1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | <project default="-deploy-ant" basedir="."> |
3 | <target name="-init-cl-deployment-env" if="deploy.ant.enabled"> |
4 | <property file="${deploy.ant.properties.file}" /> |
5 | <available file="${deploy.ant.docbase.dir}/WEB-INF/sun-web.xml" property="sun.web.present"/> |
6 | <available file="${deploy.ant.docbase.dir}/WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml" property="glassfish.web.present"/> |
7 | <available file="${deploy.ant.resource.dir}" property="has.setup"/> |
8 | <tempfile prefix="gfv3" property="gfv3.password.file" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> <!-- do not forget to delete this! --> |
9 | <echo message="AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${gfv3.password}" file="${gfv3.password.file}"/> |
10 | </target> |
11 | |
12 | <target name="-parse-sun-web" depends="-init-cl-deployment-env" if="sun.web.present"> |
13 | <tempfile prefix="gfv3" property="temp.sun.web" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> |
14 | <copy file="${deploy.ant.docbase.dir}/WEB-INF/sun-web.xml" tofile="${temp.sun.web}"/> |
15 | <!-- The doctype triggers resolution which can fail --> |
16 | <replace file="${temp.sun.web}"> |
17 | <replacetoken><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE]]></replacetoken> |
18 | <replacevalue><![CDATA[<!-- <!DOCTYPE]]></replacevalue> |
19 | </replace> |
20 | <replace file="${temp.sun.web}"> |
21 | <replacetoken><![CDATA[<sun-web-app]]></replacetoken> |
22 | <replacevalue><![CDATA[--> <sun-web-app]]></replacevalue> |
23 | </replace> |
24 | <xmlproperty file="${temp.sun.web}" validate="false"> |
25 | </xmlproperty> |
26 | <delete file="${temp.sun.web}"/> |
27 | <condition property="deploy.ant.client.url" value="${gfv3.url}${sun-web-app.context-root}" else="${gfv3.url}/${ant.project.name}"> |
28 | <isset property="sun-web-app.context-root"/> |
29 | </condition> |
30 | <condition property="deploy.context.root.argument" value="&contextroot=${sun-web-app.context-root}" else="/${ant.project.name}"> |
31 | <isset property="sun-web-app.context-root"/> |
32 | </condition> |
33 | </target> |
34 | <target name="-parse-glassfish-web" depends="-init-cl-deployment-env" if="glassfish.web.present"> |
35 | <tempfile prefix="gfv3" property="temp.gf.web" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> |
36 | <copy file="${deploy.ant.docbase.dir}/WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml" tofile="${temp.gf.web}"/> |
37 | <!-- The doctype triggers resolution which can fail --> |
38 | <replace file="${temp.gf.web}"> |
39 | <replacetoken><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE]]></replacetoken> |
40 | <replacevalue><![CDATA[<!-- <!DOCTYPE]]></replacevalue> |
41 | </replace> |
42 | <replace file="${temp.gf.web}"> |
43 | <replacetoken><![CDATA[<glassfish-web-app]]></replacetoken> |
44 | <replacevalue><![CDATA[--> <glassfish-web-app]]></replacevalue> |
45 | </replace> |
46 | <xmlproperty file="${temp.gf.web}" validate="false"> |
47 | </xmlproperty> |
48 | <delete file="${temp.gf.web}"/> |
49 | <condition property="deploy.ant.client.url" value="${gfv3.url}${glassfish-web-app.context-root}" else="${gfv3.url}/${ant.project.name}"> |
50 | <isset property="glassfish-web-app.context-root"/> |
51 | </condition> |
52 | <condition property="deploy.context.root.argument" value="&contextroot=${glassfish-web-app.context-root}" else="/${ant.project.name}"> |
53 | <isset property="glassfish-web-app.context-root"/> |
54 | </condition> |
55 | </target> |
56 | <target name="-no-parse-sun-web" depends="-init-cl-deployment-env" unless="sun.web.present"> |
57 | <property name="deploy.context.root.argument" value=""/> |
58 | </target> |
59 | <target name="-add-resources" depends="-init-cl-deployment-env" if="has.setup"> |
60 | <tempfile prefix="gfv3" property="gfv3.resources.dir" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> |
61 | <mkdir dir="${gfv3.resources.dir}"/> |
62 | <mkdir dir="${gfv3.resources.dir}/META-INF"/> |
63 | <copy todir="${gfv3.resources.dir}/META-INF"> |
64 | <fileset dir="${deploy.ant.resource.dir}"/> |
65 | </copy> |
66 | <jar destfile="${deploy.ant.archive}" update="true"> |
67 | <fileset dir="${gfv3.resources.dir}"/> |
68 | </jar> |
69 | <delete dir="${gfv3.resources.dir}"/> |
70 | </target> |
71 | <target name="-deploy-ant" depends="-parse-glassfish-web, -parse-sun-web, -no-parse-sun-web,-add-resources" if="deploy.ant.enabled"> |
72 | <antcall target="-deploy-without-pw"/> |
73 | <antcall target="-deploy-with-pw"/> |
74 | </target> |
75 | |
76 | <target name="-deploy-without-pw" unless="gfv3.password"> |
77 | <echo message="Deploying ${deploy.ant.archive}"/> |
78 | <tempfile prefix="gfv3" property="gfv3.results.file" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> <!-- do not forget to delete this! --> |
79 | <property name="full.deploy.ant.archive" location="${deploy.ant.archive}"/> |
80 | <get src="${gfv3.admin.url}/__asadmin/deploy?path=${full.deploy.ant.archive}${deploy.context.root.argument}&force=true&name=${ant.project.name}" |
81 | dest="${gfv3.results.file}"/> |
82 | <delete file="${gfv3.results.file}"/> |
83 | </target> |
84 | <target name="-deploy-with-pw" if="gfv3.password"> |
85 | <echo message="Deploying ${deploy.ant.archive}"/> |
86 | <tempfile prefix="gfv3" property="gfv3.results.file" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> <!-- do not forget to delete this! --> |
87 | <property name="full.deploy.ant.archive" location="${deploy.ant.archive}"/> |
88 | <get username="${gfv3.username}" password="${gfv3.password}" src="${gfv3.admin.url}/__asadmin/deploy?path=${full.deploy.ant.archive}${deploy.context.root.argument}&force=true&name=${ant.project.name}" |
89 | dest="${gfv3.results.file}"/> |
90 | <delete file="${gfv3.results.file}"/> |
91 | </target> |
92 | <target name="-undeploy-ant" depends="-init-cl-deployment-env" if="deploy.ant.enabled"> |
93 | <antcall target="-undeploy-without-pw"/> |
94 | <antcall target="-undeploy-with-pw"/> |
95 | </target> |
96 | |
97 | <target name="-undeploy-without-pw" unless="gfv3.password"> |
98 | <echo message="Undeploying ${deploy.ant.archive}"/> |
99 | <tempfile prefix="gfv3" property="gfv3.results.file" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> <!-- do not forget to delete this! --> |
100 | <get src="${gfv3.admin.url}/__asadmin/undeploy?name=${ant.project.name}" |
101 | dest="${gfv3.results.file}"/> |
102 | <delete file="${gfv3.results.file}"/> |
103 | </target> |
104 | <target name="-undeploy-with-pw" if="gfv3.password"> |
105 | <echo message="Undeploying ${deploy.ant.archive}"/> |
106 | <tempfile prefix="gfv3" property="gfv3.results.file" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> <!-- do not forget to delete this! --> |
107 | <get username="${gfv3.username}" password="${gfv3.password}" src="${gfv3.admin.url}/__asadmin/undeploy?name=${ant.project.name}" |
108 | dest="${gfv3.results.file}"/> |
109 | <delete file="${gfv3.results.file}"/> |
110 | </target> |
111 | </project> |