root/galaxy-central/tools/rgenetics/ @ 3

リビジョン 2, 19.3 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

2released under the terms of the LGPL
3copyright ross lazarus August 2007
4for the rgenetics project
6Special galaxy tool for the camp2007 data
7Allows grabbing genotypes from an arbitrary region and estimating
8ld using haploview
10stoopid haploview won't allow control of dest directory for plots - always end
11up where the data came from - need to futz to get it where it belongs
13Needs a mongo results file in the location hardwired below or could be passed in as
14a library parameter - but this file must have a very specific structure
15rs chrom offset float1...floatn
21import sys, array, os, string, tempfile, shutil, subprocess, glob
22from rgutils import galhtmlprefix
24progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]
26javabin = 'java'
27#hvbin = '/usr/local/bin/Haploview.jar'
28#hvbin = '/home/universe/linux-i686/haploview/Haploview.jar'
29# get this from tool as a parameter - can use
33atrandic = {'A':'1','C':'2','G':'3','T':'4','N':'0','-':'0','1':'1','2':'2','3':'3','4':'4','0':'0'}
35class NullDevice:
36    """ """
37    def write(self, s):
38        pass
40def ld():
41    """  ### Sanity check the arguments
43    <command interpreter="python">
44 "$ucsc_region" "$rslist" "$title" "$out_file1"
45    "$lhistIn.extra_files_path" "$lhistIn.metadata.base_name"
46    "$minmaf" "$maxdist" "$ldtype" "$hires" "$memsize" "$out_file1.files_path"
47    "$infoTrack" "$tagr2" "$hmpanel" ${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}/rg/bin/haploview.jar
48    </command>
50    remember to figure out chromosome and complain if > 1?
51    and use the -chromosome <1-22,X,Y> parameter to haploview
52    skipcheck?
53    """
54    progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1]
55    ts = '%s%s' % (string.punctuation,string.whitespace)
56    ptran =  string.maketrans(ts,'_'*len(ts))
57    if len(sys.argv) < 16:
58        s = '##!%s: Expected 16 params in sys.argv, got %d (%s)' % (progname,len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
59        print s
60        sys.exit(1)
62    ### Figure out what genomic region we are interested in
63    region = sys.argv[1]
64    orslist = sys.argv[2].replace('X',' ').lower() # galaxy replaces newlines with XX - go figure
65    title = sys.argv[3].translate(ptran)
66    # for outputs
67    outfile = sys.argv[4]
68    logfn = 'Log_%s.txt' % (title)
69    histextra = sys.argv[5]
70    base_name = sys.argv[6]
71    pedFileBase = os.path.join(histextra,base_name)
72    print 'pedfilebase=%s' % pedFileBase
73    minMaf=sys.argv[7]
74    if minMaf:
75        try:
76            minMaf = float(minMaf)
77        except:
78            minMaf = 0.0
79    maxDist=sys.argv[8] or None
80    ldType=sys.argv[9] or 'RSQ'
81    hiRes = (sys.argv[10].lower() == 'hi')
82    memSize= sys.argv[11] or '1000'
83    memSize = int(memSize)
84    outfpath = sys.argv[12]
85    infotrack = False # note that otherwise this breaks haploview in headless mode
86    #infotrack = sys.argv[13] == 'info'
87    # this fails in headless mode as at april 2010 with haploview 4.2
88    tagr2 = sys.argv[14] or '0.8'
89    hmpanels = sys.argv[15] # eg "['CEU','YRI']"
90    if hmpanels:
91       hmpanels = hmpanels.replace('[','')
92       hmpanels = hmpanels.replace(']','')
93       hmpanels = hmpanels.replace("'",'')
94       hmpanels = hmpanels.split(',')
95    hvbin = sys.argv[16] # added rml june 2008
96    bindir = os.path.split(hvbin)[0]
97    # jan 2010 - always assume utes are on path to avoid platform problems
98    pdfjoin = 'pdfjoin' # os.path.join(bindir,'pdfjoin')
99    pdfnup = 'pdfnup' # os.path.join(bindir,'pdfnup')
100    mogrify = 'mogrify' # os.path.join(bindir,'mogrify')
101    convert = 'convert' # os.path.join(bindir,'convert')
102    log_file = os.path.join(outfpath,logfn)
103    MAP_FILE = '' % pedFileBase
104    DATA_FILE = '%s.ped' % pedFileBase
105    try:
106        os.makedirs(outfpath)
107        s = '## made new path %s\n' % outfpath
108    except:
109        pass
110    lf = file(log_file,'w')
111    s = 'PATH=%s\n' % os.environ.get('PATH','?')
112    lf.write(s)
113    hlogf = os.path.join(outfpath,'%s.log' % pedFileBase)
114    chromosome = ''
115    spos = epos = -9
116    rslist = []
117    rsdict = {}
118    hlog = []
120    if region > '':
121        useRs = []
122        useRsdict={}
123        try: # TODO make a regexp?
124            c,rest = region.split(':')
125            chromosome = c.replace('chr','')
126            rest = rest.replace(',','') # remove commas
127            spos,epos = rest.split('-')
128            spos = int(spos)
129            epos = int(epos)
130            s = '## %s parsing chrom %s from %d to %d\n' % (progname,chromosome,spos,epos)
131            lf.write(s)
132            lf.write('\n')
133            print >> sys.stdout, s
134        except:
135            s = '##! %s unable to parse region %s - MUST look like "chr8:10,000-100,000\n' % (progname,region)
136            print >> sys.stdout, s
137            lf.write(s)
138            lf.write('\n')
139            lf.close()
140            sys.exit(1)
141    else:
142        useRs = orslist.split() # galaxy replaces newlines with XX - go figure
143        useRsdict = dict(zip(useRs,useRs))
144    useTemp = False
145    try:
146        dfile = open(DATA_FILE, 'r')
147    except: # bad input file name?
148        s = '##! RGeno unable to open file %s\n' % (DATA_FILE)
149        lf.write(s)
150        lf.write('\n')
151        lf.close()
152        print >> sys.stdout, s
153        raise
154        sys.exit(1)
155    try:
156        mfile = open(MAP_FILE, 'r')
157    except: # bad input file name?
158        s = '##! RGeno unable to open file %s' % (MAP_FILE)
159        lf.write(s)
160        lf.write('\n')
161        lf.close()
162        print >> sys.stdout, s
163        raise
164        sys.exit(1)
165    if len(useRs) > 0 or spos <> -9 : # subset region
166        useTemp = True
167        ### Figure out which markers are in this region
168        markers = []
169        snpcols = {}
170        chroms = {}
171        minpos = 2**32
172        maxpos = 0
173        for lnum,row in enumerate(mfile):
174            line = row.strip()
175            if not line: continue
176            chrom, snp, genpos, abspos = line.split()
177            try:
178                ic = int(chrom)
179            except:
180                ic = None
181            if ic and ic <= 23:
182                try:
183                    abspos = int(abspos)
184                    if abspos > maxpos:
185                        maxpos = abspos
186                    if abspos < minpos:
187                        minpos = abspos
188                except:
189                    abspos = epos + 999999999 # so next test fails
190            if useRsdict.get(snp,None) or (spos <> -9 and chrom == chromosome and (spos <= abspos <= epos)):
191                if chromosome == '':
192                    chromosome = chrom
193                chroms.setdefault(chrom,chrom)
194                markers.append((chrom,abspos,snp)) # decorate for sort into genomic
195                snpcols[snp] = lnum # so we know which col to find genos for this marker
196        markers.sort()
197        rslist = [x[2] for x in markers] # drop decoration
198        rsdict = dict(zip(rslist,rslist))
199        if len(rslist) == 0:
200            s = '##! %s found no rs numbers in %s' % (progname,sys.argv[1:3])
201            lf.write(s)
202            lf.write('\n')
203            lf.close()
204            print >> sys.stdout, s
205            sys.exit(1)
206        if spos == -9:
207            spos = minpos
208            epos = maxpos
209        s = '## %s looking for %d rs (%s)' % (progname,len(rslist),rslist[:5])
210        lf.write(s)
211        print >> sys.stdout, s
212        wewant = [(6+(2*snpcols[x])) for x in rslist] #
213        # column indices of first geno of each marker pair to get the markers into genomic
214        ### ... and then parse the rest of the ped file to pull out
215        ### the genotypes for all subjects for those markers
216        # /usr/local/galaxy/data/rg/1/lped/
217        tempMapName = os.path.join(outfpath,'' % title)
218        tempMap = file(tempMapName,'w')
219        tempPedName = os.path.join(outfpath,'%s.ped' % title)
220        tempPed = file(tempPedName,'w')
221        pngpath = '%s.LD.PNG' % tempPedName
222        map = ['%s\t%s' % (x[2],x[1]) for x in markers] # snp,abspos in genomic order for haploview
223        tempMap.write('%s\n' % '\n'.join(map))
224        tempMap.close()
225        nrows = 0
226        for line in dfile:
227            line = line.strip()
228            if not line:
229                continue
230            fields = line.split()
231            preamble = fields[:6]
232            g = ['%s %s' % (fields[snpcol], fields[snpcol+1]) for snpcol in wewant]
233            g = ' '.join(g)
234            g = g.split() # we'll get there
235            g = [atrandic.get(x,'0') for x in g] # numeric alleles...
236            tempPed.write('%s %s\n' % (' '.join(preamble), ' '.join(g)))
237            nrows += 1
238        tempPed.close()
239        s = '## %s: wrote %d markers, %d subjects for region %s\n' % (progname,len(rslist),nrows,region)
240        lf.write(s)
241        lf.write('\n')
242        print >> sys.stdout,s
243    else: # even if using all, must set up haploview info file instead of map
244        markers = []
245        chroms = {}
246        spos = sys.maxint
247        epos = -spos
248        for lnum,row in enumerate(mfile):
249          line = row.strip()
250          if not line: continue
251          chrom, snp, genpos, abspos = line.split()
252          try:
253            ic = int(chrom)
254          except:
255            ic = None
256          if ic and ic <= 23:
257            if chromosome == '':
258                chromosome = chrom
259            chroms.setdefault(chrom,chrom)
260            try:
261                p = int(abspos)
262                if p < spos and p <> 0:
263                    spos = p
264                if p > epos and p <> 0:
265                    epos = p
266            except:
267                pass
268            markers.append('%s %s' % (snp,abspos)) # no sort - pass
269        # now have spos and epos for hapmap if hmpanels
270        tempMapName = os.path.join(outfpath,'' % title)
271        tempMap = file(tempMapName,'w')
272        tempMap.write('\n'.join(markers))
273        tempMap.close()
274        tempPedName = os.path.join(outfpath,'%s.ped' % title)
275        try: # will fail on winblows!
276            os.symlink(DATA_FILE,tempPedName)
277        except:
278            shutil.copy(DATA_FILE,tempPedName) # wasteful but..
279    nchroms = len(chroms) # if > 1 can't really do this safely
280    if nchroms > 1:
281        s = '## warning - multiple chromosomes found in your map file - %s\n' % ','.join(chroms.keys())
282        lf.write(s)
283        print >> sys.stdout,s
284        sys.exit(1)
285    DATA_FILE = tempPedName # for haploview
286    INFO_FILE = tempMapName
287    dfile.close()
288    mfile.close()
289    fblog,blog = tempfile.mkstemp()
290    ste = open(blog,'w') # to catch the blather
291    # if no need to rewrite - set up names for haploview call
292    vcl = [javabin,'-jar',hvbin,'-n','-memory','%d' % memSize,'-pairwiseTagging',
293           '-pedfile',DATA_FILE,'-info',INFO_FILE,'-tagrsqcounts',
294           '-tagrsqcutoff',tagr2,
295           '-ldcolorscheme',ldType]
296    if minMaf:
297        vcl += ['-minMaf','%f' % minMaf]
298    if maxDist:
299        vcl += ['-maxDistance',maxDist]
300    if hiRes:
301        vcl.append('-png')
302    else:
303        vcl.append('-compressedpng')
304    if nchroms == 1:
305        vcl += ['-chromosome',chromosome]
306    if infotrack:
307        vcl.append('-infoTrack')
308    p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=ste,stdout=lf)
309    retval = p.wait()
310    s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval)
311    lf.write(s)
312    vcl = [mogrify, '-resize 800x400!', '*.PNG']
313    p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf)
314    retval = p.wait()
315    s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval)
316    lf.write(s)
317    inpng = '%s.LD.PNG' % DATA_FILE # stupid but necessary - can't control haploview name mangle
318    inpng = inpng.replace(' ','')
319    inpng = os.path.split(inpng)[-1]
320    tmppng = '%s.tmp.png' % title
321    tmppng = tmppng.replace(' ','')
322    outpng = '1_%s.png' % title
323    outpng = outpng.replace(' ','')
324    outpng = os.path.split(outpng)[-1]
325    vcl = [convert, '-resize 800x400!', inpng, tmppng]
326    p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf)
327    retval = p.wait()
328    s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval)
329    lf.write(s)
330    s = "text 10,300 '%s'" % title[:40]
331    vcl = ['convert', '-pointsize 25','-fill maroon',
332          '-draw "%s"' % s, tmppng, outpng]
333    p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf)
334    retval = p.wait()
335    s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval)
336    lf.write(s)
337    try:
338        os.remove(os.path.join(outfpath,tmppng))
339    except:
340        pass    # label all the plots then delete all the .PNG files before munging
341    fnum=1
342    if hmpanels:
343        sp = '%d' % (spos/1000.) # hapmap wants kb
344        ep = '%d' % (epos/1000.)
345        for panel in hmpanels:
346            if panel > '' and panel.lower() <> 'none': # in case someone checks that option too :)
347                ptran = panel.strip()
348                ptran = ptran.replace('+','_')
349                fnum += 1 # preserve an order or else we get sorted
350                vcl = [javabin,'-jar',hvbin,'-n','-memory','%d' % memSize,
351                  '-chromosome',chromosome, '-panel',panel.strip(),
352                  '-hapmapDownload','-startpos',sp,'-endpos',ep,
353                  '-ldcolorscheme',ldType]
354                if minMaf:
355                    vcl += ['-minMaf','%f' % minMaf]
356                if maxDist:
357                    vcl += ['-maxDistance',maxDist]
358                if hiRes:
359                    vcl.append('-png')
360                else:
361                    vcl.append('-compressedpng')
362                if infotrack:
363                    vcl.append('-infoTrack')
364                p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=ste,stdout=lf)
365                retval = p.wait()
366                inpng = 'Chromosome%s%s.LD.PNG' % (chromosome,panel)
367                inpng = inpng.replace(' ','') # mysterious spaces!
368                outpng = '%d_HapMap_%s_%s.png' % (fnum,ptran,chromosome,)
369                # hack for stupid chb+jpt
370                outpng = outpng.replace(' ','')
371                tmppng = '%s.tmp.png' % title
372                tmppng = tmppng.replace(' ','')
373                outpng = os.path.split(outpng)[-1]
374                vcl = [convert, '-resize 800x400!', inpng, tmppng]
375                p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf)
376                retval = p.wait()
377                s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval)
378                lf.write(s)
379                s = "text 10,300 'HapMap %s'" % ptran.strip()
380                vcl = [convert, '-pointsize 25','-fill maroon',
381                      '-draw "%s"' % s, tmppng, outpng]
382                p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf)
383                retval = p.wait()
384                s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval)
385                lf.write(s)
386                try:
387                    os.remove(os.path.join(outfpath,tmppng))
388                except:
389                    pass
390    nimages = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(outfpath,'*.png'))) # rely on HaploView shouting - PNG @!
391    lf.write('### nimages=%d\n' % nimages)
392    if nimages > 0: # haploview may fail?
393        vcl = '%s -format pdf -resize 800x400! *.png' % mogrify
394        p=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf)
395        retval = p.wait()
396        lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval))
397        vcl = '%s "*.pdf" --fitpaper true --outfile alljoin.pdf' % pdfjoin
398        p=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf)
399        retval = p.wait()
400        lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval))
401        vcl = '%s alljoin.pdf --nup 1x%d --outfile allnup.pdf' % (pdfnup,nimages)
402        p=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf)
403        retval = p.wait()
404        lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval))
405        #vcl = ['convert', 'allnup.pdf', 'allnup.png'] # this fails - bad pdf?
406        #p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath)
407        #retval = p.wait()
408        #lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval))
409    lf.write('\n'.join(hlog))
410    ste.close() # temp file used to catch haploview blather
411    hblather = open(blog,'r').readlines() # to catch the blather   
412    os.unlink(blog)
413    if len(hblather) > 0:
414       lf.write('## In addition, Haploview complained:')
415       lf.write(''.join(hblather))
416       lf.write('\n')
417    lf.close()
418    flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(outfpath, '*'))
419    flist.sort()
420    ts = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-/:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~' + string.whitespace
421    ftran =  string.maketrans(ts,'_'*len(ts))
422    outf = file(outfile,'w')
423    outf.write(galhtmlprefix % progname)
424    s = '<h4>rgenetics for Galaxy %s, wrapping HaploView</h4>' % (progname)
425    outf.write(s)
426    """
427    as at ashg 2009, convert fails on allnup.pdf - probably too complex...
428    mainthumb = 'allnup.png'
429    mainpdf = 'allnup.pdf'
430    if os.path.exists(mainpdf):
431        if not os.path.exists(mainthumb):
432            outf.write('<table><tr><td colspan="3"><a href="%s">Main combined LD plot</a></td></tr></table>\n' % (mainpdf))
433        else:
434            outf.write('<table><tr><td><a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="Main combined LD image" hspace="10" align="middle">')
435            outf.write('</td><td>Click this thumbnail to display the main combined LD image</td></tr></table>\n' % (mainpdf,mainthumb))
436    else:
437        outf.write('(No main image was generated - this usually means a Haploview error connecting to Hapmap site - please try later)<br/>\n')
438    outf.write('## Called as %s' % sys.argv)
439    """
440    outf.write('<br><div><hr><ul>\n')
441    for i, data in enumerate( flist ):
442        dn = os.path.split(data)[-1]
443        if dn[:3] <> 'all':
444            continue
445        newdn = dn.translate(ftran)
446        if dn <> newdn:
447            os.rename(os.path.join(outfpath,dn),os.path.join(outfpath,newdn))
448            dn = newdn
449        dnlabel = dn
450        ext = dn.split('.')[-1]
451        if dn == 'allnup.pdf':
452            dnlabel = 'All pdf plots on a single page'
453        elif dn == 'alljoin.pdf':
454            dnlabel = 'All pdf plots, each on a separate page'
455        outf.write('<li><a href="%s">%s - %s</a></li>\n' % (dn,dn,dnlabel))
456    for i, data in enumerate( flist ):
457        dn = os.path.split(data)[-1]
458        if dn[:3] == 'all':
459            continue
460        newdn = dn.translate(ftran)
461        if dn <> newdn:
462            os.rename(os.path.join(outfpath,dn),os.path.join(outfpath,newdn))
463            dn = newdn
464        dnlabel = dn
465        ext = dn.split('.')[-1]
466        if dn == 'allnup.pdf':
467            dnlabel = 'All pdf plots on a single page'
468        elif dn == 'alljoin.pdf':
469            dnlabel = 'All pdf plots, each on a separate page'
470        elif ext == 'info':
471            dnlabel = '%s map data for Haploview input' % title
472        elif ext == 'ped':
473            dnlabel = '%s genotype data for Haploview input' % title
474        elif dn.find('CEU') <> -1 or dn.find('YRI') <> -1 or dn.find('CHB_JPT') <> -1: # is hapmap
475            dnlabel = 'Hapmap data'
476        if ext == 'TAGS' or ext == 'TESTS' or ext == 'CHAPS':
477            dnlabel = dnlabel + ' Tagger output'
478        outf.write('<li><a href="%s">%s - %s</a></li>\n' % (dn,dn,dnlabel))
479    outf.write('</ol><br>')
480    outf.write("</div><div><hr>Job Log follows below (see %s)<pre>" % logfn)
481    s = file(log_file,'r').readlines()
482    s = '\n'.join(s)
483    outf.write('%s</pre><hr></div>' % s)
484    outf.write('</body></html>')
485    outf.close()
486    if useTemp:
487        try:
488            os.unlink(tempMapName)
489            os.unlink(tempPedName)
490        except:
491            pass
493if __name__ == "__main__":
494    ld()
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。