バージョン 19 (更新者: wu, 9 年 前)



Query without federated query engine:

Query 1':

Returned in several seconds.

Query 1":

error: Virtuoso RDFZZ Error DB.DBA.SPARQL_REXEC(' http://pharmgkb.bio2rdf.org/sparql', ...) has received result with unexpected variable name 'stubvar11'

Query 2':

Returned in several seconds.

Query 2":

error: Virtuoso S1T00 Error SR171: Transaction timed out

Query 3' & 3":

timed out

Query 4': Virtuoso 42000 Error SR596: Unable to place abnormally long XML tree, 2097151 elements are above 2097151 limit

Query 4":

returned results in several seconds.

Query 5' and 5":

Timed out.


q2" returned 20 results.

Query\time(ms) time 1 time 2 time 3 time 4time 5 average*
q1' 106410 105679 113187106585 108083106689
q1" 108018 105739 106222106766 108083106345
q2'3928 5202383347163905 4096
q2"112592 107546108052109186108462 1083121
q3' 106219 105742105523105226 105091105644
q3" 108731 106289106044106452 105464106062
q4' 19828 196641942120903 2082719935
q4"20195 19827196052063719793 19855
q5' 127694 124494167313171808 1556850
q5"142342 157255155935160175131282 0