バージョン 8 (更新者: wu, 9 年 前)



Query 1':

Returned in several seconds.

Query 1":

error: Virtuoso RDFZZ Error DB.DBA.SPARQL_REXEC(' http://pharmgkb.bio2rdf.org/sparql', ...) has received result with unexpected variable name 'stubvar11'

Query 2':

Returned in several seconds.

Query 2":

error: Virtuoso S1T00 Error SR171: Transaction timed out

Query 3' & 3":

timed out

Query 4': Virtuoso 42000 Error SR596: Unable to place abnormally long XML tree, 2097151 elements are above 2097151 limit

Query 4":

returned results in several seconds.

Query 5' and 5":

Timed out.


Query\time(ms) time 1 time 2 time 3 time 4time 5 average*
q1' 106410 105679 113187106585 1080839545
q1" 108018 105739 106222106766 1080839545
q247152 43902435694241843393 43321
q3 113629 108622109989109297 109796109426
q4 106218 108579109989107731 106713107310
q5792628 794677806516819745812255 801519