1 | # oct 15 rpy replaced - temp fix until we get gnuplot working |
2 | # rpy deprecated - replace with RRun |
3 | # fixes to run functional test! oct1 2009 |
4 | # needed to expand our path with os.path.realpath to get newpath working with |
5 | # all the fancy pdfnup stuff |
6 | # and a fix to pruneld to write output to where it should be |
7 | # smallish data in test-data/smallwga in various forms |
8 | # python ../tools/rgenetics/rgQC.py -i smallwga -o smallwga -s smallwga/smallwga.html -p smallwga |
9 | # child files are deprecated and broken as at july 19 2009 |
10 | # need to move them to the html file extrafiles path |
11 | # found lots of corner cases with some illumina data where cnv markers were |
12 | # included |
13 | # and where affection status was all missing ! |
14 | # added links to tab files showing worst 1/keepfrac markers and subjects |
15 | # ross lazarus january 2008 |
16 | # |
17 | # added named parameters |
18 | # to ensure no silly slippages if non required parameter in the most general case |
19 | # some potentially useful things here reusable in complex scripts |
20 | # with lots'o'html (TM) |
21 | # aug 17 2007 rml |
22 | # |
23 | # added marker and subject and parenting april 14 rml |
24 | # took a while to get the absolute paths right for all the file munging |
25 | # as of april 16 seems to work.. |
26 | # getting galaxy to serve images in html reports is a little tricky |
27 | # we don't want QC reports to be dozens of individual files, so need |
28 | # to use the url /static/rg/... since galaxy's web server will happily serve images |
29 | # from there |
30 | # galaxy passes output files as relative paths |
31 | # these have to be munged by rgQC.py before calling this |
32 | # galaxy will pass in 2 file names - one for the log |
33 | # and one for the final html report |
34 | # of the form './database/files/dataset_66.dat' |
35 | # we need to be working in that directory so our plink output files are there |
36 | # so these have to be munged by rgQC.py before calling this |
37 | # note no ped file passed so had to remove the -l option |
38 | # for plinkParse.py that makes a heterozygosity report from the ped |
39 | # file - needs fixing... |
40 | # new: importing manhattan/qqplot plotter |
41 | # def doManQQ(input_fname,chrom_col,offset_col,pval_cols,title,grey,ctitle,outdir): |
42 | # """ draw a qq for pvals and a manhattan plot if chrom/offset <> 0 |
43 | # contains some R scripts as text strings - we substitute defaults into the calls |
44 | # to make them do our bidding - and save the resulting code for posterity |
45 | # this can be called externally, I guess...for QC eg? |
46 | # """ |
47 | # |
48 | # rcmd = '%s%s' % (rcode,rcode2 % (input_fname,chrom_col,offset_col,pval_cols,title,grey)) |
49 | # rlog,flist = RRun(rcmd=rcmd,title=ctitle,outdir=outdir) |
50 | # return rlog,flist |
51 | |
52 | |
53 | from optparse import OptionParser |
54 | |
55 | import sys,os,shutil, glob, math, subprocess, time, operator, random, tempfile, copy, string |
56 | from os.path import abspath |
57 | from rgutils import galhtmlprefix, galhtmlpostfix, RRun, timenow, plinke, rexe, runPlink, pruneLD |
58 | import rgManQQ |
59 | |
60 | prog = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1] |
61 | vers = '0.4 april 2009 rml' |
62 | idjoiner = '_~_~_' # need something improbable.. |
63 | # many of these may need fixing for a new install |
64 | |
65 | myversion = vers |
66 | keepfrac = 20 # fraction to keep after sorting by each interesting value |
67 | |
68 | missvals = {'0':'0','N':'N','-9':'-9','-':'-'} # fix me if these change! |
69 | |
70 | mogresize = "x300" # this controls the width for jpeg thumbnails |
71 | |
72 | |
73 | |
74 | |
75 | def makePlots(markers=[],subjects=[],newfpath='.',basename='test',nbreaks='20',nup=3,height=10,width=8,rgbin=''): |
76 | """ |
77 | marker rhead = ['snp','chrom','maf','a1','a2','missfrac', |
78 | 'p_hwe_all','logp_hwe_all','p_hwe_unaff','logp_hwe_unaff','N_Mendel'] |
79 | subject rhead = ['famId','iId','FracMiss','Mendel_errors','Ped_sex','SNP_sex','Status','Fest'] |
80 | """ |
81 | |
82 | |
83 | def rHist(plotme=[],outfname='',xlabname='',title='',basename='',nbreaks=50): |
84 | """ rHist <- function(plotme,froot,plotname,title,mfname,nbreaks=50) |
85 | # generic histogram and vertical boxplot in a 3:1 layout |
86 | # returns the graphic file name for inclusion in the web page |
87 | # broken out here for reuse |
88 | # ross lazarus march 2007 |
89 | """ |
90 | screenmat = (1,2,1,2) # create a 2x2 cabvas |
91 | widthlist = (80,20) # change to 4:1 ratio for histo and boxplot |
92 | rpy.r.pdf( outfname, height , width ) |
93 | #rpy.r.layout(rpy.r.matrix(rpy.r.c(1,1,1,2), 1, 4, byrow = True)) # 3 to 1 vertical plot |
94 | m = rpy.r.matrix((1,1,1,2),nrow=1,ncol=4,byrow=True) |
95 | # in R, m = matrix(c(1,2),nrow=1,ncol=2,byrow=T) |
96 | rpy.r("layout(matrix(c(1,1,1,2),nrow=1,ncol=4,byrow=T))") # 4 to 1 vertical plot |
97 | maint = 'QC for %s - %s' % (basename,title) |
98 | rpy.r.hist(plotme,main=maint, xlab=xlabname,breaks=nbreaks,col="maroon",cex=0.8) |
99 | rpy.r.boxplot(plotme,main='',col="maroon",outline=False) |
100 | rpy.r.dev_off() |
101 | |
102 | def rCum(plotme=[],outfname='',xlabname='',title='',basename='',nbreaks=100): |
103 | """ |
104 | Useful to see what various cutoffs yield - plot percentiles |
105 | """ |
106 | n = len(plotme) |
107 | maxveclen = 1000.0 # for reasonable pdf sizes! |
108 | yvec = copy.copy(plotme) |
109 | # arrives already in decending order of importance missingness or mendel count by subj or marker |
110 | xvec = range(n) |
111 | xvec = [100.0*(n-x)/n for x in xvec] # convert to centile |
112 | # now have half a million markers eg - too many to plot all for a pdf - sample to get 10k or so points |
113 | if n > maxveclen: # oversample part of the distribution |
114 | always = min(1000,n/20) # oversample smaller of lowest few hundred items or 5% |
115 | skip = int(n/maxveclen) # take 1 in skip to get about maxveclen points |
116 | samplei = [i for i in range(n) if (i % skip == 0) or (i < always)] # always oversample first sorted values |
117 | yvec = [yvec[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
118 | xvec = [xvec[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
119 | # need to supply the x axis or else rpy prints the freaking vector on the pdf - go figure |
120 | rpy.r.pdf( outfname, height , width ) |
121 | maint = 'QC for %s - %s' % (basename,title) |
122 | rpy.r("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") # so our grid is denser than the default 5 |
123 | rpy.r.plot(xvec,yvec,type='p',main=maint, ylab=xlabname, xlab='Sample Percentile',col="maroon",cex=0.8) |
124 | rpy.r.grid(nx = None, ny = None, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted") |
125 | rpy.r.dev_off() |
126 | |
127 | def rQQ(plotme=[], outfname='fname',title='title',xlabname='Sample',basename=''): |
128 | """ |
129 | y is data for a qq plot and ends up on the x axis go figure |
130 | if sampling, oversample low values - all the top 1% ? |
131 | this version called with -log10 transformed hwe |
132 | """ |
133 | nrows = len(plotme) |
134 | fn = float(nrows) |
135 | xvec = [-math.log10(x/fn) for x in range(1,(nrows+1))] |
136 | mx = [0,math.log10(fn)] # if 1000, becomes 3 for the null line |
137 | maxveclen = 3000 |
138 | yvec = copy.copy(plotme) |
139 | if nrows > maxveclen: |
140 | # now have half a million markers eg - too many to plot all for a pdf - sample to get 10k or so points |
141 | # oversample part of the distribution |
142 | always = min(1000,nrows/20) # oversample smaller of lowest few hundred items or 5% |
143 | skip = int(nrows/float(maxveclen)) # take 1 in skip to get about maxveclen points |
144 | samplei = [i for i in range(nrows) if (i < always) or (i % skip == 0)] |
145 | # always oversample first sorted (here lowest) values |
146 | yvec = [yvec[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
147 | xvec = [xvec[i] for i in samplei] # and sample xvec same way |
148 | maint='Log QQ Plot (random %d of %d)' % (len(yvec),nrows) |
149 | else: |
150 | maint='Log QQ Plot(n=%d)' % (nrows) |
151 | mx = [0,math.log10(fn)] # if 1000, becomes 3 for the null line |
152 | ylab = '%s' % xlabname |
153 | xlab = '-log10(Uniform 0-1)' |
154 | # need to supply the x axis or else rpy prints the freaking vector on the pdf - go figure |
155 | rpy.r.pdf( outfname, height , width ) |
156 | rpy.r("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") # so our grid is denser than the default 5 |
157 | rpy.r.qqplot(xvec,yvec,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,main=maint,sub=title,pch=19,col="maroon",cex=0.8) |
158 | rpy.r.points(mx,mx,type='l') |
159 | rpy.r.grid(nx = None, ny = None, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted") |
160 | rpy.r.dev_off() |
161 | |
162 | def rMultiQQ(plotme = [],nsplits=5, outfname='fname',title='title',xlabname='Sample',basename=''): |
163 | """ |
164 | data must contain p,x,y as data for a qq plot, quantiles of x and y axis used to create a |
165 | grid of qq plots to show departure from null at extremes of data quality |
166 | Need to plot qqplot(p,unif) where the p's come from one x and one y quantile |
167 | and ends up on the x axis go figure |
168 | if sampling, oversample low values - all the top 1% ? |
169 | """ |
170 | data = copy.copy(plotme) |
171 | nvals = len(data) |
172 | stepsize = nvals/nsplits |
173 | logstep = math.log10(stepsize) # so is 3 for steps of 1000 |
174 | quints = range(0,nvals,stepsize) # quintile cutpoints for each layer |
175 | data.sort(key=itertools.itemgetter(1)) # into x order |
176 | rpy.r.pdf( outfname, height , width ) |
177 | rpy.r("par(mfrow = c(%d,%d))" % (nsplits,nsplits)) |
178 | yvec = [-math.log10(random.random()) for x in range(stepsize)] |
179 | yvec.sort() # size of each step is expected range for xvec under null?! |
180 | for rowstart in quints: |
181 | rowend = rowstart + stepsize |
182 | if nvals - rowend < stepsize: # finish last split |
183 | rowend = nvals |
184 | row = data[rowstart:rowend] |
185 | row.sort(key=itertools.itemgetter(2)) # into y order |
186 | for colstart in quints: |
187 | colend = colstart + stepsize |
188 | if nvals - colend < stepsize: # finish last split |
189 | colend = nvals |
190 | cell = row[colstart:colend] |
191 | xvec = [-math.log10(x[0]) for x in cell] # all the pvalues for this cell |
192 | rpy.r.qqplot(xvec,yvec,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,pch=19,col="maroon",cex=0.8) |
193 | rpy.r.points(c(0,logstep),c(0,logstep),type='l') |
194 | rpy.r.dev_off() |
195 | |
196 | |
197 | def rQQNorm(plotme=[], outfname='fname',title='title',xlabname='Sample',basename=''): |
198 | """ |
199 | y is data for a qqnorm plot |
200 | if sampling, oversample low values - all the top 1% ? |
201 | """ |
202 | rangeunif = len(plotme) |
203 | nunif = 1000 |
204 | maxveclen = 3000 |
205 | nrows = len(plotme) |
206 | data = copy.copy(plotme) |
207 | if nrows > maxveclen: |
208 | # now have half a million markers eg - too many to plot all for a pdf - sample to get 10k or so points |
209 | # oversample part of the distribution |
210 | always = min(1000,nrows/20) # oversample smaller of lowest few hundred items or 5% |
211 | skip = int((nrows-always)/float(maxveclen)) # take 1 in skip to get about maxveclen points |
212 | samplei = [i for i in range(nrows) if (i % skip == 0) or (i < always)] |
213 | # always oversample first sorted (here lowest) values |
214 | yvec = [data[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
215 | maint='Log QQ Plot (random %d of %d)' % (len(yvec),nrows) |
216 | else: |
217 | yvec = data |
218 | maint='Log QQ Plot(n=%d)' % (nrows) |
219 | n = 1000 |
220 | ylab = '%s' % xlabname |
221 | xlab = 'Normal' |
222 | # need to supply the x axis or else rpy prints the freaking vector on the pdf - go figure |
223 | rpy.r.pdf( outfname, height , width ) |
224 | rpy.r("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") # so our grid is denser than the default 5 |
225 | rpy.r.qqnorm(yvec,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,main=maint,sub=title,pch=19,col="maroon",cex=0.8) |
226 | rpy.r.grid(nx = None, ny = None, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted") |
227 | rpy.r.dev_off() |
228 | |
229 | def rMAFMissqq(plotme=[], outfname='fname',title='title',xlabname='Sample',basename=''): |
230 | """ |
231 | layout qq plots for pvalues within rows of increasing MAF and columns of increasing missingness |
232 | like the GAIN qc tools |
233 | y is data for a qq plot and ends up on the x axis go figure |
234 | if sampling, oversample low values - all the top 1% ? |
235 | """ |
236 | rangeunif = len(plotme) |
237 | nunif = 1000 |
238 | fn = float(rangeunif) |
239 | xvec = [-math.log10(x/fn) for x in range(1,(rangeunif+1))] |
240 | skip = max(int(rangeunif/fn),1) |
241 | # force include last points |
242 | mx = [0,math.log10(fn)] # if 1000, becomes 3 for the null line |
243 | maxveclen = 2000 |
244 | nrows = len(plotme) |
245 | data = copy.copy(plotme) |
246 | data.sort() # low to high - oversample low values |
247 | if nrows > maxveclen: |
248 | # now have half a million markers eg - too many to plot all for a pdf - sample to get 10k or so points |
249 | # oversample part of the distribution |
250 | always = min(1000,nrows/20) # oversample smaller of lowest few hundred items or 5% |
251 | skip = int(nrows/float(maxveclen)) # take 1 in skip to get about maxveclen points |
252 | samplei = [i for i in range(nrows) if (i % skip == 0) or (i < always)] |
253 | # always oversample first sorted (here lowest) values |
254 | yvec = [data[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
255 | xvec = [xvec[i] for i in samplei] # and sample xvec same way |
256 | maint='Log QQ Plot (random %d of %d)' % (len(yvec),nrows) |
257 | else: |
258 | yvec = data |
259 | maint='Log QQ Plot(n=%d)' % (nrows) |
260 | n = 1000 |
261 | mx = [0,log10(fn)] # if 1000, becomes 3 for the null line |
262 | ylab = '%s' % xlabname |
263 | xlab = '-log10(Uniform 0-1)' |
264 | # need to supply the x axis or else rpy prints the freaking vector on the pdf - go figure |
265 | rpy.r.pdf( outfname, height , width ) |
266 | rpy.r("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") # so our grid is denser than the default 5 |
267 | rpy.r.qqplot(xvec,yvec,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,main=maint,sub=title,pch=19,col="maroon",cex=0.8) |
268 | rpy.r.points(mx,mx,type='l') |
269 | rpy.r.grid(nx = None, ny = None, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted") |
270 | rpy.r.dev_off() |
271 | |
272 | |
273 | fdsto,stofile = tempfile.mkstemp() |
274 | sto = open(stofile,'w') |
275 | import rpy # delay to avoid rpy stdout chatter replacing galaxy file blurb |
276 | mog = 'mogrify' |
277 | pdfnup = 'pdfnup' |
278 | pdfjoin = 'pdfjoin' |
279 | shead = subjects.pop(0) # get rid of head |
280 | mhead = markers.pop(0) |
281 | maf = mhead.index('maf') |
282 | missfrac = mhead.index('missfrac') |
283 | logphweall = mhead.index('logp_hwe_all') |
284 | logphweunaff = mhead.index('logp_hwe_unaff') |
285 | # check for at least some unaffected rml june 2009 |
286 | m_mendel = mhead.index('N_Mendel') |
287 | fracmiss = shead.index('FracMiss') |
288 | s_mendel = shead.index('Mendel_errors') |
289 | s_het = shead.index('F_Stat') |
290 | params = {} |
291 | hweres = [float(x[logphweunaff]) for x in markers if len(x[logphweunaff]) >= logphweunaff |
292 | and x[logphweunaff].upper() <> 'NA'] |
293 | if len(hweres) <> 0: |
294 | xs = [logphweunaff, missfrac, maf, m_mendel, fracmiss, s_mendel, s_het] |
295 | # plot for each of these cols |
296 | else: # try hwe all instead - maybe no affection status available |
297 | xs = [logphweall, missfrac, maf, m_mendel, fracmiss, s_mendel, s_het] |
298 | ordplotme = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1] # ordered plots for everything! |
299 | oreverseme = [1,1,0,1,1,1,0] # so larger values are oversampled |
300 | qqplotme = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0] # |
301 | qnplotme = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1] # |
302 | nplots = len(xs) |
303 | xlabnames = ['log(p) HWE (unaff)', 'Missing Rate: Markers', 'Minor Allele Frequency', |
304 | 'Marker Mendel Error Count', 'Missing Rate: Subjects', |
305 | 'Subject Mendel Error Count','Subject Inbreeding (het) F Statistic'] |
306 | plotnames = ['logphweunaff', 'missfrac', 'maf', 'm_mendel', 'fracmiss', 's_mendel','s_het'] |
307 | ploturls = ['%s_%s.pdf' % (basename,x) for x in plotnames] # real plotnames |
308 | ordplotnames = ['%s_cum' % x for x in plotnames] |
309 | ordploturls = ['%s_%s.pdf' % (basename,x) for x in ordplotnames] # real plotnames |
310 | outfnames = [os.path.join(newfpath,ploturls[x]) for x in range(nplots)] |
311 | ordoutfnames = [os.path.join(newfpath,ordploturls[x]) for x in range(nplots)] |
312 | datasources = [markers,markers,markers,markers,subjects,subjects,subjects] # use this table |
313 | titles = ["Marker HWE","Marker Missing Genotype", "Marker MAF","Marker Mendel", |
314 | "Subject Missing Genotype","Subject Mendel",'Subject F Statistic'] |
315 | html = [] |
316 | pdflist = [] |
317 | for n,column in enumerate(xs): |
318 | dat = [float(x[column]) for x in datasources[n] if len(x) >= column |
319 | and x[column][:2].upper() <> 'NA'] # plink gives both! |
320 | if sum(dat) <> 0: # eg nada for mendel if case control? |
321 | rHist(plotme=dat,outfname=outfnames[n],xlabname=xlabnames[n], |
322 | title=titles[n],basename=basename,nbreaks=nbreaks) |
323 | row = [titles[n],ploturls[n],outfnames[n] ] |
324 | html.append(row) |
325 | pdflist.append(outfnames[n]) |
326 | if ordplotme[n]: # for missingness, hwe - plots to see where cutoffs will end up |
327 | otitle = 'Ranked %s' % titles[n] |
328 | dat.sort() |
329 | if oreverseme[n]: |
330 | dat.reverse() |
331 | rCum(plotme=dat,outfname=ordoutfnames[n],xlabname='Ordered %s' % xlabnames[n], |
332 | title=otitle,basename=basename,nbreaks=1000) |
333 | row = [otitle,ordploturls[n],ordoutfnames[n]] |
334 | html.append(row) |
335 | pdflist.append(ordoutfnames[n]) |
336 | if qqplotme[n]: # |
337 | otitle = 'LogQQ plot %s' % titles[n] |
338 | dat.sort() |
339 | dat.reverse() |
340 | ofn = os.path.split(ordoutfnames[n]) |
341 | ofn = os.path.join(ofn[0],'QQ%s' % ofn[1]) |
342 | ofu = os.path.split(ordploturls[n]) |
343 | ofu = os.path.join(ofu[0],'QQ%s' % ofu[1]) |
344 | rQQ(plotme=dat,outfname=ofn,xlabname='QQ %s' % xlabnames[n], |
345 | title=otitle,basename=basename) |
346 | row = [otitle,ofu,ofn] |
347 | html.append(row) |
348 | pdflist.append(ofn) |
349 | elif qnplotme[n]: |
350 | otitle = 'F Statistic %s' % titles[n] |
351 | dat.sort() |
352 | dat.reverse() |
353 | ofn = os.path.split(ordoutfnames[n]) |
354 | ofn = os.path.join(ofn[0],'FQNorm%s' % ofn[1]) |
355 | ofu = os.path.split(ordploturls[n]) |
356 | ofu = os.path.join(ofu[0],'FQNorm%s' % ofu[1]) |
357 | rQQNorm(plotme=dat,outfname=ofn,xlabname='F QNorm %s' % xlabnames[n], |
358 | title=otitle,basename=basename) |
359 | row = [otitle,ofu,ofn] |
360 | html.append(row) |
361 | pdflist.append(ofn) |
362 | else: |
363 | print '#$# no data for # %d - %s, data[:10]=%s' % (n,titles[n],dat[:10]) |
364 | if nup>0: |
365 | # pdfjoin --outfile chr1test.pdf `ls database/files/dataset_396_files/*.pdf` |
366 | # pdfnup chr1test.pdf --nup 3x3 --frame true --outfile chr1test3.pdf |
367 | filestojoin = ' '.join(pdflist) # all the file names so far |
368 | afname = '%s_All_Paged.pdf' % (basename) |
369 | fullafname = os.path.join(newfpath,afname) |
370 | expl = 'All %s QC Plots joined into a single pdf' % basename |
371 | vcl = '%s %s --outfile %s ' % (pdfjoin,filestojoin, fullafname) |
372 | # make single page pdf |
373 | x=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=newfpath,stderr=sto,stdout=sto) |
374 | retval = x.wait() |
375 | row = [expl,afname,fullafname] |
376 | html.insert(0,row) # last rather than second |
377 | nfname = '%s_All_%dx%d.pdf' % (basename,nup,nup) |
378 | fullnfname = os.path.join(newfpath,nfname) |
379 | expl = 'All %s QC Plots %d by %d to a page' % (basename,nup,nup) |
380 | vcl = '%s %s --nup %dx%d --frame true --outfile %s' % (pdfnup,afname,nup,nup,fullnfname) |
381 | # make thumbnail images |
382 | x=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=newfpath,stderr=sto,stdout=sto) |
383 | retval = x.wait() |
384 | row = [expl,nfname,fullnfname] |
385 | html.insert(1,row) # this goes second |
386 | vcl = '%s -format jpg -resize %s %s' % (mog, mogresize, os.path.join(newfpath,'*.pdf')) |
387 | # make thumbnail images |
388 | x=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=newfpath,stderr=sto,stdout=sto) |
389 | retval = x.wait() |
390 | sto.close() |
391 | cruft = open(stofile,'r').readlines() |
392 | return html,cruft # elements for an ordered list of urls or whatever.. |
393 | |
394 | |
395 | def RmakePlots(markers=[],subjects=[],newfpath='.',basename='test',nbreaks='100',nup=3,height=8,width=10,rexe=''): |
396 | """ |
397 | nice try but the R scripts are huge and take forever to run if there's a lot of data |
398 | marker rhead = ['snp','chrom','maf','a1','a2','missfrac', |
399 | 'p_hwe_all','logp_hwe_all','p_hwe_unaff','logp_hwe_unaff','N_Mendel'] |
400 | subject rhead = ['famId','iId','FracMiss','Mendel_errors','Ped_sex','SNP_sex','Status','Fest'] |
401 | """ |
402 | colour = "maroon" |
403 | |
404 | def rHist(plotme='',outfname='',xlabname='',title='',basename='',nbreaks=nbreaks): |
405 | """ rHist <- function(plotme,froot,plotname,title,mfname,nbreaks=50) |
406 | # generic histogram and vertical boxplot in a 3:1 layout |
407 | # returns the graphic file name for inclusion in the web page |
408 | # broken out here for reuse |
409 | # ross lazarus march 2007 |
410 | """ |
411 | R = [] |
412 | maint = 'QC for %s - %s' % (basename,title) |
413 | screenmat = (1,2,1,2) # create a 2x2 canvas |
414 | widthlist = (80,20) # change to 4:1 ratio for histo and boxplot |
415 | R.append('pdf("%s",h=%d,w=%d)' % (outfname,height,width)) |
416 | R.append("layout(matrix(c(1,1,1,2),nrow=1,ncol=4,byrow=T))") |
417 | R.append("plotme = read.table(file='%s',head=F,sep='\t')" % plotme) |
418 | R.append('hist(plotme, main="%s",xlab="%s",breaks=%d,col="%s")' % (maint,xlabname,nbreaks,colour)) |
419 | R.append('boxplot(plotme,main="",col="%s",outline=F)' % (colour) ) |
420 | R.append('dev.off()') |
421 | return R |
422 | |
423 | def rCum(plotme='',outfname='',xlabname='',title='',basename='',nbreaks=100): |
424 | """ |
425 | Useful to see what various cutoffs yield - plot percentiles |
426 | """ |
427 | R = [] |
428 | n = len(plotme) |
429 | R.append("plotme = read.table(file='%s',head=T,sep='\t')" % plotme) |
430 | # arrives already in decending order of importance missingness or mendel count by subj or marker |
431 | maint = 'QC for %s - %s' % (basename,title) |
432 | R.append('pdf("%s",h=%d,w=%d)' % (outfname,height,width)) |
433 | R.append("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") |
434 | R.append('plot(plotme$xvec,plotme$yvec,type="p",main="%s",ylab="%s",xlab="Sample Percentile",col="%s")' % (maint,xlabname,colour)) |
435 | R.append('dev.off()') |
436 | return R |
437 | |
438 | def rQQ(plotme='', outfname='fname',title='title',xlabname='Sample',basename=''): |
439 | """ |
440 | y is data for a qq plot and ends up on the x axis go figure |
441 | if sampling, oversample low values - all the top 1% ? |
442 | this version called with -log10 transformed hwe |
443 | """ |
444 | R = [] |
445 | nrows = len(plotme) |
446 | fn = float(nrows) |
447 | xvec = [-math.log10(x/fn) for x in range(1,(nrows+1))] |
448 | #mx = [0,math.log10(fn)] # if 1000, becomes 3 for the null line |
449 | maxveclen = 3000 |
450 | yvec = copy.copy(plotme) |
451 | if nrows > maxveclen: |
452 | # now have half a million markers eg - too many to plot all for a pdf - sample to get 10k or so points |
453 | # oversample part of the distribution |
454 | always = min(1000,nrows/20) # oversample smaller of lowest few hundred items or 5% |
455 | skip = int(nrows/float(maxveclen)) # take 1 in skip to get about maxveclen points |
456 | if skip < 2: |
457 | skip = 2 |
458 | samplei = [i for i in range(nrows) if (i < always) or (i % skip == 0)] |
459 | # always oversample first sorted (here lowest) values |
460 | yvec = [yvec[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
461 | xvec = [xvec[i] for i in samplei] # and sample xvec same way |
462 | maint='Log QQ Plot (random %d of %d)' % (len(yvec),nrows) |
463 | else: |
464 | maint='Log QQ Plot(n=%d)' % (nrows) |
465 | mx = [0,math.log10(fn)] # if 1000, becomes 3 for the null line |
466 | ylab = '%s' % xlabname |
467 | xlab = '-log10(Uniform 0-1)' |
468 | # need to supply the x axis or else rpy prints the freaking vector on the pdf - go figure |
469 | x = ['%f' % x for x in xvec] |
470 | R.append('xvec = c(%s)' % ','.join(x)) |
471 | y = ['%f' % x for x in yvec] |
472 | R.append('yvec = c(%s)' % ','.join(y)) |
473 | R.append('mx = c(0,%f)' % (math.log10(fn))) |
474 | R.append('pdf("%s",h=%d,w=%d)' % (outfname,height,width)) |
475 | R.append("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") |
476 | R.append('qqplot(xvec,yvec,xlab="%s",ylab="%s",main="%s",sub="%s",pch=19,col="%s",cex=0.8)' % (xlab,ylab,maint,title,colour)) |
477 | R.append('points(mx,mx,type="l")') |
478 | R.append('grid(col="lightgray",lty="dotted")') |
479 | R.append('dev.off()') |
480 | return R |
481 | |
482 | def rMultiQQ(plotme = '',nsplits=5, outfname='fname',title='title',xlabname='Sample',basename=''): |
483 | """ |
484 | data must contain p,x,y as data for a qq plot, quantiles of x and y axis used to create a |
485 | grid of qq plots to show departure from null at extremes of data quality |
486 | Need to plot qqplot(p,unif) where the p's come from one x and one y quantile |
487 | and ends up on the x axis go figure |
488 | if sampling, oversample low values - all the top 1% ? |
489 | """ |
490 | data = copy.copy(plotme) |
491 | nvals = len(data) |
492 | stepsize = nvals/nsplits |
493 | logstep = math.log10(stepsize) # so is 3 for steps of 1000 |
494 | R.append('mx = c(0,%f)' % logstep) |
495 | quints = range(0,nvals,stepsize) # quintile cutpoints for each layer |
496 | data.sort(key=itertools.itemgetter(1)) # into x order |
497 | #rpy.r.pdf( outfname, h , w ) |
498 | #rpy.r("par(mfrow = c(%d,%d))" % (nsplits,nsplits)) |
499 | R.append('pdf("%s",h=%d,w=%d)' % (outfname,height,width)) |
500 | yvec = [-math.log10(random.random()) for x in range(stepsize)] |
501 | yvec.sort() # size of each step is expected range for xvec under null?! |
502 | y = ['%f' % x for x in yvec] |
503 | R.append('yvec = c(%s)' % ','.join(y)) |
504 | for rowstart in quints: |
505 | rowend = rowstart + stepsize |
506 | if nvals - rowend < stepsize: # finish last split |
507 | rowend = nvals |
508 | row = data[rowstart:rowend] |
509 | row.sort(key=itertools.itemgetter(2)) # into y order |
510 | for colstart in quints: |
511 | colend = colstart + stepsize |
512 | if nvals - colend < stepsize: # finish last split |
513 | colend = nvals |
514 | cell = row[colstart:colend] |
515 | xvec = [-math.log10(x[0]) for x in cell] # all the pvalues for this cell |
516 | x = ['%f' % x for x in xvec] |
517 | R.append('xvec = c(%s)' % ','.join(x)) |
518 | R.append('qqplot(xvec,yvec,xlab="%s",ylab="%s",main="%s",sub="%s",pch=19,col="%s",cex=0.8)' % (xlab,ylab,maint,title,colour)) |
519 | R.append('points(mx,mx,type="l")') |
520 | R.append('grid(col="lightgray",lty="dotted")') |
521 | #rpy.r.qqplot(xvec,yvec,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,pch=19,col="maroon",cex=0.8) |
522 | #rpy.r.points(c(0,logstep),c(0,logstep),type='l') |
523 | R.append('dev.off()') |
524 | #rpy.r.dev_off() |
525 | return R |
526 | |
527 | |
528 | def rQQNorm(plotme=[], outfname='fname',title='title',xlabname='Sample',basename=''): |
529 | """ |
530 | y is data for a qqnorm plot |
531 | if sampling, oversample low values - all the top 1% ? |
532 | """ |
533 | rangeunif = len(plotme) |
534 | nunif = 1000 |
535 | maxveclen = 3000 |
536 | nrows = len(plotme) |
537 | data = copy.copy(plotme) |
538 | if nrows > maxveclen: |
539 | # now have half a million markers eg - too many to plot all for a pdf - sample to get 10k or so points |
540 | # oversample part of the distribution |
541 | always = min(1000,nrows/20) # oversample smaller of lowest few hundred items or 5% |
542 | skip = int((nrows-always)/float(maxveclen)) # take 1 in skip to get about maxveclen points |
543 | samplei = [i for i in range(nrows) if (i % skip == 0) or (i < always)] |
544 | # always oversample first sorted (here lowest) values |
545 | yvec = [data[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
546 | maint='Log QQ Plot (random %d of %d)' % (len(yvec),nrows) |
547 | else: |
548 | yvec = data |
549 | maint='Log QQ Plot(n=%d)' % (nrows) |
550 | n = 1000 |
551 | ylab = '%s' % xlabname |
552 | xlab = 'Normal' |
553 | # need to supply the x axis or else rpy prints the freaking vector on the pdf - go figure |
554 | #rpy.r.pdf( outfname, h , w ) |
555 | #rpy.r("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") # so our grid is denser than the default 5 |
556 | #rpy.r.qqnorm(yvec,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,main=maint,sub=title,pch=19,col="maroon",cex=0.8) |
557 | #rpy.r.grid(nx = None, ny = None, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted") |
558 | #rpy.r.dev_off() |
559 | y = ['%f' % x for x in yvec] |
560 | R.append('yvec = c(%s)' % ','.join(y)) |
561 | R.append('pdf("%s",h=%d,w=%d)' % (outfname,height,width)) |
562 | R.append("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") |
563 | R.append('qqnorm(yvec,xlab="%s",ylab="%s",main="%s",sub="%s",pch=19,col="%s",cex=0.8)' % (xlab,ylab,maint,title,colour)) |
564 | R.append('grid(col="lightgray",lty="dotted")') |
565 | R.append('dev.off()') |
566 | return R |
567 | |
568 | def rMAFMissqq(plotme=[], outfname='fname',title='title',xlabname='Sample',basename=''): |
569 | """ |
570 | layout qq plots for pvalues within rows of increasing MAF and columns of increasing missingness |
571 | like the GAIN qc tools |
572 | y is data for a qq plot and ends up on the x axis go figure |
573 | if sampling, oversample low values - all the top 1% ? |
574 | """ |
575 | rangeunif = len(plotme) |
576 | nunif = 1000 |
577 | fn = float(rangeunif) |
578 | xvec = [-math.log10(x/fn) for x in range(1,(rangeunif+1))] |
579 | skip = max(int(rangeunif/fn),1) |
580 | # force include last points |
581 | mx = [0,math.log10(fn)] # if 1000, becomes 3 for the null line |
582 | maxveclen = 2000 |
583 | nrows = len(plotme) |
584 | data = copy.copy(plotme) |
585 | data.sort() # low to high - oversample low values |
586 | if nrows > maxveclen: |
587 | # now have half a million markers eg - too many to plot all for a pdf - sample to get 10k or so points |
588 | # oversample part of the distribution |
589 | always = min(1000,nrows/20) # oversample smaller of lowest few hundred items or 5% |
590 | skip = int(nrows/float(maxveclen)) # take 1 in skip to get about maxveclen points |
591 | samplei = [i for i in range(nrows) if (i % skip == 0) or (i < always)] |
592 | # always oversample first sorted (here lowest) values |
593 | yvec = [data[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
594 | xvec = [xvec[i] for i in samplei] # and sample xvec same way |
595 | maint='Log QQ Plot (random %d of %d)' % (len(yvec),nrows) |
596 | else: |
597 | yvec = data |
598 | maint='Log QQ Plot(n=%d)' % (nrows) |
599 | n = 1000 |
600 | mx = [0,log10(fn)] # if 1000, becomes 3 for the null line |
601 | ylab = '%s' % xlabname |
602 | xlab = '-log10(Uniform 0-1)' |
603 | R.append('mx = c(0,%f)' % (math.log10(fn))) |
604 | x = ['%f' % x for x in xvec] |
605 | R.append('xvec = c(%s)' % ','.join(x)) |
606 | y = ['%f' % x for x in yvec] |
607 | R.append('yvec = c(%s)' % ','.join(y)) |
608 | R.append('pdf("%s",h=%d,w=%d)' % (outfname,height,width)) |
609 | R.append("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") |
610 | R.append('qqplot(xvec,yvec,xlab="%s",ylab="%s",main="%s",sub="%s",pch=19,col="%s",cex=0.8)' % (xlab,ylab,maint,title,colour)) |
611 | R.append('points(mx,mx,type="l")') |
612 | R.append('grid(col="lightgray",lty="dotted")') |
613 | R.append('dev.off()') |
614 | |
615 | |
616 | shead = subjects.pop(0) # get rid of head |
617 | mhead = markers.pop(0) |
618 | maf = mhead.index('maf') |
619 | missfrac = mhead.index('missfrac') |
620 | logphweall = mhead.index('logp_hwe_all') |
621 | logphweunaff = mhead.index('logp_hwe_unaff') |
622 | # check for at least some unaffected rml june 2009 |
623 | m_mendel = mhead.index('N_Mendel') |
624 | fracmiss = shead.index('FracMiss') |
625 | s_mendel = shead.index('Mendel_errors') |
626 | s_het = shead.index('F_Stat') |
627 | params = {} |
628 | h = [float(x[logphweunaff]) for x in markers if len(x[logphweunaff]) >= logphweunaff |
629 | and x[logphweunaff].upper() <> 'NA'] |
630 | if len(h) <> 0: |
631 | xs = [logphweunaff, missfrac, maf, m_mendel, fracmiss, s_mendel, s_het] |
632 | # plot for each of these cols |
633 | else: # try hwe all instead - maybe no affection status available |
634 | xs = [logphweall, missfrac, maf, m_mendel, fracmiss, s_mendel, s_het] |
635 | ordplotme = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1] # ordered plots for everything! |
636 | oreverseme = [1,1,0,1,1,1,0] # so larger values are oversampled |
637 | qqplotme = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0] # |
638 | qnplotme = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1] # |
639 | nplots = len(xs) |
640 | xlabnames = ['log(p) HWE (unaff)', 'Missing Rate: Markers', 'Minor Allele Frequency', |
641 | 'Marker Mendel Error Count', 'Missing Rate: Subjects', |
642 | 'Subject Mendel Error Count','Subject Inbreeding (het) F Statistic'] |
643 | plotnames = ['logphweunaff', 'missfrac', 'maf', 'm_mendel', 'fracmiss', 's_mendel','s_het'] |
644 | ploturls = ['%s_%s.pdf' % (basename,x) for x in plotnames] # real plotnames |
645 | ordplotnames = ['%s_cum' % x for x in plotnames] |
646 | ordploturls = ['%s_%s.pdf' % (basename,x) for x in ordplotnames] # real plotnames |
647 | outfnames = [os.path.join(newfpath,ploturls[x]) for x in range(nplots)] |
648 | ordoutfnames = [os.path.join(newfpath,ordploturls[x]) for x in range(nplots)] |
649 | datasources = [markers,markers,markers,markers,subjects,subjects,subjects] # use this table |
650 | titles = ["Marker HWE","Marker Missing Genotype", "Marker MAF","Marker Mendel", |
651 | "Subject Missing Genotype","Subject Mendel",'Subject F Statistic'] |
652 | html = [] |
653 | pdflist = [] |
654 | R = [] |
655 | for n,column in enumerate(xs): |
656 | dfn = '%d_%s.txt' % (n,titles[n]) |
657 | dfilepath = os.path.join(newfpath,dfn) |
658 | dat = [float(x[column]) for x in datasources[n] if len(x) >= column |
659 | and x[column][:2].upper() <> 'NA'] # plink gives both! |
660 | if sum(dat) <> 0: # eg nada for mendel if case control? |
661 | plotme = file(dfilepath,'w') |
662 | plotme.write('\n'.join(['%f' % x for x in dat])) # pass as a file - copout! |
663 | tR = rHist(plotme=dfilepath,outfname=outfnames[n],xlabname=xlabnames[n], |
664 | title=titles[n],basename=basename,nbreaks=nbreaks) |
665 | R += tR |
666 | row = [titles[n],ploturls[n],outfnames[n] ] |
667 | html.append(row) |
668 | pdflist.append(outfnames[n]) |
669 | if ordplotme[n]: # for missingness, hwe - plots to see where cutoffs will end up |
670 | otitle = 'Ranked %s' % titles[n] |
671 | dat.sort() |
672 | if oreverseme[n]: |
673 | dat.reverse() |
674 | ndat = len(dat) |
675 | xvec = range(ndat) |
676 | xvec = [100.0*(n-x)/n for x in xvec] # convert to centile |
677 | # now have half a million markers eg - too many to plot all for a pdf - sample to get 10k or so points |
678 | maxveclen = 1000.0 # for reasonable pdf sizes! |
679 | if ndat > maxveclen: # oversample part of the distribution |
680 | always = min(1000,ndat/20) # oversample smaller of lowest few hundred items or 5% |
681 | skip = int(ndat/maxveclen) # take 1 in skip to get about maxveclen points |
682 | samplei = [i for i in range(ndat) if (i % skip == 0) or (i < always)] # always oversample first sorted values |
683 | yvec = [yvec[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
684 | xvec = [xvec[i] for i in samplei] # always get first and last |
685 | plotme = file(dfilepath,'w') |
686 | plotme.write('xvec\tyvec\n') |
687 | plotme.write('\n'.join(['%f\t%f' % (xvec[i],y) for y in yvec])) # pass as a file - copout! |
688 | tR = rCum(plotme=dat,outfname=ordoutfnames[n],xlabname='Ordered %s' % xlabnames[n], |
689 | title=otitle,basename=basename,nbreaks=nbreaks) |
690 | R += tR |
691 | row = [otitle,ordploturls[n],ordoutfnames[n]] |
692 | html.append(row) |
693 | pdflist.append(ordoutfnames[n]) |
694 | if qqplotme[n]: # |
695 | otitle = 'LogQQ plot %s' % titles[n] |
696 | dat.sort() |
697 | dat.reverse() |
698 | ofn = os.path.split(ordoutfnames[n]) |
699 | ofn = os.path.join(ofn[0],'QQ%s' % ofn[1]) |
700 | ofu = os.path.split(ordploturls[n]) |
701 | ofu = os.path.join(ofu[0],'QQ%s' % ofu[1]) |
702 | tR = rQQ(plotme=dat,outfname=ofn,xlabname='QQ %s' % xlabnames[n], |
703 | title=otitle,basename=basename) |
704 | R += tR |
705 | row = [otitle,ofu,ofn] |
706 | html.append(row) |
707 | pdflist.append(ofn) |
708 | elif qnplotme[n]: |
709 | otitle = 'F Statistic %s' % titles[n] |
710 | dat.sort() |
711 | dat.reverse() |
712 | ofn = os.path.split(ordoutfnames[n]) |
713 | ofn = os.path.join(ofn[0],'FQNorm%s' % ofn[1]) |
714 | ofu = os.path.split(ordploturls[n]) |
715 | ofu = os.path.join(ofu[0],'FQNorm%s' % ofu[1]) |
716 | tR = rQQNorm(plotme=dat,outfname=ofn,xlabname='F QNorm %s' % xlabnames[n], |
717 | title=otitle,basename=basename) |
718 | R += tR |
719 | row = [otitle,ofu,ofn] |
720 | html.append(row) |
721 | pdflist.append(ofn) |
722 | else: |
723 | print '#$# no data for # %d - %s, data[:10]=%s' % (n,titles[n],dat[:10]) |
724 | rlog,flist = RRun(rcmd=R,title='makeQCplots',outdir=newfpath) |
725 | if nup>0: |
726 | # pdfjoin --outfile chr1test.pdf `ls database/files/dataset_396_files/*.pdf` |
727 | # pdfnup chr1test.pdf --nup 3x3 --frame true --outfile chr1test3.pdf |
728 | filestojoin = ' '.join(pdflist) # all the file names so far |
729 | afname = '%s_All_Paged.pdf' % (basename) |
730 | fullafname = os.path.join(newfpath,afname) |
731 | expl = 'All %s QC Plots joined into a single pdf' % basename |
732 | vcl = 'pdfjoin %s --outfile %s ' % (filestojoin, fullafname) |
733 | # make single page pdf |
734 | x=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=newfpath) |
735 | retval = x.wait() |
736 | row = [expl,afname,fullafname] |
737 | html.insert(0,row) # last rather than second |
738 | nfname = '%s_All_%dx%d.pdf' % (basename,nup,nup) |
739 | fullnfname = os.path.join(newfpath,nfname) |
740 | expl = 'All %s QC Plots %d by %d to a page' % (basename,nup,nup) |
741 | vcl = 'pdfnup %s --nup %dx%d --frame true --outfile %s' % (afname,nup,nup,fullnfname) |
742 | # make thumbnail images |
743 | x=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=newfpath) |
744 | retval = x.wait() |
745 | row = [expl,nfname,fullnfname] |
746 | html.insert(1,row) # this goes second |
747 | vcl = 'mogrify -format jpg -resize %s %s' % (mogresize, os.path.join(newfpath,'*.pdf')) |
748 | # make thumbnail images |
749 | x=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=newfpath) |
750 | retval = x.wait() |
751 | return html # elements for an ordered list of urls or whatever.. |
752 | |
753 | def countHet(bedf='fakeped_500000',linkageped=True,froot='fake500k',outfname="ahetf",logf='rgQC.log'): |
754 | """ |
755 | NO LONGER USED - historical interest |
756 | count het loci for each subject to look for outliers = ? contamination |
757 | assume ped file is linkage format |
758 | need to make a ped file from the bed file we were passed |
759 | """ |
760 | vcl = [plinke,'--bfile',bedf,'--recode','--out','%s_recode' % froot] # write a recoded ped file from the real .bed file |
761 | p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True) |
762 | retval = p.wait() |
763 | f = open('%s_recode.recode.ped' % froot,'r') |
764 | if not linkageped: |
765 | head = f.next() # throw away header |
766 | hets = [] # simple count of het loci per subject. Expect poisson? |
767 | n = 1 |
768 | for l in f: |
769 | n += 1 |
770 | ll = l.strip().split() |
771 | if len(ll) > 6: |
772 | iid = idjoiner.join(ll[:2]) # fam_iid |
773 | gender = ll[4] |
774 | alleles = ll[6:] |
775 | nallele = len(alleles) |
776 | nhet = 0 |
777 | for i in range(nallele/2): |
778 | a1=alleles[2*i] |
779 | a2=alleles[2*i+1] |
780 | if alleles[2*i] <> alleles[2*i+1]: # must be het |
781 | if not missvals.get(a1,None) and not missvals.get(a2,None): |
782 | nhet += 1 |
783 | hets.append((nhet,iid,gender)) # for sorting later |
784 | f.close() |
785 | hets.sort() |
786 | hets.reverse() # biggest nhet now on top |
787 | f = open(outfname ,'w') |
788 | res = ['%d\t%s\t%s' % (x) for x in hets] # I love list comprehensions |
789 | res.insert(0,'nhetloci\tfamid_iid\tgender') |
790 | res.append('') |
791 | f.write('\n'.join(res)) |
792 | f.close() |
793 | |
794 | |
795 | |
796 | def subjectRep(froot='cleantest',outfname="srep",newfpath='.',logf = None): |
797 | """by subject (missingness = .imiss, mendel = .imendel) |
798 | assume replicates have an underscore in family id for |
799 | hapmap testing |
800 | For sorting, we need floats and integers |
801 | """ |
802 | isexfile = '%s.sexcheck' % froot |
803 | imissfile = '%s.imiss' % froot |
804 | imendfile = '%s.imendel' % froot |
805 | ihetfile = '%s.het' % froot |
806 | logf.write('## subject reports starting at %s\n' % timenow()) |
807 | outfile = os.path.join(newfpath,outfname) |
808 | idlist = [] |
809 | imissdict = {} |
810 | imenddict = {} |
811 | isexdict = {} |
812 | ihetdict = {} |
813 | Tops = {} |
814 | Tnames = ['Ranked Subject Missing Genotype', 'Ranked Subject Mendel', |
815 | 'Ranked Sex check', 'Ranked Inbreeding (het) F statistic'] |
816 | Tsorts = [2,3,6,8] |
817 | Treverse = [True,True,True,False] # so first values are worser |
818 | #rhead = ['famId','iId','FracMiss','Mendel_errors','Ped_sex','SNP_sex','Status','Fest'] |
820 | ## 1552042370_A 1552042370_A N 5480 549883 0.009966 |
821 | ## 1552042410_A 1552042410_A N 1638 549883 0.002979 |
822 | |
823 | # ------------------missing-------------------- |
824 | # imiss has FID IID MISS_PHENO N_MISS F_MISS |
825 | # we want F_MISS |
826 | try: |
827 | f = open(imissfile,'r') |
828 | except: |
829 | logf.write('# file %s is missing - talk about irony\n' % imissfile) |
830 | f = None |
831 | if f: |
832 | for n,line in enumerate(f): |
833 | ll = line.strip().split() |
834 | if n == 0: |
835 | head = [x.upper() for x in ll] # expect above |
836 | fidpos = head.index('FID') |
837 | iidpos = head.index('IID') |
838 | fpos = head.index('F_MISS') |
839 | elif len(ll) >= fpos: # full line |
840 | fid = ll[fidpos] |
841 | #if fid.find('_') == -1: # not replicate! - icondb ids have these... |
842 | iid = ll[iidpos] |
843 | fmiss = ll[fpos] |
844 | id = '%s%s%s' % (fid,idjoiner,iid) |
845 | imissdict[id] = fmiss |
846 | idlist.append(id) |
847 | f.close() |
848 | logf.write('## imissfile %s contained %d ids\n' % (imissfile,len(idlist))) |
849 | # ------------------mend------------------- |
850 | # *.imendel has FID IID N |
851 | # we want N |
852 | gotmend = True |
853 | try: |
854 | f = open(imendfile,'r') |
855 | except: |
856 | gotmend = False |
857 | for id in idlist: |
858 | imenddict[id] = '0' |
859 | if gotmend: |
860 | for n,line in enumerate(f): |
861 | ll = line.strip().split() |
862 | if n == 0: |
863 | head = [x.upper() for x in ll] # expect above |
864 | npos = head.index('N') |
865 | fidpos = head.index('FID') |
866 | iidpos = head.index('IID') |
867 | elif len(ll) >= npos: # full line |
868 | fid = ll[fidpos] |
869 | iid = ll[iidpos] |
870 | id = '%s%s%s' % (fid,idjoiner,iid) |
871 | nmend = ll[npos] |
872 | imenddict[id] = nmend |
873 | f.close() |
874 | else: |
875 | logf.write('## error No %s file - assuming not family data\n' % imendfile) |
876 | # ------------------sex check------------------ |
877 | #[rerla@hg fresh]$ head /home/rerla/fresh/database/files/dataset_978_files/CAMP2007Dirty.sexcheck |
878 | # sexcheck has FID IID PEDSEX SNPSEX STATUS F |
879 | ## |
880 | ## FID Family ID |
881 | ## IID Individual ID |
882 | ## PEDSEX Sex as determined in pedigree file (1=male, 2=female) |
883 | ## SNPSEX Sex as determined by X chromosome |
884 | ## STATUS Displays "PROBLEM" or "OK" for each individual |
885 | ## F The actual X chromosome inbreeding (homozygosity) estimate |
886 | ## |
887 | ## A PROBLEM arises if the two sexes do not match, or if the SNP data or pedigree data are |
888 | ## ambiguous with regard to sex. |
889 | ## A male call is made if F is more than 0.8; a femle call is made if F is less than 0.2. |
890 | try: |
891 | f = open(isexfile,'r') |
892 | got_sexcheck = 1 |
893 | except: |
894 | got_sexcheck = 0 |
895 | if got_sexcheck: |
896 | for n,line in enumerate(f): |
897 | ll = line.strip().split() |
898 | if n == 0: |
899 | head = [x.upper() for x in ll] # expect above |
900 | fidpos = head.index('FID') |
901 | iidpos = head.index('IID') |
902 | pedsexpos = head.index('PEDSEX') |
903 | snpsexpos = head.index('SNPSEX') |
904 | statuspos = head.index('STATUS') |
905 | fpos = head.index('F') |
906 | elif len(ll) >= fpos: # full line |
907 | fid = ll[fidpos] |
908 | iid = ll[iidpos] |
909 | fest = ll[fpos] |
910 | pedsex = ll[pedsexpos] |
911 | snpsex = ll[snpsexpos] |
912 | stat = ll[statuspos] |
913 | id = '%s%s%s' % (fid,idjoiner,iid) |
914 | isexdict[id] = (pedsex,snpsex,stat,fest) |
915 | f.close() |
916 | else: |
917 | # this only happens if there are no subjects! |
918 | logf.write('No %s file - assuming no sex errors' % isexfile) |
919 | ## |
920 | ## FID IID O(HOM) E(HOM) N(NM) F |
921 | ## 457 2 490665 4.928e+05 722154 -0.009096 |
922 | ## 457 3 464519 4.85e+05 710986 -0.0908 |
923 | ## 1037 2 461632 4.856e+05 712025 -0.106 |
924 | ## 1037 1 491845 4.906e+05 719353 0.005577 |
925 | try: |
926 | f = open(ihetfile,'r') |
927 | except: |
928 | f = None |
929 | logf.write('## No %s file - did we run --het in plink?\n' % ihetfile) |
930 | if f: |
931 | for i,line in enumerate(f): |
932 | ll = line.strip().split() |
933 | if i == 0: |
934 | head = [x.upper() for x in ll] # expect above |
935 | fidpos = head.index('FID') |
936 | iidpos = head.index('IID') |
937 | fpos = head.index('F') |
938 | n = 0 |
939 | elif len(ll) >= fpos: # full line |
940 | fid = ll[fidpos] |
941 | iid = ll[iidpos] |
942 | fhet = ll[fpos] |
943 | id = '%s%s%s' % (fid,idjoiner,iid) |
944 | ihetdict[id] = fhet |
945 | f.close() # now assemble and output result list |
946 | rhead = ['famId','iId','FracMiss','Mendel_errors','Ped_sex','SNP_sex','Status','XHomEst','F_Stat'] |
947 | res = [] |
948 | fres = [] # floats for sorting |
949 | for id in idlist: # for each snp in found order |
950 | fid,iid = id.split(idjoiner) # recover keys |
951 | f_missing = imissdict.get(id,'0.0') |
952 | nmend = imenddict.get(id,'0') |
953 | (pedsex,snpsex,status,fest) = isexdict.get(id,('0','0','0','0.0')) |
954 | fhet = ihetdict.get(id,'0.0') |
955 | res.append([fid,iid,f_missing,nmend,pedsex,snpsex,status,fest,fhet]) |
956 | try: |
957 | ff_missing = float(f_missing) |
958 | except: |
959 | ff_missing = 0.0 |
960 | try: |
961 | inmend = int(nmend) |
962 | except: |
963 | inmend = 0 |
964 | try: |
965 | ffest = float(fest) |
966 | except: |
967 | fest = 0.0 |
968 | try: |
969 | ffhet = float(fhet) |
970 | except: |
971 | ffhet = 0.0 |
972 | fres.append([fid,iid,ff_missing,inmend,pedsex,snpsex,status,ffest,ffhet]) |
973 | ntokeep = max(20,len(res)/keepfrac) |
974 | for i,col in enumerate(Tsorts): |
975 | fres.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(col)) |
976 | if Treverse[i]: |
977 | fres.reverse() |
978 | repname = Tnames[i] |
979 | Tops[repname] = fres[0:ntokeep] |
980 | Tops[repname] = [map(str,x) for x in Tops[repname]] |
981 | Tops[repname].insert(0,rhead) |
982 | res.sort() |
983 | res.insert(0,rhead) |
984 | logf.write('### writing %s report with %s' % ( outfile,res[0])) |
985 | f = open(outfile,'w') |
986 | f.write('\n'.join(['\t'.join(x) for x in res])) |
987 | f.write('\n') |
988 | f.close() |
989 | return res,Tops |
990 | |
991 | def markerRep(froot='cleantest',outfname="mrep",newfpath='.',logf=None,maplist=None ): |
992 | """by marker (hwe = .hwe, missingness=.lmiss, freq = .frq) |
993 | keep a list of marker order but keep all stats in dicts |
994 | write out a fake xls file for R or SAS etc |
995 | kinda clunky, but.. |
996 | TODO: ensure stable if any file not found? |
997 | """ |
998 | mapdict = {} |
999 | if maplist <> None: |
1000 | rslist = [x[1] for x in maplist] |
1001 | offset = [(x[0],x[3]) for x in maplist] |
1002 | mapdict = dict(zip(rslist,offset)) |
1003 | hwefile = '%s.hwe' % froot |
1004 | lmissfile = '%s.lmiss' % froot |
1005 | freqfile = '%s.frq' % froot |
1006 | lmendfile = '%s.lmendel' % froot |
1007 | outfile = os.path.join(newfpath,outfname) |
1008 | markerlist = [] |
1009 | chromlist = [] |
1010 | hwedict = {} |
1011 | lmissdict = {} |
1012 | freqdict = {} |
1013 | lmenddict = {} |
1014 | Tops = {} |
1015 | Tnames = ['Ranked Marker MAF', 'Ranked Marker Missing Genotype', 'Ranked Marker HWE', 'Ranked Marker Mendel'] |
1016 | Tsorts = [3,6,10,11] |
1017 | Treverse = [False,True,True,True] # so first values are worse(r) |
1018 | #res.append([rs,chrom,offset,maf,a1,a2,f_missing,hwe_all[0],hwe_all[1],hwe_unaff[0],hwe_unaff[1],nmend]) |
1019 | #rhead = ['snp','chrom','maf','a1','a2','missfrac','p_hwe_all','logp_hwe_all','p_hwe_unaff','logp_hwe_unaff','N_Mendel'] |
1020 | # -------------------hwe-------------------------- |
1021 | # hwe has SNP TEST GENO O(HET) E(HET) P_HWD |
1022 | # we want all hwe where P_HWD <> NA |
1023 | # ah changed in 1.04 to |
1024 | ## CHR SNP TEST A1 A2 GENO O(HET) E(HET) P |
1025 | ## 1 rs6671164 ALL 2 3 34/276/613 0.299 0.3032 0.6644 |
1026 | ## 1 rs6671164 AFF 2 3 0/0/0 nan nan NA |
1027 | ## 1 rs6671164 UNAFF 2 3 34/276/613 0.299 0.3032 0.6644 |
1028 | ## 1 rs4448553 ALL 2 3 8/176/748 0.1888 0.1848 0.5975 |
1029 | ## 1 rs4448553 AFF 2 3 0/0/0 nan nan NA |
1030 | ## 1 rs4448553 UNAFF 2 3 8/176/748 0.1888 0.1848 0.5975 |
1031 | ## 1 rs1990150 ALL 1 3 54/303/569 0.3272 0.3453 0.1067 |
1032 | ## 1 rs1990150 AFF 1 3 0/0/0 nan nan NA |
1033 | ## 1 rs1990150 UNAFF 1 3 54/303/569 0.3272 0.3453 0.1067 |
1034 | logf.write('## marker reports starting at %s\n' % timenow()) |
1035 | try: |
1036 | f = open(hwefile,'r') |
1037 | except: |
1038 | f = None |
1039 | logf.write('## error - no hwefile %s found\n' % hwefile) |
1040 | if f: |
1041 | for i,line in enumerate(f): |
1042 | ll = line.strip().split() |
1043 | if i == 0: # head |
1044 | head = [x.upper() for x in ll] # expect above |
1045 | try: |
1046 | testpos = head.index('TEST') |
1047 | except: |
1048 | testpos = 2 # patch for 1.04 which has b0rken headers - otherwise use head.index('TEST') |
1049 | try: |
1050 | ppos = head.index('P') |
1051 | except: |
1052 | ppos = 8 # patch - for head.index('P') |
1053 | snppos = head.index('SNP') |
1054 | chrpos = head.index('CHR') |
1055 | logf.write('hwe header testpos=%d,ppos=%d,snppos=%d\n' % (testpos,ppos,snppos)) |
1056 | elif len(ll) >= ppos: # full line |
1057 | ps = ll[ppos].upper() |
1058 | rs = ll[snppos] |
1059 | chrom = ll[chrpos] |
1060 | test = ll[testpos] |
1061 | if not hwedict.get(rs,None): |
1062 | hwedict[rs] = {} |
1063 | markerlist.append(rs) |
1064 | chromlist.append(chrom) # one place to find it? |
1065 | lpvals = 0 |
1066 | if ps.upper() <> 'NA' and ps.upper() <> 'NAN': # worth keeping |
1067 | lpvals = '0' |
1068 | if ps <> '1': |
1069 | try: |
1070 | pval = float(ps) |
1071 | lpvals = '%f' % -math.log10(pval) |
1072 | except: |
1073 | pass |
1074 | hwedict[rs][test] = (ps,lpvals) |
1075 | else: |
1076 | logf.write('short line #%d = %s\n' % (i,ll)) |
1077 | f.close() |
1078 | # ------------------missing-------------------- |
1079 | """lmiss has |
1081 | 1 rs12354060 0 73 0 |
1082 | 1 rs4345758 1 73 0.0137 |
1083 | 1 rs2691310 73 73 1 |
1084 | 1 rs2531266 73 73 1 |
1085 | # we want F_MISS""" |
1086 | try: |
1087 | f = open(lmissfile,'r') |
1088 | except: |
1089 | f = None |
1090 | if f: |
1091 | for i,line in enumerate(f): |
1092 | ll = line.strip().split() |
1093 | if i == 0: |
1094 | head = [x.upper() for x in ll] # expect above |
1095 | fracpos = head.index('F_MISS') |
1096 | npos = head.index('N_MISS') |
1097 | snppos = head.index('SNP') |
1098 | elif len(ll) >= fracpos: # full line |
1099 | rs = ll[snppos] |
1100 | fracval = ll[fracpos] |
1101 | lmissdict[rs] = fracval # for now, just that? |
1102 | else: |
1103 | lmissdict[rs] = 'NA' |
1104 | f.close() |
1105 | # ------------------freq------------------- |
1106 | # frq has CHR SNP A1 A2 MAF NM |
1107 | # we want maf |
1108 | try: |
1109 | f = open(freqfile,'r') |
1110 | except: |
1111 | f = None |
1112 | if f: |
1113 | for i,line in enumerate(f): |
1114 | ll = line.strip().split() |
1115 | if i == 0: |
1116 | head = [x.upper() for x in ll] # expect above |
1117 | mafpos = head.index('MAF') |
1118 | a1pos = head.index('A1') |
1119 | a2pos = head.index('A2') |
1120 | snppos = head.index('SNP') |
1121 | elif len(ll) >= mafpos: # full line |
1122 | rs = ll[snppos] |
1123 | a1 = ll[a1pos] |
1124 | a2 = ll[a2pos] |
1125 | maf = ll[mafpos] |
1126 | freqdict[rs] = (maf,a1,a2) |
1127 | f.close() |
1128 | # ------------------mend------------------- |
1129 | # lmend has CHR SNP N |
1130 | # we want N |
1131 | gotmend = True |
1132 | try: |
1133 | f = open(lmendfile,'r') |
1134 | except: |
1135 | gotmend = False |
1136 | for rs in markerlist: |
1137 | lmenddict[rs] = '0' |
1138 | if gotmend: |
1139 | for i,line in enumerate(f): |
1140 | ll = line.strip().split() |
1141 | if i == 0: |
1142 | head = [x.upper() for x in ll] # expect above |
1143 | npos = head.index('N') |
1144 | snppos = head.index('SNP') |
1145 | elif len(ll) >= npos: # full line |
1146 | rs = ll[snppos] |
1147 | nmend = ll[npos] |
1148 | lmenddict[rs] = nmend |
1149 | f.close() |
1150 | else: |
1151 | logf.write('No %s file - assuming not family data\n' % lmendfile) |
1152 | # now assemble result list |
1153 | rhead = ['snp','chromosome','offset','maf','a1','a2','missfrac','p_hwe_all','logp_hwe_all','p_hwe_unaff','logp_hwe_unaff','N_Mendel'] |
1154 | res = [] |
1155 | fres = [] |
1156 | for rs in markerlist: # for each snp in found order |
1157 | f_missing = lmissdict.get(rs,'NA') |
1158 | maf,a1,a2 = freqdict.get(rs,('NA','NA','NA')) |
1159 | hwe_all = hwedict[rs].get('ALL',('NA','NA')) # hope this doesn't change... |
1160 | hwe_unaff = hwedict[rs].get('UNAFF',('NA','NA')) |
1161 | nmend = lmenddict.get(rs,'NA') |
1162 | (chrom,offset)=mapdict.get(rs,('?','0')) |
1163 | res.append([rs,chrom,offset,maf,a1,a2,f_missing,hwe_all[0],hwe_all[1],hwe_unaff[0],hwe_unaff[1],nmend]) |
1164 | ntokeep = max(10,len(res)/keepfrac) |
1165 | |
1166 | def msortk(item=None): |
1167 | """ |
1168 | deal with non numeric sorting |
1169 | """ |
1170 | try: |
1171 | return float(item) |
1172 | except: |
1173 | return item |
1174 | |
1175 | for i,col in enumerate(Tsorts): |
1176 | res.sort(key=msortk(lambda x:x[col])) |
1177 | if Treverse[i]: |
1178 | res.reverse() |
1179 | repname = Tnames[i] |
1180 | Tops[repname] = res[0:ntokeep] |
1181 | Tops[repname].insert(0,rhead) |
1182 | res.sort(key=lambda x: '%s_%10d' % (x[1].ljust(4,'0'),int(x[2]))) # in chrom offset order |
1183 | res.insert(0,rhead) |
1184 | f = open(outfile,'w') |
1185 | f.write('\n'.join(['\t'.join(x) for x in res])) |
1186 | f.close() |
1187 | return res,Tops |
1188 | |
1189 | |
1190 | |
1191 | |
1192 | def getfSize(fpath,outpath): |
1193 | """ |
1194 | format a nice file size string |
1195 | """ |
1196 | size = '' |
1197 | fp = os.path.join(outpath,fpath) |
1198 | if os.path.isfile(fp): |
1199 | n = float(os.path.getsize(fp)) |
1200 | if n > 2**20: |
1201 | size = ' (%1.1f MB)' % (n/2**20) |
1202 | elif n > 2**10: |
1203 | size = ' (%1.1f KB)' % (n/2**10) |
1204 | elif n > 0: |
1205 | size = ' (%d B)' % (int(n)) |
1206 | return size |
1207 | |
1208 | |
1209 | if __name__ == "__main__": |
1210 | u = """ called in xml as |
1211 | <command interpreter="python"> |
1212 | rgQC.py -i '$input_file.extra_files_path/$input_file.metadata.base_name' -o "$out_prefix" |
1213 | -s '$html_file' -p '$html_file.files_path' -l '${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}/rg/bin/plink' |
1214 | -r '${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}/rg/bin/R' |
1215 | </command> |
1216 | |
1217 | Prepare a qc report - eg: |
1218 | print "%s %s -i birdlped -o birdlped -l qc.log -s htmlf -m marker.xls -s sub.xls -p ./" % (sys.executable,prog) |
1219 | |
1220 | """ |
1221 | progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) |
1222 | if len(sys.argv) < 9: |
1223 | print '%s requires 6 parameters - got %d = %s' % (progname,len(sys.argv),sys.argv) |
1224 | sys.exit(1) |
1225 | parser = OptionParser(usage=u, version="%prog 0.01") |
1226 | a = parser.add_option |
1227 | a("-i","--infile",dest="infile") |
1228 | a("-o","--oprefix",dest="opref") |
1229 | a("-l","--plinkexe",dest="plinke", default=plinke) |
1230 | a("-r","--rexe",dest="rexe", default=rexe) |
1231 | a("-s","--snps",dest="htmlf") |
1232 | #a("-m","--markerRaw",dest="markf") |
1233 | #a("-r","--rawsubject",dest="subjf") |
1234 | a("-p","--patho",dest="newfpath") |
1235 | (options,args) = parser.parse_args() |
1236 | basename = os.path.split(options.infile)[-1] # just want the file prefix to find the .xls files below |
1237 | killme = string.punctuation + string.whitespace |
1238 | trantab = string.maketrans(killme,'_'*len(killme)) |
1239 | opref = options.opref.translate(trantab) |
1240 | alogh,alog = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt') |
1241 | plogh,plog = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt') |
1242 | alogf = open(alog,'w') |
1243 | plogf = open(plog,'w') |
1244 | ahtmlf = options.htmlf |
1245 | amarkf = 'MarkerDetails_%s.xls' % opref |
1246 | asubjf = 'SubjectDetails_%s.xls' % opref |
1247 | newfpath = options.newfpath |
1248 | newfpath = os.path.realpath(newfpath) |
1249 | try: |
1250 | os.makedirs(newfpath) |
1251 | except: |
1252 | pass |
1253 | ofn = basename |
1254 | bfn = options.infile |
1255 | try: |
1256 | mapf = '%s.bim' % bfn |
1257 | maplist = file(mapf,'r').readlines() |
1258 | maplist = [x.split() for x in maplist] |
1259 | except: |
1260 | maplist = None |
1261 | alogf.write('## error - cannot open %s to read map - no offsets will be available for output files') |
1262 | #rerla@beast galaxy]$ head test-data/tinywga.bim |
1263 | #22 rs2283802 0 21784722 4 2 |
1264 | #22 rs2267000 0 21785366 4 2 |
1265 | rgbin = os.path.split(rexe)[0] # get our rg bin path |
1266 | #plinktasks = [' --freq',' --missing',' --mendel',' --hardy',' --check-sex'] # plink v1 fixes that bug! |
1267 | # if we could, do all at once? Nope. Probably never. |
1268 | plinktasks = [['--freq',],['--hwe 0.0', '--missing','--hardy'], |
1269 | ['--mendel',],['--check-sex',]] |
1270 | vclbase = [options.plinke,'--noweb','--out',basename,'--bfile',bfn,'--mind','1.0','--geno','1.0','--maf','0.0'] |
1271 | runPlink(logf=plogf,plinktasks=plinktasks,cd=newfpath, vclbase=vclbase) |
1272 | plinktasks = [['--bfile',bfn,'--indep-pairwise 40 20 0.5','--out %s' % basename], |
1273 | ['--bfile',bfn,'--extract %s.prune.in --make-bed --out ldp_%s' % (basename, basename)], |
1274 | ['--bfile ldp_%s --het --out %s' % (basename,basename)]] |
1275 | # subset of ld independent markers for eigenstrat and other requirements |
1276 | vclbase = [options.plinke,'--noweb'] |
1277 | plogout = pruneLD(plinktasks=plinktasks,cd=newfpath,vclbase = vclbase) |
1278 | plogf.write('\n'.join(plogout)) |
1279 | plogf.write('\n') |
1280 | repout = os.path.join(newfpath,basename) |
1281 | subjects,subjectTops = subjectRep(froot=repout,outfname=asubjf,newfpath=newfpath, |
1282 | logf=alogf) # writes the subject_froot.xls file |
1283 | markers,markerTops = markerRep(froot=repout,outfname=amarkf,newfpath=newfpath, |
1284 | logf=alogf,maplist=maplist) # marker_froot.xls |
1285 | nbreaks = 100 |
1286 | s = '## starting plotpage, newfpath=%s,m=%s,s=%s/n' % (newfpath,markers[:2],subjects[:2]) |
1287 | alogf.write(s) |
1288 | print s |
1289 | plotpage,cruft = makePlots(markers=markers,subjects=subjects,newfpath=newfpath, |
1290 | basename=basename,nbreaks=nbreaks,height=10,width=8,rgbin=rgbin) |
1291 | #plotpage = RmakePlots(markers=markers,subjects=subjects,newfpath=newfpath,basename=basename,nbreaks=nbreaks,rexe=rexe) |
1292 | |
1293 | # [titles[n],plotnames[n],outfnames[n] ] |
1294 | html = [] |
1295 | html.append('<table cellpadding="5" border="0">') |
1296 | size = getfSize(amarkf,newfpath) |
1297 | html.append('<tr><td colspan="3"><a href="%s" type="application/vnd.ms-excel">%s</a>%s tab delimited</td></tr>' % \ |
1298 | (amarkf,'Click here to download the Marker QC Detail report file',size)) |
1299 | size = getfSize(asubjf,newfpath) |
1300 | html.append('<tr><td colspan="3"><a href="%s" type="application/vnd.ms-excel">%s</a>%s tab delimited</td></tr>' % \ |
1301 | (asubjf,'Click here to download the Subject QC Detail report file',size)) |
1302 | for (title,url,ofname) in plotpage: |
1303 | ttitle = 'Ranked %s' % title |
1304 | dat = subjectTops.get(ttitle,None) |
1305 | if not dat: |
1306 | dat = markerTops.get(ttitle,None) |
1307 | imghref = '%s.jpg' % os.path.splitext(url)[0] # removes .pdf |
1308 | thumbnail = os.path.join(newfpath,imghref) |
1309 | if not os.path.exists(thumbnail): # for multipage pdfs, mogrify makes multiple jpgs - fugly hack |
1310 | imghref = '%s-0.jpg' % os.path.splitext(url)[0] # try the first jpg |
1311 | thumbnail = os.path.join(newfpath,imghref) |
1312 | if not os.path.exists(thumbnail): |
1313 | html.append('<tr><td colspan="3"><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % (url,title)) |
1314 | else: |
1315 | html.append('<tr><td><a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" hspace="10" align="middle">' \ |
1316 | % (url,imghref,title)) |
1317 | if dat: # one or the other - write as an extra file and make a link here |
1318 | t = '%s.xls' % (ttitle.replace(' ','_')) |
1319 | fname = os.path.join(newfpath,t) |
1320 | f = file(fname,'w') |
1321 | f.write('\n'.join(['\t'.join(x) for x in dat])) # the report |
1322 | size = getfSize(t,newfpath) |
1323 | html.append('</a></td><td>%s</td><td><a href="%s">Worst data</a>%s</td></tr>' % (title,t,size)) |
1324 | else: |
1325 | html.append('</a></td><td>%s</td><td> </td></tr>' % (title)) |
1326 | html.append('</table><hr><h3>All output files from the QC run are available below</h3>') |
1327 | html.append('<table cellpadding="5" border="0">\n') |
1328 | flist = os.listdir(newfpath) # we want to catch 'em all |
1329 | flist.sort() |
1330 | for f in flist: |
1331 | fname = os.path.split(f)[-1] |
1332 | size = getfSize(fname,newfpath) |
1333 | html.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a>%s</td></tr>' % (fname,fname,size)) |
1334 | html.append('</table>') |
1335 | alogf.close() |
1336 | plogf.close() |
1337 | llog = open(alog,'r').readlines() |
1338 | plogfile = open(plog,'r').readlines() |
1339 | os.unlink(alog) |
1340 | os.unlink(plog) |
1341 | llog += plogfile # add lines from pruneld log |
1342 | lf = file(ahtmlf,'w') # galaxy will show this as the default view |
1343 | lf.write(galhtmlprefix % progname) |
1344 | s = '\n<div>Output from Rgenetics QC report tool run at %s<br>\n' % (timenow()) |
1345 | lf.write('<h4>%s</h4>\n' % s) |
1346 | lf.write('</div><div><h4>(Click any preview image to download a full sized PDF version)</h4><br><ol>\n') |
1347 | lf.write('\n'.join(html)) |
1348 | lf.write('<h4>QC run log contents</h4>') |
1349 | lf.write('<pre>%s</pre>' % (''.join(llog))) # plink logs |
1350 | if len(cruft) > 0: |
1351 | lf.write('<h2>Blather from pdfnup follows:</h2><pre>%s</pre>' % (''.join(cruft))) # pdfnup |
1352 | lf.write('%s\n<hr>\n' % galhtmlpostfix) |
1353 | lf.close() |
1354 | |