if status_strings == []:    #this block has no primary species
219            continue
220        output_status_str = status_strings[0]
221        for stat in status_strings[1:]:
222            try:
223                output_status_str = bitwise_and (status_strings[0], stat, '0')
224            except Exception, e:
225                break
227        for seq in range (len(block.components)):
228            src = block.components[seq].src
229            dbkey = src.split('.')[0]
230            if dbkey not in mask_species.split(','):
231                continue
232            sequence = block.components[seq].text
233            sequence = bitwise_and (output_status_str, sequence, mask_chr_dict[mask_chr])
234            block.components[seq].text = sequence
235            mask_chr_count += output_status_str.count('0')
236        maf_writer.write(block)
237        maf_count += 1
239    maf_reader.close()
240    maf_writer.close()
241    print "No. of blocks = %d; No. of masked nucleotides = %s; Mask character = %s; Mask region = %s; Cutoff used = %d" %(maf_count, mask_chr_count, mask_chr_dict[mask_chr], mask_reg_dict[mask_region], qual_cutoff)
244if __name__ == "__main__":
245    main()
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。